- (UTA硕士论文) Stock Price Trend Prediction using Emotion Analysis of Financial Headlines with Distilled LLM Model
- (西财博士论文) 财经媒体对金融传染的影响研究——以股票市场为例
- (ESWA) Applications of deep learning in stock market prediction: Recent progress
- (ESWA) Investment strategies applied to the Brazilian stock market: A methodology based on Sentiment Analysis with deep learning
- Impact of Public News Sentiment on Stock Market Index Return and Volatility
- 葡萄牙语(巴西)
- (Applied Artificial Intelligence) Analyzing the Brazilian Financial Market through Portuguese Sentiment Analysis in Social Media
- (TKDE) A multimodal event-driven lstm model for stock prediction using online news
- (Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance) Death and contagious infectious diseases: Impact of the COVID-19 virus on stock market returns
- The Unprecedented Stock Market Impact of COVID-19
- (Journal of Commodity Markets) Stock market response to potash mine disasters
- (The Review of Corporate Finance Studies) Feverish stock price reactions to COVID-19
- Sentiment Analysis for Stock Price Prediction
- (上交硕士论文) 基于网络舆情的投资者情绪与股票价格的研究
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- (Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance) Fear from uncertainty: An event study of Khashoggi and stock market returns
- Daily Market News Sentiment and Stock Prices
- (天大硕士论文) 基于社交媒体的股票预测模型
- Using Twitter Trust Network for Stock Market Analysis
- (计算机科学) 基于多信息源的股价趋势预测
- (Journal of Financial Economics) How does the stock market absorb shocks?
- (华科硕士论文) 基于文本挖掘的投资者情绪与股票市场相关性及预测性分析
- (IJCAI) Deep Learning for Event-Driven Stock Prediction
- (Public Policy and Administration Research) Impact of major political events on stock market returns of Pakistan
- (Defense and Peace Economics) How different terrorist attacks affect stock markets
- (Decision Support Systems) Automated news reading: Stock price prediction based on financial news using context-capturing features
- (Journal of computational science) Twitter mood predicts the stock market