Prajwalgn-07 / learn_C_plus_plus

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This repository contains the revision deatils of the C++ language. and also details of new concepts in C++.

Table of Contents

1. Day1

- C++ compilation process
- Namespace
- Scope resolution operator
- Implicit type conversion

2. Day2

- Call by reference and return by reference
- Function overloading and inline function
- Creation of class and objects
- Access specifiers
- Friend Function
- Objects as function arguments

3. Day3

- Constructors, Parameterized constructors, Copy constructors
- Destructors
- Operator overloading

4. Day4

- Inheritance
- Types of Inheritance
- Constructor and Destructor in Inheritance
- Virtual Base Class

5. Day5

- Pointers
- Pointer Arithematic
- Usage of pointers with string,function,arrays
- Virtual Functions and Pure Virtual Functions

6. Day6

- Class Templates
- Function Templates
- Non-Type Template
- Exception Handling

7. Day7

- Sequence Containers in C++ STL
- Associative Containers in C++ STL
- Derived Containers in C++ STL
- Iterators in C++ STL

8. Day8

  - String manipulation
  - New Features of ANSII
     - auto, new
     - static_cast,const_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast
  - explicit, namespace, mutable

