PuercoPop / cleven

Cleven is an experimental game engine with volume graphics written in Common Lisp.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Cleven is an experimental game engine with volume graphics written in Common Lisp.

Volume rendering is a very attractive technique for displaying fire, smoke, clouds and other semi-transparent objects. Volume objects can have very complex internal structures. Creation, modification and editing of such objects can be quite simple and effective. In fact, the majority of 3D editing operations are similar to editing operations in 2D raster graphics.

Cleven's main goal is to explore new design approaches to video games and interactive visualization basing on the still unharnessed potential of volume graphics.

Cleven has nothing else but volume objects. However, this limitation helps drastically simplify its implementation: there is no mixed polygon-volume rendering, we deal with only one data format and so on.

So far, it has a simple slice-based OpenGL renderer with an orthographic projection, basic support of volume sprites and a simple converter from polygonal models to voxel maps.

Current status

Please note that Cleven is at an early stage of development. Many parts of the project have no optimization, are very slow and have rather simple, stupid straightforward solutions.

At present the following has been implemented:

  • Simple tiled renderer with orthographic projection.
  • Loading of volumes in the form of voxel maps: tiled raw raster data and a separate header file.
  • Basic support of volume sprites: adding to the game world, moving, rotation.
  • Converter from a polygonal model to a voxel map. Conversion is performed only for the geometry of the polygonal model. No textures or colors of vertexes/polygons are used.

Also, added a minimal Bullet Physics wrapper. Currently, it does nothing but initializes the physics system.

Cleven was tested on SBCL and GNU/Linux. Memory mapped voxel maps on Windows are not supported, but this support is planned.

Other issues and limitations are:

  • Rendering defects on boundaries of sprites tiles.
  • Implemented is only one light source: the sun.
  • Implemented is only one camera.
  • Many others. ;-)

Build and run

Install SDL 2.0, Bullet Physics, SBCL and Quicklisp.

Build Bullet Physics wrapper on GNU/Linux.

cd /path/to/cleven
cmake .

If you installed Bullet Physics to non-standard path use the following command.

cmake -D BULLET_ROOT=/path/to/bullet/root .

To build Bullet Physics wrapper on other systems, please consult your development environment documentation.

Run SBCL and install Common Lisp bindings for SDL 2.0 using Quicklisp. Also, install cl-fad and sb-cga.

(ql:quickload "sdl2")
(ql:quickload "cl-fad")
(ql:quickload "sb-cga")

Load the Cleven system.

(asdf:load-system :cleven)

Load the file sandbox.lisp, change the current package and run the Cleven sandbox.

(load "sandbox.lisp")
(in-package #:sandbox)

The default key binding in the sandbox:

  • Left, right: changes the camera azimuth, i.e. the camera is rotated in the horizontal plane and around the point *camera-location*.
  • Up, down: changes the camera tilt, i.e. the camera is rotated in the vertical plane and around the point *camera-location*.
  • +, -: zoom in and zoom out.
  • q: quit the sandbox.

Make the game world and add some sprites.

(make-global-world 256 256 256)
(defparameter *sprite* (make-sprite :sprite "/path/to/sprite"))
(defparameter *sprite2* (make-sprite :sprite2 "/path/to/sprite2"))
(wob :add-to-world *sprite* (vec 100 110 120))
(wob :add-to-world *sprite2* (vec 90 80 70))

See suzanne.lisp in the example directory.

To convert polygonal models to voxmaps install MeshLab, Teem. Conversion is preformed using io_voxels plugin for MeshLab. To build it you should also install VCG Library, MeshLab source code and Qt.

Install MeshLab and VCG Library source code in the parent directory of Cleven repository. If you install them in other places you should change paths in the file io_voxels.pro:

include (../../meshlab/src/shared.pri)
INCLUDEPATH += ../../meshlab/src ../../vcglib
LIBPATH += ../../meshlab/src/distrib
DESTDIR = ../../meshlab/src/distrib/plugins

Then build io_voxels plugin.

cd /path/to/cleven/io_voxels

Resampling of voxel data is performed during conversion using unu command-line tool from Teem. So make sure that it is in your search path (check PATH environment variable).

Run conversion using meshlabserver.

meshlabserver -i model.ply -o model.voxels

Conversion generates two files: model and model.voxels. The former file is a voxmap header, the latter is voxel data.

Road Map

  • Physics simulation using Bullet Physics Library.
  • Volumetric boolean operations and real-time volume data processing.
  • Visual effects: fire, smoke, particles.
  • Fracture simulation.
  • High-level game-oriented scripting language.
  • Multiplayer support.

Sample image



Cleven is an experimental game engine with volume graphics written in Common Lisp.

License:MIT License


Language:Common Lisp 77.5%Language:C++ 18.5%Language:C 3.6%Language:CMake 0.2%Language:QMake 0.1%