Portalcake / DeveloperClient

Developer client for League of Legends.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Developer client for running League of Legends with League Sandbox server. Removes the need for modifying a JSON file and executing command line scripts.


• One click launch League of Legends with League Sandbox server

• Customizable teams, champions, summoner spells, runes, masteries, skins, loading borders, and game settings(Cooldowns/Gold per sec/Map/Gamemode/Spawns)

• Multideveloper support - Enable online mode and sync developer clients together to form a group coding and testing team

Multideveloper Support

Enabling online mode will host a developer server that friends can connect their developer clients to. This gives friends the option to push changes to gamescripts they have made to the developer server. Friends can also join the team for playing the game. This means multiple people can be modifying different gamescripts, sync the gamescript to the server and reload the scripts in-game.


Developer client for League of Legends.


Language:C++ 85.2%Language:QMake 14.8%