Pwuts / docker-mqtt-influx-template

Docker configuration to host a real-time message broker + time-series database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IoT services docker stack

  • Mosquitto - MQTT message broker

    • Listens on TCP port 1883
    • Management UI on port 8088 (🚀)
  • InfluxDB - time-series database

  • Telegraf - can forward messages/metrics from MQTT to InfluxDB, based on rules in telegraf/telegraf.conf

Default credentials for everything are hoco:verysecret.


Credentials can be set through environment variables at setup time and are used by docker-compose. After initial setup, these should not be changed, as changes are not propagated to configuration, with the exception of TELEGRAF_MQTT_PASSWORD.

  • ADMIN_USERNAME: default username to Mosquitto admin UI and InfluxDB
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD: default password to Mosquitto admin UI and InfluxDB
  • MQTT_ADMIN_USERNAME: Mosquitto admin API username
  • MQTT_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Mosquitto admin API password
  • INFLUXDB_DEFAULT_ORG: default InfluxDB organization
  • INFLUXDB_DEFAULT_BUCKET: default InfluxDB bucket
  • TELEGRAF_MQTT_PASSWORD: used by Telegraf to listen to MQTT traffic; telegraf user has rights to listen on all non-system topics
  • TELEGRAF_INFLUXDB_TOKEN: used by Telegraf to write to InfluxDB

Default usernames are hoco, default passwords are verysecret.

The system configuration for InfluxDB can also be adjusted through environment variables; these are read every time at start-up.

Other configuration can be set in these files:

  • dynsec_default.json: default Mosquitto users, groups & rights. Do not edit the {admin} user or credentials for the telegraf user unless you want stuff to break.
  • telegraf/telegraf.conf: MQTT -> InfluxDB forwarding rules etc.
  • mosquitto/mosquitto.conf: Mosquitto system configuration

After deployment

  • Clients/users/roles for MQTT can be created and managed in the management center
  • InfluxDB can be configured through the admin UI
  • Rules for forwarding metrics from MQTT to InfluxDB can only be set in telegraf/telegraf.conf unfortunately

How to develop/test

  1. Clone repo
  2. Make sure you have rights to use port 1883, or change the port in docker-compose.yml
  3. Comment/uncomment volume/bind mounts in docker-compose.yml
  4. Run docker-compose up
  5. Tweak the configuration

How to deploy

Generate secure passwords with your password manager or openssl rand -base64 [length]

Server with docker-compose

  1. Clone repo
  2. Set environment variables and/or adjust configuration
  3. Run docker-compose up -d


  1. Fork repo and adjust config files
  2. Stacks -> + Add stack -> Repository
  3. Configure stack with URL of your repository
  4. Set environment variables (under Environment variables)
  5. Deploy the stack


Docker configuration to host a real-time message broker + time-series database

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 92.6%Language:Dockerfile 7.4%