PushkraJ99 / GoogleDorkEngine

Introducing "Google Dork Engine" - your ultimate bug bounty tool! Discover vulnerabilities and sensitive information effortlessly. This website revolutionizes the process by allowing you to open multiple Google Dorks with just one click. Unleash the power of efficient bug hunting and secure your target with ease

Home Page:https://pushkraj99.github.io/GoogleDorkEngine/

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Introducing "Google Dork Engine" - your ultimate bug bounty tool! Discover vulnerabilities and sensitive information effortlessly. This website revolutionizes the process by allowing you to open multiple Google Dorks with just one click. Unleash the power of efficient bug hunting and secure your target with ease


Description for Dorks

Dork 1: Directory listing vulnerabilities intitle:index.of

Dork 2: Exposed Configuration files ext:xml | ext:conf | ext:cnf | ext:reg | ext:inf | ext:rdp | ext:cfg | ext:txt | ext:ora | ext:ini

Dork 3: Exposed Database files ext:sql | ext:dbf | ext:mdb

Dork 4: Exposed log files ext:log

Dork 5: Backup and old files ext:bkf | ext:bkp | ext:bak | ext:old | ext:backup

Dork 6: Login pages inurl:login

Dork 7: SQL errors intext:"sql syntax near" | intext:"syntax error has occurred" | intext:"incorrect syntax near" | intext:"unexpected end of SQL command" | intext:"Warning: mysql_connect()" | intext:"Warning: mysql_query()" | intext:"Warning: pg_connect()"

Dork 8: Publicly exposed documents ext:doc | ext:docx | ext:odt | ext:pdf | ext:rtf | ext:sxw | ext:psw | ext:ppt | ext:pptx | ext:pps | ext:csv

Dork 9: phpinfo() ext:php intitle:phpinfo "published by the PHP Group"

Dork 10: Find WordPress inurl:wp- | inurl:wp-content | inurl:plugins | inurl:uploads | inurl:themes | inurl:download

Dork 11: Install / Setup files inurl:readme | inurl:license | inurl:install | inurl:setup | inurl:config

Dork 12: Open Redirects inurl:redir | inurl:url | inurl:redirect | inurl:return | inurl:src=http | inurl:r=http

Dork 13: Apache STRUTS RCE ext:action | ext:struts | ext:do

Dork 14: .htaccess sensitive files inurl:"/phpinfo.php" | inurl:".htaccess" | inurl:"/.git" ' + targetDomain + ' -github

Dork 15: Find Subdomains site:*.' + targetDomain

Dork 16: Find Sub-Subdomains site:*.*.' + targetDomain

Dork 17: Find WordPress #2 inurl:wp-content | inurl:wp-includes ' + targetDomain

Dork 18: Test CrossDomain 'http://' + targetDomain + '/crossdomain.xml'

Dork 19: Check in ThreatCrowd 'http://threatcrowd.org/domain.php?domain=' + targetDomain

Dork 20: Search in Web Archive #1 '.' + targetDomain

Dork 21: Search in Web Archive #2 site:*.' + encodeURIComponent(site) + ')'

Dork 22: Certificate Transparency 'https://crt.sh/?q=%25.' + targetDomain

Dork 23: Search OpenBugBounty 'https://www.openbugbounty.org/search/?search=' + encodeURIComponent(site) + '&type=host'

Dork 24: Search WP Config Backup 'http://wwwb-dedup.us.archive.org:8083/cdx/search?url=' + encodeURIComponent(site) + '/&matchType=domain&collapse=digest&output=text&fl=original,timestamp&filter=urlkey:.*wp[-].*&limit=1000000&xx='

Dork 25: Search in Censys (IPv4) 'https://censys.io/ipv4?q=' + targetDomain

Dork 26: Search in Censys (Domain) 'https://censys.io/domain?q=' + targetDomain

Dork 27: Search in Censys (Certificates) 'https://censys.io/certificates?q=' + targetDomain

Dork 28: Search in SHODAN 'https://www.shodan.io/search?query=' + targetDomain

Dork 29: Vulnerable Servers inurl:"/geoserver/ows?service=wfs"

Dork 30: ArcGIS REST Services Directory intext:"ArcGIS REST Services Directory" intitle:"Folder: /"

Dork 31: wp-content Juicy Info inurl:/wp-content/uploads/wpo_wcpdf

Dork 32: main.yml file intitle:"index of "main.yml"

Dork 33: Admin Portal inurl:/admin.aspx

Dork 34: Wordpress Juicy file 1 inurl:/wp-content/uploads/wpo_wcpdf

Dork 35: File Upload inurl:uploadimage.php

Dork 36: Vulnerable Wordpress Plugin inurl:*/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/

Dork 37: Sensitive File intitle:index.of conf.php

Dork 38: Sharing API Info intitle:"Sharing API Info"

Dork 39: Sensitive Admin Backup intitle:"Index of" inurl:/backup/ "admin.zip"

Dork 40: Github API intitle:"index of" github-api

Dork 41: Wordpress Juicy file 2 inurl:wp-content/uploads/wcpa_uploads

Dork 42: Drupal Login inurl:user intitle:"Drupal" intext:"Log in" -"powered by"

Dork 43: Joomla Database/ inurl: /libraries/joomla/database/

Dork 44: Sql File inurl:"php?sql=select" ext:php

Dork 45: Wordpress Juicy file 3 inurl:"wp-content" intitle:"index.of" intext:wp-config.php

Dork 46: Remote procedure call protocol intext:"index of" inurl:json-rpc

Dork 47: Sensitive File intitle:"index of" "download.php?file="

Dork 48: jwks-rsa file intext:"index of" inurl:jwks-rsa

Dork 49: Wordpress Backup inurl:"wp-content" intitle:"index.of" intext:backup"

Dork 50: Mysql file intitle:index.of conf.mysql

Dork 51: Sensitive File intitle:"index of" "users.yml" | "admin.yml" | "config.yml"

Dork 52: Sensitive File intext:pom.xml intitle:"index of /"

Dork 53: Sensitive File intext:"Index of" intext:"/etc"

Dork 54: Sensitive File "sql" "parent" intitle:index.of -injection


Introducing "Google Dork Engine" - your ultimate bug bounty tool! Discover vulnerabilities and sensitive information effortlessly. This website revolutionizes the process by allowing you to open multiple Google Dorks with just one click. Unleash the power of efficient bug hunting and secure your target with ease



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