PositivPy / Genome2Diagnosis

Proof of concept website comparing a DNA reports from ancestery.com to a database of known genetic markers for various deseases.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Proof of concept website comparing DNA snippets to a database of known genetic markers for various deseases.

Project Scope

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
CSS                              4             21             23            353
HTML                             1              6              6             89
JavaScript                       5             16             63             73
PHP                              1              1              0             34
R                                1             10              0             25
SUM:                            12             54             92           574


Proof of concept website comparing a DNA reports from ancestery.com to a database of known genetic markers for various deseases.


Language:CSS 45.6%Language:HTML 27.2%Language:JavaScript 14.4%Language:R 6.7%Language:PHP 6.0%