Pourroy / logfmt-ruby

Parse log lines in the logfmt style.

Home Page:https://github.com/cyberdelia/logfmt-ruby

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Write and parse structured log lines in the logfmt style.


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem "logfmt"

And then install:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself:

$ gem install logfmt


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


Logfmt is composed to two parts: writing structured log lines in the logfmt style, and parsing logfmt-style log lines.

While writing and parsing logfmt are related, we've found that it's common to only need to do one or there other in a single application. To support that usage, Logfmt leverages Ruby's autoload to lazily load the Logfmt::Parser or Logfmt::Logger (and associated code) into memory. In the general case that looks something like:

require "logfmt"

Logfmt # This constant was already loaded, but neither Logfmt::Parser
       # nor Logfmt::Logger constants are loaded. Yet.

  # OR

# Either of the above will load the Logfmt::Parser constant.
# Similarly you can autoload the Logfmt::Logger via


If you want to eagerly load the logger or parser, you can do that by requiring them directly

Parsing log lines

require "logfmt/parser"

Logfmt::Parser.parse('foo=bar a=14 baz="hello kitty" cool%story=bro f %^asdf')
  #=> {"foo"=>"bar", "a"=>14, "baz"=>"hello kitty", "cool%story"=>"bro", "f"=>true, "%^asdf"=>true}

Writing log lines

The Logfmt::Logger is built on the stdlib ::Logger and adheres to its API. The primary difference is that Logfmt::Logger defaults to a logfmt-style formatter. Specifically, a Logfmt::Logger::KeyValueFormatter, which results in log lines something like this:

require "logfmt/logger"

logger = Logfmt::Logger.new($stdout)

logger.info(foo: "bar", a: 14, "baz" => "hello kitty", "cool%story" => "bro", f: true, "%^asdf" => true)
  #=> time=2022-04-20T23:30:54.647403Z severity=INFO  foo=bar a=14 baz="hello kitty" cool%story=bro f %^asdf

logger.debug("MADE IT HERE!")
  #=> time=2022-04-20T23:33:44.912595Z severity=DEBUG msg="MADE IT HERE!"

Tagged log lines

The logfmt-tagged_logger gem adds support for Rails-style tagged logging. This gem adds a Logfmt::TaggedLogger which is built on ActiveSupport::TaggedLogger, but emits the tags in logfmt-style, as key/value pairs. For example

logger = Logfmt::TaggedLogger.new($stdout)

logger.tagged(source: "api") do
  logger.info(foo: "bar")

#=> time=2022-04-20T23:33:44.912595Z severity=info source=api foo=bar"

You can also pass "bare" tags and they'll be collected and emitted under the tags key.

logger = Logfmt::TaggedLogger.new($stdout)

logger.tagged("API", "") do
  logger.info(foo: "bar")

#=> time=2022-04-20T23:33:44.912595Z severity=info tags="[API] []" foo=bar"

It's likely more helpful and useful to use meaningful key/values for your tags, rather than bare tags.

Expected key/value transformations

When writing a log line with the Logfmt::Logger::KeyValueFormatter the keys and/or values will be transformed thusly:

  • "Bare messages" (those with no key given when invoking the logger) will be wrapped in the msg key.

      #=> time=2022-04-20T23:33:49.912997Z severity=INFO  msg=here
  • Values, including bare messages, containing white space or control characters (spaces, tabs, newlines, emoji, etc…) will be wrapped in double quotes ("") and fully escaped.

    logger.info("👻 Boo!")
      #=> time=2022-04-20T23:33:35.912595Z severity=INFO  msg="\u{1F47B} Boo!"
    logger.info(number: 42, with_quotes: %{These "are" 'quotes', OK?})
      #=> time=2022-04-20T23:33:36.412183Z severity=INFO  number=42 with_quotes="These \"are\" 'quotes', OK?"
  • Floating point values are truncated to three digits.

  • Time values are formatted as ISO8601 strings, with six digits sub-second precision.

  • A value that is an Array is wrapped in square brackets, and then the above rules applied to each Array value. This works well for arrays of simple values - like numbers, symbols, or simple strings. But complex data structures will result in human mind-breaking escape sequences. So don't do that. Keep values simple.

    logger.info(an_array: [1, "two", :three])
      #=> time=2022-04-20T23:33:36.412183Z severity=INFO  an_array="[1, two, three]"

NOTE: it is not expected that log lines generated by Logfmt can be round-tripped by parsing the log line with Logfmt. Specifically, this applies to Unicode and some control characters, as well as bare messages which will be wrapped in the msg key when writing. Additionally, symbol keys will be parsed back into string keys.


Parse log lines in the logfmt style.



Language:Ruby 100.0%