A hacked-out implementation of Conway's Game of Life, written in Vimscript.
It's not good code, it'll probably break if you install it, but hey, I had an unreasonable amount of fun writing it.
So if I haven't talked you out of trying it yet, here's how you use it. Try at your own peril.
" Vim-plug
Plug 'PsychoLlama/vim-gol', { 'on': 'GOL' }
" Vundle
Plugin 'PsychoLlama/vim-gol'
Starts a new blank game in a tab. The function of some main keys are changed to make interacting easier.
Places a pattern where your cursor is. For example, :GOLPattern glider
adds a glider.
Starts and stops the game, respectively.
Resets the game state back to an empty screen.
toggles play & pause- Both
add a pattern (:GOLPattern
) r
resets game state (:GOLReset
toggles the cell under your cursor