Pravesh-Jamgade / calipers

Criticality-aware Framework for Modeling Computer Performance

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Calipers is a tool for modeling processor performance through event-dependence graphs. Calipers takes the program's dynamic instruction trace and a configuration file containing microarchitectural and ISA specifications of the processor. It constructs a graph that models the dependency and latency between microarchitectural events. Calipers then calculates the performance (cycles per instruction) and provides the breakdown of bottlenecks through graph analysis.

For more information, please refer to our publication, "Calipers: A Criticality-aware Framework for Modeling Processor Performance," in Proceedings of the 36th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS '22). (extended version on arXiv)

A recording of the ICS'22 conference presentation is available on YouTube.

Build Instructions

The code has no particular dependencies and can be built with make:

git clone
cd calipers

The code has been built and tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

Usage Instructions

./calipers config_file trace_file result_file


cd build
./calipers ../demo/InO.cfg ../demo/sample1.trace ./result_InO.txt
./calipers ../demo/OoO.cfg ../demo/sample2.trace ./result_OoO.txt

Directory Structure

  • demo: Contains sample configuration and trace files. Please refer to under this directory for more details.
  • src: Contains the source code of the project:
    • branch_predictor: Branch prediction information can be either provided through the trace or obtained from a model. The models are placed in this directory. Currently, it only contains a statistical model with configurable accuracy.
    • common: Contains the main and utility functions as well as defined constants and data types.
    • graph: Contains the graph-based modeler and analyzer for an in-order and an out-of-order processor. The latter also has a memory-efficient (advanced) implementation.
    • memory: Load and store information can be either provided through the trace or obtained from a model. The models are placed in this directory. Currently, it contains an ideal model (single-cycle loads/stores), a statistical model (configurable load/store hit rate and hit/miss cycles), and a real model (analytical two-layer cache with configurable size, associativity, and load/store hit/miss cycles).
    • trace: Contains the trace reader/parser. Currently, the RISC-V ISA is supported.

Design Space Exploration

There are two ways for exploring new processor designs:

  1. For a given processor model (such as the ones implemented in inorder_core_graph.cpp and o3_core_graph.cpp, the exposed parameters (such as the ones specified in InO.cfg and OoO.cfg for the implemented models) can be varied to configure new designs.
  2. A processor model in Calipers essentially consists of microarchitectural events (graph vertices) and dependencies between them (graph edges and their weights) caused by data, control, and structural hazards. Therefore, new processors can be modeled by varying the events and/or dependencies between them. For example, in-order issue constraint is modeled by:
Vertex execute_vertex(VertexType::InstrExecute, instrCount);
Vertex prev_execute_vertex(VertexType::InstrExecute, instrCount - 1);
OutgoingEdge in_order_issue(execute_vertex, 0);
addEdge(prev_execute_vertex, in_order_issue);

in modelPipeline in inorder_core_graph.cpp, whereas out-of-order issue is modeled by first obtaining a scheduling list for the vertices of type VertexType::InstrExecute in o3_core_graph.cpp according to data and control dependencies.

Sample What-if Scenarios

Designers often face what-if scenarios when exploring new designs, e.g., how much a specific component of the core is worth optimizing. Such scenarios can be evaluated in Calipers by manipulating the graph vertices and edges and/or adjusting edge weights.

  • Example 1: branch prediction. As discussed in our paper, the effect of improving the branch predictor can be evaluated by transforming the edge EnFn+1 to FnFn+1, where instruction n is a branch. Therefore, by adjusting the mispredicted condition in the following code block (derived from modelPipeline in o3_core_graph.cpp), we can model different scenarios. For example, by setting mispredicted to false all the time, a perfect branch predictor is modeled.
Vertex fetch_vertex(VertexType::InstrFetch, instrCount);
if (mispredicted)
    Vertex prev_branch_vertex(VertexType::InstrExecute, instrCount - 1);
    OutgoingEdge mispredicted_fetch(fetch_vertex, misprdecited_fetch_weight);
    addEdge(prev_branch_vertex, mispredicted_fetch);
    Vertex prev_fetch_vertex(VertexType::InstrFetch, instrCount - 1);
    OutgoingEdge in_order_fetch(fetch_vertex, in_order_fetch_weight);
    addEdge(prev_fetch_vertex, in_order_fetch);
  • Example 2: value prediction. Value prediction enables instructions to continue execution even before the source data, particularly from an earlier load, is available. Since value prediction demands chip resources, it is crucial to know which loads and what fraction of them should be value-predicted for higher performance gains. Calipers models data dependency from instruction n to instruction m by the edge EnEm. Removing such an edge means instruction n is correctly value-predicted. Different criteria for performing value prediction can be evaluated by removing the corresponding edges. For example, setting is_value_predicted in the following code block (derived from trackDataDependencies in o3_core_graph.cpp) should be done according a particular criterion for selecting to-be-value-predicted loads.
if (reg_written_by_load && !is_value_predicted)
    Vertex execute_vertex(VertexType::InstrExecute, instrCount);
    Vertex prev_mem_vertex(VertexType::MemExecute, load_num);
    OutgoingEdge dependence_edge(execute_vertex, data_weight);
    addEdge(prev_mem_vertex, dependence_edge);

Leveraging Vectorization

Calipers introduces vectorized graphs, wherein a vector of weights instead of a scalar value can be assigned to each edge. Vectorization allows multiple configurations to be modeled and analyzed simultaneously. Using vectorization, Calipers does not need to construct the graph from scratch in N separate runs, i.e., using N separate threads of execution, for N configurations.

The width of the edge-weight vectors, VECTOR_WIDTH, is defined in calipers_defs.h. As an example, assume that we want to model three different decode cycles simultaneously. Therefore, VECTOR_WIDTH is set to 3. The decode edge can be created as follows:

Vertex fetch_vertex(VertexType::InstrFetch, instrCount);
Vertex dispatch_vertex(VertexType::InstrDispatch, instrCount);
int64_t decode_vec[VECTOR_WIDTH] = {base_weight, base_weight + 1, base_weight + 2};
OutgoingEdge fetch_after_dispatch(dispatch_vertex, Vector(decode_vec, VECTOR_WIDTH));
addEdge(fetch_vertex, fetch_after_dispatch);

In this example, other edges can be created as if their weights were scalars. For them, the elements of the weight vector will have the same value.


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Criticality-aware Framework for Modeling Computer Performance

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 98.4%Language:C 1.4%Language:Makefile 0.3%