PopChicken / KK_Plugins_CN


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



恋活、 EC、AI少女的插件集


  1. 安装 BepInEx v5.0
  2. 安装 BepisPlugins
  3. 安装 IllusionModdingAPI
  4. 解压.zip文件至游戏根目录


v1.0 - 下载 - 适用于恋活



v1.1 - 下载 - 适用于恋活和AI少女


更新日志 v1.1 设置选项, AI少女对应版本 (特别鸣谢GeBo)


v1.2 - Download - For Koikatsu

Forces all characters to load in high poly mode, even in the school exploration mode.

Change Log v1.1 Fixed locking up the game after special H scenes. Added config option to disable high poly mode.
v1.2 Fixed hair physics not working (Thanks Rau/Marco/Essu)


v1.5.1 - Download - For Koikatsu

Reloads the list of characters and coordinates in the character maker when any card is added or removed from the folders. Supports adding and removing large numbers of cards at once.

Change Log v1.1 Fixed new coordinates saved from within the game not being handled correctly
v1.2 Fixed error when exiting the chara maker
v1.3 Updated for plugin compatibility
v1.4 Studio support
v1.4.1 Compatibility with BepisPlugins versions higher than r8
v1.5 Koikatsu Party compatibility
v1.5.1 Create card folders if missing to prevent errors


v1.3.2 - Download - For Koikatsu, Emotion Creators, and AI Girl

Set the Invisible Body toggle for a character in the character maker to hide the body. Any worn clothes or accessories will remain visible.

Select characters in the Studio workspace and Anim->Current State->Invisible Body to toggle them between invisible and visible. Any worn clothes or accessories and any attached studio items will remain visible. Invisible state saves and loads with the scene.

Change Log v1.1 Fixed studio items becoming visible when they were toggled off in the workspace
v1.2 Added a character maker toggle, EmotionCreators port
v1.2.1 Fixed an incompatibility with UncensorSelector
v1.2.2 Updated for KK Darkness
v1.3 Added a toggle button for Studio, removed hotkey
v1.3.1 Fixed accessories and items attached by animations from turning invisible in AI version
v1.3.2 Fixed Studio items turning invisible in AI version


v1.2 - Download - For Koikatsu and AI Girl

Blocks mod hotkeys from triggering while typing in input fields and prevents clicks inside mod GUIs from advancing the story.


  • essu: Code for blocking hotkeys
  • Kyne: Code for preventing mod GUI clicks from advancing the story in Koikatsu
Change Log v1.1 Blocks hotkeys in studio coordinate fields
v1.2 Prevents clicks inside mod GUI elements from advancing the story in Koikatsu (Thanks Kyne)


v3.9 - Download - For Koikatsu, Emotion Creators, and AI Girl

Download uncensors:
For Koikatsu click here.
For EmotionCreators click here.

Allows you to specify which uncensors individual characters use and removes the mosaic censor. Select an uncensor for your character in the character maker in the Body/General tab or specify a default uncensor to use in the plugin settings. The default uncensor will apply to any character that does not have one selected.


UncensorSelector compatible uncensors can be found here. For makers of uncensors, see the template for how to configure your uncensor for UncensorSelector compatibility.

Make sure to remove any sideloader uncensors and replace your oo_base with a clean, unmodified one to prevent incompatibilities!

Change Log v2.0 Complete rewrite, now supports changing uncensors inside the character maker, configuring uncensor metadata in manifest.xml, demosaic, etc.
v2.1 Reduce reliance on KK_UncensorSelector Base.zipmod
v2.2 Removed the ability to specify _low assets. A matching _low asset is expected to exist for everything that requires one.
v2.3 Added some warning labels
v2.4 Fixed demosaic not working sometimes
v2.5 ConfigManager dropdown for GUID selection, fixed color matching bug in chara maker
v2.6 Uncensors now change much more quickly without causing lag in the character maker. Random can be selected as an option for the default uncensor, any character with no uncensor selected will use a random one (Thanks @ManlyMarco). Uncensors can be exluded from random selection with a modification to the manifest.xml.
v2.6.1 Fix for the new uncensor loading code breaking in low poly
v2.7 Names in ConfigManager instead of GUIDs, uncensor lists are ordered (Thanks @ManlyMarco), slightly faster uncensor switching
v3.0 All uncensors load correctly in the character maker, default uncensors display in character maker, body parts can be selected independently from the body, new format for uncensors, new bugs
v3.1 Fixed uncensors not loading in the character maker accessed through the class menu, fixed some low poly uncensors not display correctly for the main character, fixed low poly uncensors not working at all for female characters
v3.2 Random uncensors are now more evenly distributed, gender bender config option simplified, fixed a problem with clothes that have the same mesh name as body part meshes causing problems
v3.3 Fix wrong normals after loading a character sometimes, fix default values when loading a character in to the character maker from class menu, fix balls dropdown not reloading the uncensor on change
v3.4 Fix liquid textures being removed on changing characters
v3.5 Added a message that displays if the skin texture has become corrupt and attempts a fix (Thanks @ManlyMarco)
v3.5.1 Reduce false positives for the above change
v3.6 EmotionCreators port, removed "none" as a default config option
v3.6.1 Updated for KK Darkness
v3.6.2 Fix replacing janitor's body when it shouldn't
v3.6.3 Fix janitor's uncensor
v3.6.4 Fix compatibility issues for non Darkness game versions
v3.7 Fix shadows on male parts and reduce error spam
v3.8 AI Girl version
v3.8.1 Fix broken config stuff (thanks Keelhauled)
v3.8.3 Fix uncensors not working in AI Girl main game
v3.9 Fix crash with duplicate uncensor GUIDs, implement dick/balls support for AI Girl
v3.9.1 Fix error in Studio resulting from having no uncensors


v1.4 - Download - For Koikatsu
v1.5.1 - Download - For AI Girl

For Koikatsu, adds subtitles for H scenes, spoken text in dialogues, and character maker.
For AI Girl trial version, adds subtitles for the character maker.

Change Log v1.1 Fixed H subs not working for some people
v1.2 Subtitles for idle lines in dialogue
v1.3 Subtitles for character maker
v1.4 Fixed subtitles in the character maker being under the UI
v1.5 AI Girl port
v1.5.1 Fixed text wrapping, clarified config description


v2.2 - Download - For Koikatsu and AI Girl
Koikatsu version: Mostly obsolete. NodeConstraints does what this plugin does but better.

Allows attaching IK nodes to objects to create custom animations. Press the Minus (-) hotkey to bring up the menu. This hotkey can be configured in the F1 plugin settings.

Requires Marco's KKAPI and BepisPlugins ExtensibleSaveFormat.

Inspired by AttachAnimationLib by Keitaro

Change Log v1.1 Gimmicks can now rotate hands and feet properly
v1.2 Rotating characters doesn't break everything anymore
v2.0 Significant rewrite with KKAPI integration. Can now link eyes and neck to objects, scene import support, Drag and Drop plugin support
v2.1 Fix neck link not working, fix linking after unlinking not working
v2.2 AI version, window position adjustment


v1.1 - Download - For Koikatsu
v1.1 - Download - For EmotionCreators

Allows gender restricted clothing to be used on all characters.

Advanced mode KK_ClothingUnlocker can unlock bras/skirts with any top. Go to plugin settings and enable advanced mode to see the options for them. These settings are not recommended because they will require updating many characters for compatibility.
Change Log v1.1 Added clothing unlocking for bras/skirts with any top


v1.0 - Download - For Koikatsu

Virgins in H scenes will appear to have slightly shaking eye highlights.


v1.0 - Download - For Koikatsu

Generates random characters in the character maker.


v1.0 - Download - For Koikatsu and AI Girl

Create new folders in userdata/studio/pose and place the pose data inside them. Folders will show up in your list of poses in Studio.

Ported from Essu's NEOpose List Folders plugin for Honey Select.


v1.2 - Download - For Koikatsu

A plugin for correctly formatting translation files. Corrects formatting and copies translations from one file to another for the same personality in case of duplicate entries. Used by translators working on the Koikatsu Translation project. No need to download unless you're working on translations.

To use, open the plugin settings and set a personality, press the hotkey (default 0) to sync translations. Read your bepinex console or output_log.txt to see the changes made or any warnings and errors. Press alt+hotkey to force sync translation files in case of differing translations (warning: make backups first. It may not be obvious which translations are treated as the primary source). Press ctrl+hotkey to sync translations for all personalities (warning: very slow).


v1.0 - Download - For Koikatsu

Allows you to override vanilla list files. Comes with some overrides that enable half off state for some vanilla pantyhose.

Overriding list files can allow you to do things like enable bras with some shirts which don't normally allow it, or skirts with some tops, etc. Any part of of the list can be changed except for ID.


v1.1.3 - Download - For Koikatsu and Emotion Creators

Adds configuration options for hair accessories to the character maker. Hair accessories can be set to match color with the hair, enable hair gloss, modify outline color, and has a separate color picker for the hair tie part. Hairs that support a length slider can also hair their length adjusted, just like vanilla front hairs. Saves and loads to cards and coordinates.

Configuration options will work only on properly configured hair accessories. All of the hair accessories from https://mega.nz/#F!upYGBTAZ!S1lMalC33LYEditk7GwzgQ!GpJEiLwK will work.

Requires Marco's KKAPI v1.3 or higher, previous versions will NOT work.

Note for modders: These options will only show up for hair accessories that are properly configured. For accessories to work the accessory must have a ChaCustomHairComponent MonoBehavior in addition to the ChaAccessoryComponent MonoBehavior. Hair accessory color will display if the ChaCustomHairComponent rendAccessory array has meshes configured. The length slider will appear if the ChaCustomHairComponent trfLength array has bones configured. Hair color will only match to meshes configured in the ChaCustomHairComponent rendHair array. Also check out this guide for how to create hair accessories.

Change Log v1.1 Fixed a bug with changing coordinates outside of Studio not applying color matching. Fixed a bug where changing hair color in the maker would not apply color matching to other outfit slots.
v1.1.1 Fixed hair accessories matching color when they shouldn't.
v1.1.2 Fixed hair accessories matching color when they shouldn't, again.
v1.1.3 Fixed an error when starting the classroom character maker.


v1.1 - Download - For EmotionCreators
Note: Not required when using UncensorSelector

Removes the mosaic from female characters. Based on the demosaic for Koikatsu by AUTOMATIC1111, compiled for EC and BepInEx 5.

Change Log v1.1 Added a config option to disable the plugin


v1.1.1 - Download - For Koikatsu
Adds buttons to Free H selection screen to get random characters for your H session.

Change Log v1.1 Added UI, KK Party support
v1.1.1 Create card folders if missing to prevent errors


v1.0 - Download - For Koikatsu

Adds floor, breast, hand, and skirt colliders. Ported from Patchwork.


v1.9.3 - 下载 - 恋活,EC,AI少女均可用

材质编辑器可以让你调整游戏内无法直接访问的物件属性。与 [Marco's clothing overlays] 类似 (https://github.com/ManlyMarco/Koikatu-Overlay-Mods) 例如,你可以替换物件的贴图,当然,材质编辑器不仅仅可以编辑服装的属性,更包括饰品、头发,甚至是工作室内的物品。


  • 导出网格的UV贴图便于绘制贴图
  • 使用自定义纹理替换原有纹理
  • 更改材质属性以调整亮度、描线粗细等
  • 更改网格属性以配置阴影投射或彻底禁用网格
  • 更改材质的着色器
  • 配置会保存在人物卡与工作室场景存档中
  • 识别相同纹理,不会重复储存。假设人物拥有一百件使用相同纹理的饰品,人物卡的大小和只有一件饰品时相同。

在人物编辑器的身体、服装、头发、饰品设定中,点击“打开材质编辑器”按钮即可打开材质编辑器; 在工作室的工作区中,通过选中物品然后点击"Mat. Editor"图标的按钮打开材质编辑器。

更新日志 v1.1 修复多人物场景在加载时的错误 v1.2 添加更改身体与脸部材质的选项 v1.3 复制工作室中的物品同样也会复制该物品的“材质编辑器”属性 v1.3.1 修复“导入附带材质的工作室物品”时出现的错误 v1.4 添加更改着色器、更改皮肤与面部材质的选项 v1.4.1 支持加载jpg文件,提高滚动速度,自定义着色器时颜色与纹理属性有默认值了 v1.5 新增main_skin着色器,移除人物皮肤的alpha_a与alpha_b属性 v1.6 AI少女版本迭代 v1.7 新增滑动条 v1.8 支持AI少女工作室 v1.9 修复更换衣物与饰品时的数据丢失,新增贴图平移与放大,自定义后的属性会被标记为 “属性名:*”,新增替换主材质的选项 v1.9.1 修复不生成Mip贴图的错误,修复工作室中复制物品时的错误,新增更改UI尺寸的设置 v1.9.2 修复了一个导入场景时的错误 v1.9.3 新增了几个之前遗漏的属性设置 v1.9.4 新增了更多着色器 v1.9.4.1 修复了一个之前遗漏的着色器设置


v1.1 - Download - For Koikatsu

Enables juice textures for males in H scenes and Studio.

Change Log v1.1 Fixed compatibility issues with UncensorSelector using male body type on female characters


v1.0 - Download - For Koikatsu and AI Girl

Allows you to move objects in studio using hotkeys. Press Y/U/I to move along the X/Y/Z axes. You can also use these keys for rotating and scaling, and when scaling you can also press T to scale all axes at once. Hotkeys can be configured in plugin settings.


v1.1 - Download - For Koikatsu and AI Girl

Enables FK and IK at the same time. Pose characters in IK mode while still being able to adjust skirts, hair, and hands as if they were in FK mode.

Change Log v1.1 Fix toggles going out of sync, FK being disabled when switching between characters


v1.1 - Download - For Koikatsu and AI Girl

Type in to the animation speed box in Studio for gimmicks and character animations to go past the normal limit of 3.

Change Log v1.1 AI Girl port, capped animation speed at 1000 to prevent animations breaking


v1.1 - Download - For Koikatsu, HoneySelect, and AI Girl

Allows translations to override individual assets. Required for some translations to function correctly. Requires Unity.AutoTranslator.


v1.0 - Download - For Koikatsu, EmotionCreators, and AI Girl

Press Ctrl+E (configurable) to export all loaded character. Used for exporting characters from Studio scenes and such.


v2.0 - Download - For Koikatsu
Adjust the position of the female character in H scene by pressing some hotkeys, which are configurable in the plugin settings.

Change Log v1.0.1 Made the hotkeys configurable
v2.0 Added a guide object instead of hotkeys for positioning


v1.0.1 - Download - For Koikatsu
Allows you to adjust a few more settings for scenes. Changes save and load with the scene data.

Settings Map Masking
Near Clip Plane
Far Clip Plane


v1.1 - Download - For Koikatsu
Provides sliders and setting to shape the breasts of characters when bras or tops are worn. The basic set of sliders will modify the shape of the breasts if the breast sliders if they are below the specified threshhold. Advanced mode lets you fully customize the shape of the breasts.

Change Log v1.0.1 Fixed an incompatibility with a MakerOptimizations plugin setting
v1.1 Fixed nipple gloss not working in KK Party, fixed maker load flags






Moved to the IllusionFixes repo.


Obsolete, features merged in to Sideloader iself



License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C# 100.0%