PranabZz / Encryption-Decryption

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple program to understand the concept of encrption and decryption.

How to run the program

To add content in your file open the password.c file. The file will be encrypted and the content will then be kept in a text file password.txt.
To decrypt the file open the file manager.c and the content of the file will be decrpted and will be stored in man.txt.

How the Encrytpion work:

Once the user inputs thier required content it is then stored in the file now the we read evey character from the file and add key value i.e 100 to every character so that if someone opens the file does not show the actucal content.

How the Decrytpion work:

In the same way as encryption we now subtract the key value i.e 100 and store in man.txt file and decrypt the content.

You can change the key value in the sourse code, make sure you add and subtract the same exact key value for both encryption and decryption



Language:C 100.0%