PrinceOfBorgo / picoCTF2018-roulette

Solution I made to solve picoCTF 2018 problem "roulette".

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picoCTF2018 - roulette


This Online Roulette Service is in Beta. Can you find a way to win $1,000,000,000 and get the flag? Source. Connect with nc 25443

Port may be different.


There are 2 bugs!

Problem description

Connecting to the server we can see a welcome page of a roulette service. We are assigned a random initial balance to start betting. We are asked to make our bet and to choose a number. That's enough, let's see the provided source code.

First let's see what we have to do in order to get the flag. As seen in the request we must gain one billion but, actually, it isn't enough... In main() we can see that two conditions must be satisfied to call print_flag() function: cash > ONE_BILLION and wins >= HOTSTREAK. The first condition sounds familiar but the second one tells us to win at least three times (HOTSTREAK = 3).

Our current balance is stored in cash variable that is initialized in main() calling get_rand() function:

long get_rand() {
    long seed;
    FILE *f = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
    fread(&seed, sizeof(seed), 1, f);
    seed = seed % 5000;
    if (seed < 0) seed = seed * -1;
    return seed;

seed variable is set to a random value obtained through the special file /dev/urandom then it is restricted to range [0, 4999] taking the remainder of division by 5000 and making the result positive. srand(seed) sets seed as the seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random integers to be returned by rand(). Finally the procedure returns seed.

This tell us that cash = seed so the balance we see running the remote service is, in fact, the seed used to initialize the sequence of results we will get calling rand() function. Knowing the seed we will try to predict what number will result after spinning the roulette (see Hard work section).

After setting cash and printing it to screen with the welcome message, the program enters in a while loop where we are asked to make our bet and to choose the number (choice) we hope to see after spinning the roulette.

bet and choice variables are set calling get_bet() and get_choice() respectively. Both functions work calling get_long() and doing a control on the result: get_bet() accepts bets that are less or equal to cash while get_choice() accepts choices in range [1, 36]. Let's look at get_long() function:

long get_long() {
    printf("> ");
    uint64_t l = 0;
    char c = 0;
        c = getchar();
    while(is_digit(c)) {
        if(l >= LONG_MAX) {
            l = LONG_MAX;
        l *= 10;
        l += c - '0';
        c = getchar();
    while(c != '\n')
        c = getchar();
    return l;

Initially c is not a digit (it is set to 0 that is the null character) so the function enters the first while and, since stdin is line buffered, get_char() will wait for us to press ENTER. At this point the program will start scanning the buffer one character at a time doing nothing if it is a non-digit (first while loop). When a digit is encountered the first loop ends and we enter the second one that will run until we get another non-digit character: the second loop will end and we will enter the third one that keeps ignoring every character until a \n (new line character) is found that is the end of the input string. This means that the core of the function is in the second loop: a 64-bit unsigned integer l is constructed appending a digit at a time, that is if l is 123 and the next digit is 4, then l will become 123*10 + 4 that is 1234. Before doing these operations, it is checked if l is less than LONG_MAX, otherwise it will be set to LONG_MAX and the while will be terminated. LONG_MAX is the maximum value a long variable can assume and depends on the system: a long variable is guaranteed to be at least 32 bits wide but in some systems it can be 64 bits, in particular, the remote application uses 32-bit integers as long variables (see Hard work section for details). We have to notice that get_long() returns a long variable (that is a 32-bit signed integer) while operations are executed on l that is a 64-bit unsigned integer. Moreover, checking l >= LONG_MAX is done before doing operations and not after, so we can have an l value that is less than LONG_MAX but after appending a digit it will become greater and, if the loop is interrupted, l will remain greater than LONG_MAX. This fact can be used to pass properly built values for l that, returned as long, will become negative. This will allow us to assign (almost) arbitrary values to bet (even negative ones), bypassing the condition bet <= cash in get_bet() function.

Returning to main(), after setting bet (and subtracting it from cash) and choice, play_roulette(choice, bet) is called:

void play_roulette(long choice, long bet) {

    printf("Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $%lu!\n", 2*bet);
    long spin = (rand() % ROULETTE_SIZE)+1;


    if (spin == choice) {
        cash += 2*bet;
        wins += 1;
    else {

Variable spin is randomly set to a value in [1, 36] (calling rand()) then a useless animation is performed in spin_roulette(spin) and if spin is equal to our choice we win, a random message is printed and wins variable is incremented by one. Otherwise two random messages are printed to screen.

Hard work

The two bugs the hint was referring to are these:

  1. the seed used for pseudo-random integer generation is visible in the original value of cash;
  2. get_long() function returns a signed integer while working on an unsigned one and constrains it to a maximum value only before doing operations.

I created an application (click here for source code) that takes as argument the seed we want to use to generate random numbers and, pressing ENTER, prints the numbers obtained spinning the roulette.

Now we can run the remote service, take note of the random generated seed (readable in our starting balance) and run spin_results with that same seed as argument. This way, pressing ENTER, we will get our first random spin result: using this as our choice in the remote service we will get our first win.
Let's see an example:

$ nc 25443
Here, have $2634 to start on the house! You'll lose it all anyways >:)

How much will you wager?
Current Balance: $2634 	 Current Wins: 0

The seed is 2634, so we run spin_results using this value as argument and then we press ENTER to get the first result:

$ ./spin_results 2634
Seed: 2634

Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
Spin: 18

Press ENTER to get the next spin result:

We can see that the result of the first spin is 18, this will be the same even in the remote application. Let's go all-in and bet on 18:

$ nc 25443
Here, have $2634 to start on the house! You'll lose it all anyways >:)

How much will you wager?
Current Balance: $2634 	 Current Wins: 0
> 2634
Choose a number (1-36)
> 18

Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $5268!

Roulette  :  18

You.. win.. this round...

How much will you wager?
Current Balance: $5268 	 Current Wins: 1

Notice that if we play and lose, the remote application will print two random messages while, winning, only one message will be printed. We can assume that we want to win every time so rand() function will be called only once (instead of twice) to print the random message. Hence spin_results will call rand() (just once) after printing the spin result.

Using the same approach we can easily obtain three wins to satisfy one of the conditions to get the flag (wins >= HOTSTREAK):

$ ./spin_results 2634
Seed: 2634

Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
Spin: 18

Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
Spin: 10

Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
Spin: 28

Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
$ nc 25443
Here, have $2634 to start on the house! You'll lose it all anyways >:)

How much will you wager?
Current Balance: $2634 	 Current Wins: 0
> 2634
Choose a number (1-36)
> 18

Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $5268!

Roulette  :  18

You.. win.. this round...

How much will you wager?
Current Balance: $5268 	 Current Wins: 1
> 5268
Choose a number (1-36)
> 10

Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $10536!

Roulette  :  10

Darn.. Here you go

How much will you wager?
Current Balance: $10536 	 Current Wins: 2
> 10536
Choose a number (1-36)
> 28

Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $21072!

Roulette  :  28


How much will you wager?
Current Balance: $21072 	 Current Wins: 3

One could think to use this method even to reach one billion but there is a problem: the roulette application sets a maximum number of wins to 16, after which we are kicked out. Since our initial balance is at most 4999 and we can at most double our current balance at each bet (going all-in), we got a maximum win of 4999 * 2^16 = 327614464 that is way less than one billion.

To get to one billion we must exploit the get_long() function. We already know that get_long() stores input into a 64-bit unsigned integer and returns a long variable (that is signed). First of all we have to know how many bits a long variable is in the remote system. To do this let's notice that we can pass a non-negative integer less than LONG_MAX and, appending another digit, we can bypass the condition l >= LONG_MAX (since l was the number before appending the last digit). Now we have a value greater than LONG_MAX, this means that as an unsigned long number, it will have the most significant bit set to 1 and, converting to long, this corresponds to a negative number. Hence, to prove that long is exactly 32 bits wide, we can evaluate LONG_MAX as 2^31 - 1 = 2147483647 = 0x7fffffff. Now we can pass as input the number LONG_MAX + 1 = 2^31 = 2147483648 = 0x80000000, press ENTER and see what happens:

  1. digits are read from left to right to build l;
  2. when we get to last but one digit we obtain l = 214748364 = 0x0ccccccc;
  3. the last character 8 is saved to c and results to be a digit;
  4. l is less than LONG_MAX (0x0ccccccc < 0x7fffffff) so we skip the if block;
  5. l becomes 214748364*10 + 8 = 2147483648 and another character is saved to c;
  6. c is \n so it isn't a digit, the current while is interrupted and the next one fails so l is returned as a long variable.

Now we can see that if long variables are more than 32 bits long nothing will happen to the result since 2147483648 = 2^31 could be represented as a positive signed integer of at least 33 bits (the most significant bit will be 0 so it will represent a positive number), instead the program will print this output:

Current Balance: $3891   Current Wins: 0
> 2147483648
Choose a number (1-36)
> 1

Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $0!

Roulette  :  29

Better luck next time...                                                             
Just give up!                                                                        
Haha, lost all the money I gave you already? See ya later!

We can see a 0 where we should read twice the amount we bet (0x80000000): this is because 2 * 0x80000000 = 0x100000000 = 2^32 is a 33-bit integer (in binary it is a 1 followed by 32 0's) hence the most significant bit (1) will be cut off to make it fit 32 bits resulting on a 32-bit integer of only 0's ((int32) 2^32 = 0x00000000 = 0), this confirms that the remote application treats long variables as 32-bit integers. Moreover we can see we have lost, this is because making the bet the program subtracts our bet from our current cash if bet <= cash. Since bet is a long variable (so it is signed) and it is equal to 0x80000000 (that has the sign bit set to 1), bet is interpreted as -2147483648 so the condition bet <= cash becomes -2147483648 <= 3891 that is true and so bet can be subtracted from cash: 3891 - (-2147483648) = 2147487539 = 0x80000f33 that is negative if seen as a long variable (most significant bit is 1). Our new balance is negative and so we will lose.

Our target is to pass an input (unsigned) such that converted to long (signed) becomes negative (so the most significant bit must be 1). This way bet will be always less than cash. Moreover, we want cash - bet to be greater than one billion (0x3b9aca00) so that losing a bet will make us gain money.

Let's call:

  • x the typed input without the last digit (that is the last value of l checked in l >= LONG_MAX);
  • X = x*10 + C the final input with C in [0, 9] the unit digit (so bet = (long) X);
  • Y the current value of cash.

Now it's time for some math:

  1. Our first constraint is x < LONG_MAX = 0x7fffffff = 2147483647, otherwise, appending C, the condition l >= LONG_MAX will fail;
  2. cash - bet must be greater than one billion:
     Y - X > 1000000000 = 0x3b9aca00
     --> -X > 0x3b9aca00 - Y
     --> X < Y - 0x3b9aca00 = Y + 0xc4653600 (two's complement)
     Since Y >= 1 --> X < 1 + 0xc4653600 --> X < 0xc4653601
     --> X <= 0xc4653600 = 3294967296
    Hence X <= 3294967296. This condition is stronger than condition 1 (x <= 329496729 < 2147483647);
  3. We also want cash - bet to be positive, so it must be less than or equal to LONG_MAX = 0x7fffffff:
     Y - X <= 0x7fffffff
     --> -X <= 0x7fffffff - Y
     --> X >= Y - 0x7fffffff = Y + 0x80000001 (two's complement)
     We got at most 15 wins (at 16 we are kicked out) so:
     Y <= 4999 * 2^15 = 163807232 --> X >= 163807232 + 0x80000001 --> X >= 0x89c38001
     --> X >= 0x89c38001 = 2311290881
    Hence X >= 2311290881.

So our input must be in range [2311290881, 3294967296]. This way we found an interval for our input that ensures us that bet will be interpreted as a negative number that, subtracted from cash, will make us gain one billion :D

N.B. theoretically we can have more than 4999 * 2^15 = 163807232 as our current balance, for example having cash = 1 and bet = 3294967297, losing the bet we get to exactly one billion (that is not sufficient to win, we have to overcome it): the point of the previous calculations is to find a good range to use if the only losing bet is the last one, i.e the one that bring us to one billion.


To get to the solution follow these steps:

  1. Run the remote application and take note of the starting balance value then use it as first argument running spin_results application (download it here or compile the source code with gcc spin_results.c -o spin_results);
  2. Press ENTER in spin_results to know what number you have to choose in order to win in the remote application. Use it in the remote application with any amount not greater than your current balance (e.g. use 0);
  3. Repeat step 2 other two times to obtain three wins;
  4. Set your bet to any amount in range [2311290881, 3294967296];
  5. You want to lose this bet: press ENTER in spin_results to know what number you must NOT choose in the remote application.
  6. Get your well deserved flag!


  • Run remote service and take note of starting balance:
      $ nc 25443
      Welcome to ONLINE ROULETTE!
      Here, have $49 to start on the house! You'll lose it all anyways >:)
      How much will you wager?
      Current Balance: $49     Current Wins: 0
  • Run spin_results using starting balance as argument and press ENTER three times:
      $ ./spin_results 49
      Seed: 49
      Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
      Spin: 5
      Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
      Spin: 20
      Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
      Spin: 22
      Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
  • Get three wins on roulette by making bets using the three predictions above (in that order):
      $ nc 25443
      Welcome to ONLINE ROULETTE!
      Here, have $49 to start on the house! You'll lose it all anyways >:)
      How much will you wager?
      Current Balance: $49     Current Wins: 0
      > 0       
      Choose a number (1-36)
      > 5
      Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $0!
      Roulette  :  5 
      You're not cheating are you?
      How much will you wager?
      Current Balance: $49     Current Wins: 1
      > 0
      Choose a number (1-36)
      > 20
      Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $0!
      Roulette  :  20
      Darn, you got it right.
      How much will you wager?
      Current Balance: $49     Current Wins: 2
      > 0
      Choose a number (1-36)
      > 22
      Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $0!
      Roulette  :  22
      Wow.. Nice One!
      How much will you wager?
      Current Balance: $49     Current Wins: 3
  • Get another prediction that you DO NOT want to use:
      $ ./spin_results 49
      Seed: 49
      Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
      Spin: 5
      Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
      Spin: 20
      Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
      Spin: 22
      Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
      Spin: 3
      Press ENTER to get the next spin result:
  • Bet any amount in [2311290881, 3294967296] on a number NOT equal to previous prediction:
      $ nc 25443
      Welcome to ONLINE ROULETTE!
      Here, have $49 to start on the house! You'll lose it all anyways >:)
      How much will you wager?
      Current Balance: $49     Current Wins: 0
      > 0       
      Choose a number (1-36)
      > 5
      Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $0!
      Roulette  :  5 
      You're not cheating are you?
      How much will you wager?
      Current Balance: $49     Current Wins: 1
      > 0
      Choose a number (1-36)
      > 20
      Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $0!
      Roulette  :  20
      Darn, you got it right.
      How much will you wager?
      Current Balance: $49     Current Wins: 2
      > 0
      Choose a number (1-36)
      > 22
      Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $0!
      Roulette  :  22
      Wow.. Nice One!
      How much will you wager?
      Current Balance: $49     Current Wins: 3
      > 2311290881
      Choose a number (1-36)
      > 1
      Spinning the Roulette for a chance to win $327614466!
      Roulette  :  3 
      Nice try..
      If you keep it up, maybe you'll get the flag in 100000000000 years
      *** Current Balance: $1983676464 ***
      Wow, I can't believe you did it.. You deserve this flag!
  • Flag: picoCTF{1_h0p3_y0u_f0uNd_b0tH_bUg5_8b7aef91}.


Solution I made to solve picoCTF 2018 problem "roulette".


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