The oldest source code I've managed to keep until now. Pure Turbo Pascal, pure fun.
I was 14 years old. It features shared global mutable state and probably all antipatterns you have ever heard about. But for me it's the best code I've ever written.
Find & Destroy. Stunning itro, dynamic graphics, but there's nothing more unfortunately.
Enter size of the grid, enter number of mines and play the classical Windows game.
Multiplayer worms game where the goal is not to crash. The last one wins. Worms can also fire bricks or what is that.
Somehow handles collisions of a pool cue ball with cushions.
BGI error: Graphics not initialized (use "initgraph")
Tic-tac-toe made by Mega Game Center!
Ball bouncing game controlled by mouse.
Stone-stealing game featuring computer player.
Thrilling game of a fly jumping from one shrinking lotus leaf to another, trying to collect as many gems as possible while running away from frog. Named by and dedicated to the current Slovak f*cking prime minister Vladimir Meciar.
Multiplayer games of tanks shooting at each other.
BGI error: Graphics not initialized (use "initgraph")
BGI error: Graphics not initialized (use "initgraph")