Preocts / braghook

Bragging can be good.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python 3.8 | 3.9 | 3.10 | 3.11 | 3.12 Code style: black pre-commit status Python tests


Recording daily achievements and posting them places. Running braghook will open a file in the editor of choice for the current day. Once completed you will be prompted to send the brag to the configuration file defined targets.


  • Discord (embed or code-block)
  • Microsoft Teams
  • GitHub Gist (appends new file to secret gist)


From repo:

python -m pip install .

From GitHub:

pip install git+

From curl:

curl -O

Note: "/main/" in the path can be replaced with desired tag/branch. The module is completely stand-alone and can be invoked directly.


braghook --help
usage: braghook [-h] [--send] [--createconfig] [--bragfile BRAGFILE] [--config CONFIG]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --send               Send the brag
  --createconfig       Create the config file
  --bragfile BRAGFILE  The brag file to use
  --config CONFIG      The config file to use

Config file:

workdir = .
editor = vim
editor_args =
author = yourname
author_icon =
discord_webhook =
discord_webhook_plain =
msteams_webhook =
github_url =
github_user =
github_pat =
gist_id =
openweathermap_url =
field value required
workdir Target path for new brag files yes
editor Which editor to open yes
editor_args Multiline of optional editor arguments no
author Your name, used in webhook posts, where applicable no
authorh_icon URL to icon for webhook, where applicable no
discord_webhook URL of discord webhook - formatted as embed no
discord_webhook_plain URL of discord webhook - posted as code-block no
msteams_webhook URL of msteams webhook connector no
github_url URL to GitHub API (default: no
github_user GitHub user name no
github_pat GitHub personal access token with Gist read/write permission no
gist_id Gist ID to add brag file to no
openweathermap_url OpenWeatherMap url with api key to pull current weather no

note: github_user, github_pat, and gist_id are all jointly required if used


When provided, braghook will poll OpenWeatherMap on each edit of the brag file. The current weather information will be appended to the bottom of the current file. This happens when the file is closed, ensures a newline between the last line enter and after.

This feature expects an OpenWeatherMap current weather endpoint such as:[your_zipcode],us&appid=[your_api_here]

The output line looks like this:

min: -9.0°C, max: -7.3°C, feels like: -12.8°C, humidity: 87%, pressure: 1022hPa

You will need to provide an API key. They are free with a registered account and allow 60 pulls per hour.

Local developer installation

It is strongly recommended to use a virtual environment (venv) when working with python projects. Leveraging a venv will ensure the installed dependency files will not impact other python projects or any system dependencies.

The following steps outline how to install this repo for local development. See the file in the repo root for information on contributing to the repo.

Windows users: Depending on your python install you will use py in place of python to create the venv.

Linux/Mac users: Replace python, if needed, with the appropriate call to the desired version while creating the venv. (e.g. python3 or python3.8)

All users: Once inside an active venv all systems should allow the use of python for command line instructions. This will ensure you are using the venv's python and not the system level python.

Installation steps


This repo has a Makefile with some quality of life scripts if the system supports make. Please note there are no checks for an active venv in the Makefile. If you are on Windows you can install make using scoop or chocolatey.

PHONY Description
install-dev install development/test requirements and project as editable install
coverage Run tests with coverage, generate console report
build-dist Build source distribution and wheel distribution
clean Deletes build, nox, coverage, pytest, mypy, cache, and pyc artifacts

Clone this repo and enter root directory of repo:

$ git clone
$ cd braghook

Create the venv:

$ python -m venv venv

Activate the venv:

# Linux/Mac
$ . venv/bin/activate

# Windows
$ venv\Scripts\activate

The command prompt should now have a (venv) prefix on it. python will now call the version of the interpreter used to create the venv

Install editable library and development requirements:

With Makefile:

make install-dev

Without Makefile:

$ python -m pip install --editable .[dev,test]

Install pre-commit (see below for details):

$ pre-commit install

Misc Steps

Run pre-commit on all files:

$ pre-commit run --all-files

Run tests (quick):

$ pytest

Run tests (slow):

$ nox

Build dist:

$ python -m pip install --upgrade build

$ python -m build

To deactivate (exit) the venv:

$ deactivate

A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.

This repo is setup with a .pre-commit-config.yaml with the expectation that any code submitted for review already passes all selected pre-commit checks. pre-commit is installed with the development requirements and runs seemlessly with git hooks.

Error: File "" not found.

If you recieve this error while installing an editible version of this project you have two choices:

  1. Update your pip to at least version 22.3.1
  2. Add the following empty to the project if upgrading pip is not an option
from setuptools import setup



Bragging can be good.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%