Princess-1 / dsc-managing-time-series-data-lab-online-ds-sp-000

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Managing Time Series Data - Lab


In the previous lesson, you learned that time series data are everywhere and working with time series data is an important skill for data scientists!

In this lab, you'll practice your previously learned techniques to import, clean, and manipulate time series data.

The lab will cover how to perform time series analysis while working with large datasets. The dataset can be memory intensive so your computer will need at least 2GB of memory to perform some of the calculations.


You will be able to:

  • Load time series data using Pandas and perform time series indexing
  • Perform data cleaning operation on time series data
  • Change the granularity of a time series

Let's get started!

Import the following libraries:

  • pandas, using the alias pd
  • pandas.tseries
  • matplotlib.pyplot, using the alias plt
  • statsmodels.api, using the alias sm
# Load required libraries

Loading time series data

The statsModels library comes bundled with built-in datasets for experimentation and practice. A detailed description of these datasets can be found here. Using statsModels, the time series datasets can be loaded straight into memory.

In this lab, we'll use the Atmospheric CO2 from Continuous Air Samples at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, U.S.A., containing CO2 samples from March 1958 to December 2001. Further details on this dataset are available here.

In the following cell:

  • We loaded the co2 dataset using the .load() method
  • Converted this into a pandas DataFrame
  • Renamed the columns
  • Set the 'date' column as index
# Load the 'co2' dataset from sm.datasets
data_set = sm.datasets.co2.load()

# load in the data_set into pandas dataframe
CO2 = pd.DataFrame(data=data_set['data'])
CO2.rename(columns={'index': 'date'}, inplace=True)

# set index to date column
CO2.set_index('date', inplace=True)


Let's check the data type of CO2 and also display the first 15 entries of CO2 as our first exploratory step.

# Print the data type of CO2 

# Display the first 15 rows of CO2

With all the required packages imported and the CO2 dataset as a dataframe ready to go, we can move on to indexing our data.

Date Indexing

While working with time series data in Python, having dates (or datetimes) in the index can be very helpful, especially if they are of DatetimeIndex type. Further details can be found here.

Display the .index attribute of the CO2 DataFrame:

# Confirm that date values are used for indexing purpose in the CO2 dataset 

The output above shows that our dataset clearly fulfills the indexing requirements. Look at the last line:

dtype='datetime64[ns]', length=2284, freq='W-SAT'

  • dtype=datetime[ns] field confirms that the index is made of timestamp objects.
  • length=2284 shows the total number of entries in our time series data.


Remember that depending on the nature of analytical question, the resolution of timestamps can also be changed to other frequencies. For this dataset we can resample to monthly CO2 consumption values. This can be done by using the .resample() method as seen in the earlier lesson.

  • Group the data into buckets representing 1 month using .resample() method
  • Call the .mean() method on each group (i.e. get monthly average)
  • Combine the result as one row per monthly group
# Group the time series into monthly buckets
CO2_monthly = None

# Take the mean of each group 
CO2_monthly_mean = None

# Display the first 10 elements of resulting time series

Looking at the index values, we can see that our time series now carries aggregated data on monthly terms, shown as Freq: MS.

Time-series Index Slicing for Data Selection

Slice our dataset to only retrieve data points that come after the year 1990.

# Slice the timeseries to contain data after year 1990 

Retrieve data starting from Jan 1990 to Jan 1991:

# Retrieve the data between 1st Jan 1990 to 1st Jan 1991

Missing Values

Find the total number of missing values in the dataset.

# Find the total number of missing values in the time series

Remember that missing values can be filled in a multitude of ways.

  • Replace the missing values in CO2_monthly_mean with a previous valid value
  • Next, check if your attempt was successful by checking for number of missing values again
# Perform backward filling of missing values
CO2_final = None

# Find the total number of missing values in the time series

Great! Now your time series data are ready for visualization and further analysis.


In this introductory lab, you learned how to load and manipulate time series data in Python using Pandas. You confirmed that the index was set appropriately, performed queries to subset the data, and practiced identifying and addressing missing values.




Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%