Prem Kumar Ambrose (PremKumarAmbrose)


Geek Repo

Location:Milan, Italy

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Prem Kumar Ambrose's repositories


This repository consists of files required to set up an IoT system, based on an Arduino Yun board, which manages the automatic irrigation of a small vegetable garden, depending on the detection of environmental conditions (temperature, humidity & moisture) and the choice (by the user) of a particular crop to be managed. Notification of all the data and possible alarm situations through a dynamic and interactive web page and a e-mailing system. Arduino Yun works as a web server by locally hosting from the microSD card.



This is a PCB component Pick and Place robot with motor controls for XYZ axis, orientation and tweezer. This system is developed with a PIC microcontroller (PIC18F452). Three stepper motors are used for the XYZ axis, another stepper motor for the orientation. A servo motor is used for the Tweezers. The HMI is command line based. There are preset values of the component positions and orientations in the code. This can be changed, also the HMI gives the option to add or remove components and change of loop sequence.



30 Days of React challenge is a step by step guide to learn React in 30 days. These videos may help too:



A CNN based image classifier in which an alternative layer for the Pooling is used, which is called Chebyshev Pooling layer.
