Pooja-Lohar25 / mysqlUserBasics

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Mysql User Management Basics

Working with Mysql shell

\sql // to activate sql 
\connect root@localhost // to connect to the server with user root and host as localhost

User Management

View existing Users with host

syntax :

select user, host from mysql.user; 

Create New User


create user 'username'@'host' identified by 'password';

View grants / privileges


show grants for username@host ;

Grant Privileges

syntax :

grant privilege_name on dbname.tablename to username@host;

examples :

  • Grant select privilege :
 grant select on *.* to user@host; // all databases and all tables
grant select on db.tb to user2host; // database db having table tb
  • Grant update on single column :
grant update (col) on db.tb to user@host;

Revoke Privileges

syntax :

revoke privilege_name on dbname.tablename from user@host; <br>

privilege must be first granted only then it could be revoked
Only those granted privileges can be revoked.

view currently running users
select id, users from information_schema.processlist;

to disconnect a existing user connection from root account

kill \<id\>; //id given in the previos table i.e processlist 

Different types of users

'pooja'@'localhost' // pooja can only access it through localhost
'pooja'@'' // pooja can only access through server
'pooja' // username without specifying host will enable it to access from anywhere
