Preffet / quote-generator

This is a simple random quote generator built using JS, HTML and CSS. It was created for freecodecamp "Front End Development Libraries" course "Random Quote Machine" assignment. :)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project is a solution to freecodecamp "Front End Development Libraries" course "Random Quote Machine" assignment.


Random Quote Machine

Objective: Build a app that is functionally similar to this:

Fulfill the below user stories and get all of the tests to pass. Give it your own personal style.

You can use any mix of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, SASS, React, Redux, and jQuery to complete this project.

User Story #1: I can see a wrapper element with a corresponding id="quote-box".

User Story #2: Within #quote-box, I can see an element with a corresponding id="text".

User Story #3: Within #quote-box, I can see an element with a corresponding id="author".

User Story #4: Within #quote-box, I can see a clickable element with a corresponding id="new-quote".

User Story #5: Within #quote-box, I can see a clickable a element with a corresponding id="tweet-quote".

User Story #6: On first load, my quote machine displays a random quote in the element with id="text".

User Story #7: On first load, my quote machine displays the random quote's author in the element with id="author".

User Story #8: When the #new-quote button is clicked, my quote machine should fetch a new quote and display it in the #text element.

User Story #9: My quote machine should fetch the new quote's author when the #new-quote button is clicked and display it in the #author element.

User Story #10: I can tweet the current quote by clicking on the #tweet-quote a element. This a element should include the "" path in its href attribute to tweet the current quote.

User Story #11: The #quote-box wrapper element should be horizontally centered. Please run tests with browser's zoom level at 100% and page maximized.

Note: Twitter does not allow links to be loaded in an iframe. Try using the target="_blank" or target="_top" attribute on the #tweet-quote element if your tweet won't load. target="_top" will replace the current tab so make sure your work is saved.


This is a simple random quote generator built using JS, HTML and CSS. It was created for freecodecamp "Front End Development Libraries" course "Random Quote Machine" assignment. :)


Language:JavaScript 69.6%Language:HTML 30.4%