PurwadiPw / laramidtrans

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Laravel Midtrans/Veritrans Library


First, require the package in composer.json by

composer require pw/laramidtrans

After require the package, open config/app.php to add the ServiceProvider and Facade by following below:


For the convenience when using the package, you can optionally add the Facade too by

'Midtrans' => Pw\Midtrans\Facades\Midtrans::class,
'Veritrans' => Pw\Midtrans\Facades\Veritrans::class,

There are two facades because the endpoint of the services from Midtrans is different (Veritrans is the old one) and they already change their names to Midtrans. So, choose your partnership with Midtrans to choose the right Facade for you.


Before using the package, it's better to publish the config file first to make you can set the environment, server_key and client_key

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Pw\Midtrans\MidtransServiceProvider"

Running command above will copy a config file to your project directory config/midtrans.php and you can set the variable. To set the variables, it's better to put in the .env file rather than change it directly on the config file, so in your .env file put


based on your key that's on your midtrans dashboard.


You can create package instance easily by


This depends on what type of payment you will use for your payment method.

If you want to use the easiest way by using the facade but make sure to use the facade on top of your file.

Sample for Midtrans Facade

namespace you/project/namespace/controller;

use Midtrans;

class Payment extends Controller {
    public function purchase() {
        $transaction_details = [
            'order_id' => time(),
            'gross_amount' => 10000
        $customer_details = [
            'first_name' => 'User',
            'email' => 'user@gmail.com',
            'phone' => '08238493894'
        $custom_expiry = [
            'start_time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s O", time()),
            'unit' => 'day',
            'duration' => 2
        $item_details = [
            'id' => 'PROD-1',
            'quantity' => 1,
            'name' => 'Product-1',
            'price' => 10000

        // Send this options if you use 3Ds in credit card request
        $credit_card_option = [
            'secure' => true, 
            'channel' => 'migs'

        $transaction_data = [
            'transaction_details' => $transaction_details,
            'item_details' => $item_details,
            'customer_details' => $customer_details,
            'expiry' => $custom_expiry,
            'credit_card' => $credit_card_option,

        $token = Midtrans::getSnapToken($transaction_data);
        return $token;

Sample for Veritrans Facade

namespace you/project/namespace/controller;

use Veritrans;

class Payment extends Controller {
    public function purchase() {
        $transaction_details = [
            'order_id' => time(),
            'gross_amount' => 10000

        $customer_details = [
            'first_name' => 'User',
            'email' => 'user@gmail.com',
            'phone' => '08238493894'

        $custom_expiry = [
            'start_time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s O", time()),
            'unit' => 'day',
            'duration' => 2

        $item_details = [
            'id' => 'PROD-1',
            'quantity' => 1,
            'name' => 'Product-1',
            'price' => 10000

        $transaction_data = [
            'payment_type' => 'vtweb',
            'vtweb' => [
                'credit_card_3d_secure' => true
            'transaction_details' => $transaction_details,
            'item_details' => $item_details,
            'customer_details' => $customer_details

        $redirect_url = Veritrans::vtwebCharge($transaction_data);
        return $redirect_url;

Available Function



getSnapToken will take array data as parameter that passed to the function and will return string of token.


status function will take order_id in any type of data (preferable string or integer) type for requesting the status of payment.


approve function will take order_id in any type of data (preferable string or integer) and will return status_code.


cancel function will take order_id in any type of data (preferable string or integer) and will return status_code.


expire function will take order_id in any type of data (preferable string or integer).



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