Images are older and the Secure Host Baseline Prerequisites Tool was renamed to BIOS Prerequisites Tool
- checks for a config file remotely if enabled and exists. Gives us the ability to add or remove features if needed
- Debugging mode, additional logging feature
- Known Password list, this allows the tool to find the correct password for the BIOS to be able to configure it
- Use the config to control system providers such as CCTK and the dell powershell module (which I can't get working) to support systems like HP
- Make the powershell form open center of screen and bigger resolution when in UEFI mode for PE
- Put a reboot button if system is not compliant and a continue if it is and remove the exit button
- Hash the passwords in the config file or maybe have it look externally for it
- Include task sequence logging
- Remove the empty Model Information and Operating System group boxs and load the system info (like model, serial, ip, etc) in a box
- Progress bar to display what step its on and what is left
- Export button not working in the logging tab. I'd like to have it export the log to a share
- It ultimately uses the Dell CCTK, running the commands (behind the scenes while logging them)