Polarrco / PolarrAlbumAndroidSDK

Polarr Android SDK for Smart Album (Album+) - Includes photo auto grouping, duplicate removal, tagging, rating and etc.

Repository from Github https://github.comPolarrco/PolarrAlbumAndroidSDKRepository from Github https://github.comPolarrco/PolarrAlbumAndroidSDK


Polarr Android SDK for Smart Album - Includes photo auto grouping, tagging, rating and etc. The SDK serves as an arsenal for Android developers to leverage deep learning and machine learning to organize and enhance a set of photos. Polarr currently has an iOS App called Polarr Album+ which showcases all functions of the SDK plus some. Feature requests are welcomed.

This SDK includes a starter project (co.polarr.albumsdkdemo) that calls the Android SDK.

The minimum Android API Level is 15 (4.0.3).


The SDK included in this repository must not be used for any commercial purposes without the direct written consent of Polarr, Inc. The current version of the SDK expires on December 31, 2022. For pricing and more info regarding the full license SDK, please email hello@polarr.ai.


Tagging a photo

The SDK performs image classification and produce the top 3 most likely labels for the given photo. It also returns an overall rating value from 1.0 to 5.0 (where 1.0 is the worst and 5.0 is the best), which is based on the following metrics:

  • Colorfulness
  • Exposure (well-exposed photo or poorly exposed: either under-exposed or over-exposed)
  • Clarity (bluriness of the photo)
  • Expression (if faces are detected, are they smiling, are the eyes open)

Grouping photos

Similar photos are grouped together based on their subjects, features, colors, and other metrics.

Add dependencies to Gradle

dependencies {
    // photo processing lib
    compile(name: 'processing-dev-release', ext: 'aar')
    // photo detection lib
    compile(name: 'prob_det-release', ext: 'aar')
    // Tensorflow lib
    compile 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-android:+'
    // Face detection lib
    compile(name: 'dlib-release', ext: 'aar')

Rating photo

Rating a photo file. The score from 1.0 to 5.0.

Rating by file path

String filePath;
boolean isBurst = false;
Map<String, Object> result = Processing.processingFile(context, filePath, isBurst);

Rating by bitmap

Need a fit scaled bimap. The max width or height less then 300px. It will resize to 300px if exceeded.

Bitmap bitmap;
long fileCreateTime; // millisecond.
boolean isBurst = false;
Map<String, Object> featureResult = Processing.processingFile(context, bitmap,  fileCreateTime, isBurst);

Rating results

float metric_clarity = (float)result.get("metric_clarity");
float metric_exposure = (float)result.get("metric_exposure");
float metric_colorfulness = (float)result.get("metric_colorfulness");
float metric_emotion = (float)result.get("metric_emotion");
float rating_all = (float)result.get("rating_all");

Tagging photo

Recognize a photo, get top 3 possible objects from the photo

// scale photo to 224x224
Bitmap bitmap = ImageUtil.getScaledBitmap(photo.getPath(), 224, 224);
Map<String, Object> taggingResult = TaggingUtil.tagPhoto(context.getAssets(), bitmap);
// marge the result with processing result

Grouping photos

First, rating and tagging photo to a feature result. Then grouping the feature results.

Feature a photo

Join rating result and tagging result.

String filePath;
boolean isBurst = false;
Map<String, Object> featureResult = Processing.processingFile(context, filePath. isBurst);
Bitmap bitmap = ImageUtil.getScaledBitmap(filePath, 224, 224);
Map<String, Object> taggingResult = TaggingUtil.tagPhoto(getAssets(), bitmap);

Grouping feature results

init photo files

List<File> realPhotos = new ArrayList<>();

Get features of photos

List<Map<String, Object>> features = new ArrayList<>();
boolean isBurst = false;
for (File photo : realPhotos) {
    Map<String, Object> featureResult = Processing.processingFile(context, photo.getPath(). isBurst);
    Bitmap bitmap = ImageUtil.getScaledBitmap(photo.getPath(), 224, 224);
    Map<String, Object> taggingResult = TaggingUtil.tagPhoto(getAssets(), bitmap);

Grouping photos

String identifier = "group1";
List<Map<String, Object>> features = new ArrayList<>();
boolean isBurst = false;
float sensitivity = 1f; //(0.1,1)
GroupingResultItem result = Processing.processingGrouping(identifier, features, isBurst, sensitivity, new POGenerateHClusterCallbackFunction() {
    public void progress(double progress) {
        // grouping progress

Convert results

Map<Integer, List<List<Integer>>> groups = result.groups;
int opt = result.optimalGroupIndex;
List<List<Integer>> optGroups = groups.get(opt);
List<List<ResultItem>> groupdFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (List<Integer> subGroup : optGroups) {
   List<ResultItem> sub = new ArrayList<>();
   for (Integer index : subGroup) {
       ResultItem resultItem = new ResultItem();
       resultItem.filePath = realPhotos.get(index).getPath();
       resultItem.features = features.get(index);


Get the best one

ResultItem bestItem = Processing.getBest(groupdFiles);

Order photos


Order the photos with face detection

List<Map<String, Object>> features = new ArrayList<>();
GroupingResultItem result = Processing.processingFaces(features);


Polarr Android SDK for Smart Album (Album+) - Includes photo auto grouping, duplicate removal, tagging, rating and etc.


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