Polonium19 / video_processing

Video processing pipline with ROS.

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Video Processing Pipeline with ROS

The project contains ROS packages for streaming video, processing output frames with CV labeling algorithm and sending result metadata to external device.


  • ROS Melodic/Noetic
  • OpenCV 3


Launch four nodes (described below) to simulate video processing pipeline

roslaunch video_processing video_pipeline.launch --screen


Every frame needs to be processed by a pipeline which is a black box algorithm(create a stub for it) that accepts a frame takes ~30ms (0.03s) to execute and returns a collection of objects metadata in the frame {“id”: id, “box”: [center_x, center_y, width, height]}.

Every frame needs to be sent to the UI for rendering(No need to implement UI, just create a stub).

Pipeline results should be rendered and sent to an external device via pub/sub protocol of your choice once available.

Note: The app should be realtime eg 25fps

Framework choice

The task was to buid software with pub/sub protocol, running in real time and with possibilities of execution testing.

The ROS software consists of independently running processes called nodes. Nodes communicate with each other using ROS communication pub/sub protocol called topics. ROS provides this communication layer and it also allow to build software with nodes running on different machines connected to one network (typically Ethernet). This framework was designed to control robotics devices and proved its reliability and flexibility.

Software architecture

The software consists of four ROS packages:

  • video_streamer : Streams video to ROS video_stream topic. The package contains file_streamer node which streams video from file.
  • cv_tools : CV algorithms that subscribe to video_stream image topics and publish metadata with processing results. The package contains image_labeling stub node which simulate image processing with execution time 30ms and publish results to image_labels topic.
  • ui_tools : UI interface that subscribe to video_stream image topics. The package contains ui_tools stub node.
  • external_device : External device controllers that subscribe to metadata provided by CV tools. The package contains external_device stub node sunscribed to image_labels topic.

The software architecture diagram presents nodes in circles and topics in rectangles. The image is automatically generated with rqt_graph tool.


ROS provide wide rage of out the shelf tools to test "real-time" distributed systems.

Software log stream

Each node in the presented software provide logging for executed operations. Logs are send on message publishing and message receiving. ROS middleware adds timestamps to each message which allows to debug delays in the spftware operations.

Here is the log printed by all node when the whole software is running

[ INFO] [1667206637.776340193]: Frame 10 published.
[ INFO] [1667206637.776808830]: CV: Image received.
[ INFO] [1667206637.777042802]: UI: Image received
[ INFO] [1667206637.807023314]: CV: Image processed. Labels published.
[ INFO] [1667206637.807232743]: DEVICE: Image labeling received.
[ INFO] [1667206637.819124740]: Frame 11 published.
[ INFO] [1667206637.819448768]: CV: Image received.
[ INFO] [1667206637.819526531]: UI: Image received
[ INFO] [1667206637.849604974]: CV: Image processed. Labels published.
[ INFO] [1667206637.849781327]: DEVICE: Image labeling received.
[ INFO] [1667206637.855778156]: Frame 12 published.
[ INFO] [1667206637.856164230]: CV: Image received.
[ INFO] [1667206637.856207791]: UI: Image received
[ INFO] [1667206637.886336246]: CV: Image processed. Labels published.
[ INFO] [1667206637.886512581]: DEVICE: Image labeling received.

From the log output delay of message transport has been calculated:

Video stream to CV:  1667206637.855778156 - 1667206637.856164230 = -0.00038 s
Video stream to UI:  1667206637.855778156 - 1667206637.856207791 = -0.00042 s
Meatadata to DEVICE: 1667206637.855778156 - 1667206637.886512581 = -0.03073 s (includes 30 ms processing time)

Typical delay is message transportation is 0.00042 s. Video stream is published frame by frame with frequency 25 Hz (frame interval T = 1/24 = 0.04 s). So the transportation delay is about 1.05% of system frame publishing interval.

Video topic log from file_streamer

Also ROS allows to test frequency of individual topics using rostopic hz tool./video_stream. The output provide by testing video stream topic rostopic hz /video_stream

subscribed to [/video_stream]
average rate: 25.031
        min: 0.035s max: 0.045s std dev: 0.00234s window: 23
average rate: 24.984
        min: 0.032s max: 0.047s std dev: 0.00274s window: 48
average rate: 25.055
        min: 0.032s max: 0.047s std dev: 0.00245s window: 73
average rate: 25.006
        min: 0.032s max: 0.049s std dev: 0.00282s window: 98
average rate: 25.004
        min: 0.032s max: 0.049s std dev: 0.00279s window: 123
average rate: 25.021
        min: 0.030s max: 0.050s std dev: 0.00323s window: 148
average rate: 25.015
        min: 0.030s max: 0.050s std dev: 0.00322s window: 173

Max divergence in publishing interval

T = (1/25 Hz)-(1/25.055 Hz) = 0.000087 s = 0.087 ms

Metadata topic log from image_labeling

The output provide by testing video stream topic rostopic hz /image_labels

subscribed to [/image_labels]
average rate: 24.991
        min: 0.034s max: 0.045s std dev: 0.00235s window: 25
average rate: 25.005
        min: 0.034s max: 0.045s std dev: 0.00230s window: 50
average rate: 25.009
        min: 0.034s max: 0.047s std dev: 0.00236s window: 75
average rate: 24.997
        min: 0.034s max: 0.051s std dev: 0.00257s window: 100
average rate: 25.005
        min: 0.034s max: 0.051s std dev: 0.00243s window: 125
average rate: 25.002
        min: 0.034s max: 0.051s std dev: 0.00246s window: 150
average rate: 25.004
        min: 0.034s max: 0.051s std dev: 0.00234s window: 175
average rate: 24.999

Max divergence in publishing interval

T = (1/25 Hz)-(1/25.009 Hz) = 0.000014 s = 0.014 ms


ROS does not provide any guarantees about publishing latency and processing time when using topics. The Linux operating system is not real-time as well. But the communication latency are small enough, in range on 1% of publishing cycle of 25Hz, as was calculated above. This makes the ROS software middleware suitable for near real-time systems as robotics hardware or distributed video streaming as in this project. And those characteristics was proven by many applications running on ROS.


Video processing pipline with ROS.


Language:C++ 50.8%Language:CMake 49.2%