Prakti / ocrkata

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pseudo OCR

Szenario Description

You work for a bank, which has recently purchased an ingenious machine to assist in reading letters and faxes sent in by branch offices. The machine scans the paper documents, and produces a file with a number of entries which each look like this:

  _  _     _  _  _  _  _
| _| _||_||_ |_   ||_||_|
||_  _|  | _||_|  ||_| _|

Each entry is 4 lines long, and each line has 27 characters. The first 3 lines of each entry contain an account number written using pipes and underscores, and the fourth line is blank. Each account number should have 9 digits, all of which should be in the range 0-9. A normal file contains around 500 entries.

Your Task

Your first task is to write a program that can take this file and parse it into actual account numbers.


  • Input:
    _  _  _  _  _  _     _ 
|_||_|| || ||_   |  |  ||_ 
  | _||_||_||_|  |  |  | _| 

  • Ouput: 490067715

Dojo Mode (Randori Style)

  • Pairing and Timeboxing
    • The driver has the keyboard and has control what is written
    • The navigator helps to keep the overview and has the right to stop him
    • Everyone else is just spectator
    • Timebox is 5 Minutes
    • After the timebox the driver rejoins the audience and the navigator becomes the driver
  • Test Driven Design
    • Identify a sub-problem of the whole kata
    • Write the smallest possible test that solves a sub-problem
    • Make the test green
    • Refactor code but keep the test green
    • Babystepping: solve the smallest possible sub-problem at a time


  • Example Testdata is located in the data directory
  • Your solution should either read input via std-in or should take a filename as the first parameter and then reading input from that file.
  • Your solution should either write output to std-out or should take a filename as the first or second parameter and write output to that file.
  • Start with a test for a function that receives three strings and either returns the digit "8" or returns an error.
