PranavaM1102 / Systolic-array-Multilier-using_VHDL

Systolic array multilier

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Array Multiplier Verilog Repository

This repository contains Verilog files for an array multiplier module and a testbench for simulating its functionality. The array multiplier is designed to perform multiple multiplications concurrently using MAC (Multiply-Accumulate) units.


  • Array_multiplier.v: This Verilog module implements the array multiplier. It takes multiple pairs of 32-bit input data values and calculates their multiplications concurrently, producing multiple 64-bit output values.

  • Array_multiplier_tb.v: This is the testbench for the Array_multiplier module. It provides input values and simulates the behavior of the multiplier, capturing the output results for verification.

  • mac1.v: This Verilog module represents a Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) unit. It takes two 32-bit input data values, multiplies them, and accumulates the result.

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone

Navigate to the repository directory:

cd array-multiplier Simulate the Array_multiplier module using a Verilog simulator (e.g., ModelSim or XSIM):

verilog Array_multiplier_tb.v This will run the testbench and produce simulation results.

Review the simulation results to ensure that the Array_multiplier module behaves as expected.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how you can use the Array_multiplier module in your own Verilog project:

  // Instantiate the Array_multiplier module
  Array_multiplier multiplier_inst(
.dataa1(data1), // Provide your 32-bit input data values
.clk(clock),   // Connect to your clock signal
.rst(reset),   // Connect to your reset signal
.adder_out1(output1), // Capture the 64-bit output results

// Simulate and verify the behavior of the multiplier module Feel free to modify and use these Verilog files in your own projects. If you have any questions or encounter issues, please open an issue in this repository.

Happy Verilog coding!


Systolic array multilier


Language:Verilog 100.0%