Proposterious / theology-numinous-experience

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Numinous Experience (Theology Project)

About My Project

A website explaining Otto's main arguments and Siddhartha's journey to help the reader
determine why one may or may not want to have a "numinous" experience.


Review: I want you to have some sense of what these words & phrases mean.

  • orthodoxy

  • numinous

  • creature-feeling

  • mysterium - A feeling of wonder towards a new experience/suddenly throw thyself towards this new intrigue
    with careful curiosity and with inexplicable awe

  • mysterium tremendum - 'daemonic dread' (16)

    • Step 1. Experience "Shudder", "Fear"
    • Step 2. Acknowledge thyself as equating to "near nothingness"
    • Step 3. Submerge thyself to then experience "creature-feeling" and awe at the world around you
  • mysterium fascinans

  • Wholly Other

What are the differences between all of these?

  • Rational
  • Irrational
  • Non-Rational

Prompts and Options from the Original Assessment

A conventional assessment might be a short test identify the author of several quotes, and write a short paragraph.
Another option would be to write about one of the prompts below.

Pick one from the list below. Write one page -- as a letter, if that helps. Use one quote from Otto.

  • Have you ever had what Otto would call a "numinous experience"? Describe the experience, and then how 1-2 of Otto's ideas seem to fit the experience -- or not. Remember that the numinous experience is the equivalent of a shadow cast by Something "objective and outside the self." (pages 10, bottom, and 11, bottom) Also, did Otto miss anything?

  • Why would someone want to HAVE a numinous experience?

  • Why would someone want to AVOID a numinous experience?

  • Why do "men shut their eyes," to such experiences?

  • Which two ideas in The Idea of the Holy do you see in the experiences of Siddhartha (e.g., rational/non-rational, the numinous, Wholly Other, creature-feeling, mysterium tremendum, mysterium fascinans)? Explain!

  • How can experiencing beauty be a numinous experience? (See Ch. 2, first paragraph, last sentence).

  • In your family/school/community/society, explain how the kinds of experiences described in The Idea of the Holy are

    • ...encouraged?
    • ...discouraged?
    • ...seen as spiritual in nature?
    • ...seen as a symptom of a medical condition requiring attention?



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