Prince-GH / Express.js-Roadmap

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📚 Express.js Syllabus

Topic Description Link
Introduction to Express.js Overview of Express.js, Node.js web application framework, Middleware concept Link
Setting Up Express.js Installation, Creating a basic Express.js application, Directory structure, Entry point Link
Routing in Express.js Route definition, Route parameters, Route handlers, Route middleware, Route chaining Link
Middleware in Express.js Built-in middleware, Custom middleware, Error handling middleware, Third-party middleware Link
Handling Requests and Responses Handling HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), Parsing request body (urlencoded, JSON), Sending responses Link
Templating Engines Integrating templating engines (Pug, EJS, Handlebars), Rendering dynamic content Link
Express.js and MongoDB Integration with MongoDB, Connecting to MongoDB from Express.js, CRUD operations Link
Authentication in Express.js Authentication strategies (JWT, OAuth, Passport.js), User authentication and authorization, Session management Link
Error Handling in Express.js Centralized error handling, Custom error handling middleware, Error responses Link
File Uploads Handling file uploads in Express.js, Multer middleware, Configuring file upload options Link
WebSockets in Express.js WebSocket protocol, Integrating WebSockets with Express.js, library Link
RESTful APIs Designing RESTful APIs with Express.js, Resource endpoints, HTTP methods, Handling requests and responses Link
Testing Express.js Applications Unit testing with Mocha and Chai, Integration testing with SuperTest, Mocking HTTP requests and responses Link
Performance Optimization Optimizing Express.js applications, Caching strategies, Load balancing, Minification and compression, Profiling and monitoring tools Link
Express.js and Microservices Building microservices with Express.js, Separation of concerns, Communication between microservices, API gateway Link
Serverless Deployment with Express.js Deploying Express.js applications on serverless platforms (AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions), Serverless framework integration Link
GraphQL with Express.js Integrating GraphQL with Express.js, Apollo Server for Express.js, Schema definition, Resolvers, Query execution Link
Real-Time Applications with Express.js and WebSockets Building real-time applications with Express.js and WebSockets, Broadcasting events, Handling real-time data updates Link
