PowerShellCrack / PSBulkIntuneRBACandTags

PowerShell script that bulks create Intune Roles with scope tag and Azure AD Groups.

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Bulk Intune RBAC Role and Tag creation script

This script is written using Microsoft Graph api calls to creates and assign Azure Entra groups and Tags to Intune RBAC Roles.



  • Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
  • Microsoft.Graph.Applications
  • Az.Accounts
  • IDMCmdlets

Site list

Site Code Region Area
Required (a) Required (a) Required (a)

Scope Tag with Assignment List

  • Must be in csv format. Can be generated using GenerateScopeGroups.ps1 script. Columns used are:
Region Area Device Type Scope Tags Scope Groups Criteria
Required (a) Required (a) Optional (f) Required Required Required (c)

RBAC list

  • Must be in csv format. Can be exported using from CBP Intune Management Tags Groups Roles.xlsx. Columns used are:
Org Region Area Role Definition Role Included Tag # Scope Tags Member Group
Required Required (a) Required (a) Optional (d) Required Required (b) Required Optional (e)


  • (a) --> Used to match corresponding role with tag
  • (b) --> At least one tag is needed, increment column # (eg. Included Tag 1, Included Tag 2, etc)
  • (c) --> Length cannot be more that 3072 characters (Azure limitation)
  • (d) --> If defined, will use that for permissions set, vs looking at Role
  • (e) --> If not provided, will default to scripts parameter DefaultAdminAADGroup
  • (f) --> Specifying a device type will align with device filter; otherwise filter will look in Scope tag for matches


  • GenerateScopeGroups.ps1 --> Export a the ScopeTagAndAssignments.csv based on Site data
  • IntuneRolesCreation.ps1 --> Creates and assigns Azure Entra groups, Tags and Intune RBAC Roles based comma-delimited list
  • IntuneRolesDeletion.ps1 --> Deletes Azure Entra groups, Tags and Intune RBAC Roles based comma-delimited list


Parameter Value Type Explanation Creation Script Deletion Script Generate Script
GraphAdminUPN UPN Provides UPN to authenticate to Graph. MFA/Password screen may popup behind script x x
RbacListPath CSV Default value is .\ManagementRoles.csv. Specify full path to csv file x x
TagAndAssignmentListPath CSV Default value is .\ScopeTagAndAssignments.csv. Specify full path to csv file x x x
SourceListPath CSV Specify full path to csv file for Site data x
DefaultAdminAADGroup string Default value is 'SG-AZ-EndpointMgr-Admins'. If group is not found in Azure Entra, script will prompt to create it as user assigned type x
DeviceFilter array Must be an Array eg. @('Windows'), @('Windows','Android').
- Values that can be used are: 'Windows','macOS','iPhone','iPad','Android','SurfaceHub','TeamsRoom','TeamsPhone'.
- Values should corresponding with ending of Tags and ending of Azure Entra groups in csv lists. This will filter the creation of Azure Entra groups as well as assigning tags.
See Work Around
SkipRoleAssignment switch Skips the role assignment enumeration. No roles will be assigned to their respective Azure Entra group x
SkipRoleTags switch Skips the tagging Roles and in the assignments. Tagging roles allows member to view Role and its assignment x
NoPrompt switch Does not ask to create Azure Entra member groups; would prompt for DefaultAdminAADGroup and when 'Member Group' column is populated x
NoAction switch Does nothing and simulates action using Whatif like output x
Verbose switch Very noisy but does output additional information x x x

Example Calls

#Run script using SiteList.sample.csv
.\GenerateScopeGroups.ps1 -DataListPath '.\SampleData\SiteList.sample.csv'

#Run script using default values (graph UPN required)

#Run script using default csv but assign Role members to specified Azure AAD group
.\IntuneRolesCreation.ps1 -DefaultAdminAADGroup "SG-FTE-EndpointMgr-Admins"

#Run script using specified csv files
.\IntuneRolesCreation.ps1 -RbacListPath '.\SampleData\ManagementRolesSample.csv' -TagAndAssignmentListPath '.\ScopeTagAndAssignmentsSample.csv'

#Run script using specified csv files and filter only groups with 'Windows' in the name
.\IntuneRolesCreation.ps1 -RbacListPath '.\SampleData\ManagementRolesSample.csv' -TagAndAssignmentListPath '.\SampleData\ScopeTagAndAssignmentsSample.csv' -DeviceFilter @('Windows')

#Run script using specified csv files but don't assign Roles to Azure Entra groups
.\IntuneRolesCreation.ps1 -RbacListPath '.\SampleData\ManagementRolesSample.csv' -TagAndAssignmentListPath '.\SampleData\ScopeTagAndAssignmentsSample.csv' -SkipRoleAssignment

#Run script using specified csv files but don't assign tags to RBAC Roles
.\IntuneRolesCreation.ps1 -RbacListPath '.\SampleData\ManagementRolesSample.csv' -TagAndAssignmentListPath '.\SampleData\ScopeTagAndAssignmentsSample.csv' -SkipRoleTags


  • Displays status of each group tag and role.
  • Displays simple report at end of run
  • If error happens during Role Creation; an error csv file will be created (name will follow csv name with appended date)
  • If error happens during Tag Creation; an error csv file will be created (name will follow csv name with appended date)
  • If error happens during Azure Entra group Creation; an error csv file will be created (name will follow csv name with appended date)

Known Issues & Work Around

Issue Work Around
Script can take a while to generate object in Azure and Intune; Graph token may expire during script and cause failures Mitigation's have been added to check expiration time during every item creation. If it exceeds expiration the script attempt re-authorization
By default all device type groups will be assign to Role as one assignment. Running the script per device will group each assignment in their respective assignment name in the Roles


  • Designed to be ran ONCE; however it can be ran multiple times to add missing roles, tags, groups, and/or assignments. It will check for already created objects and attempt to update them except for assigned Roles
  • For further script changes and details, see CHANGELOG.md


This Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not intended to be used in a production environment. THIS SAMPLE CODE AND ANY RELATED INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. We grant You a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the Sample Code and to reproduce and distribute the object code form of the Sample Code, provided that You agree: (i) to not use Our name, logo, or trademarks to market Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; (ii) to include a valid copyright notice on Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; and (iii) to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Us and Our suppliers from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the Sample Code.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/copyright.


PowerShell script that bulks create Intune Roles with scope tag and Azure AD Groups.

License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 100.0%