PointCloudLibrary / pcl

Point Cloud Library (PCL)

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Support `pcl::PointXYZLNormal` in `GreedyProjectionTriangulation`

roncapat opened this issue · comments

I noticed that GP3 can't be used out of the box with all PCL point types containing normals, but only a certain subset. For example, PointXYZLNormal is not included in the instantiation list here below. May I ask to add it? I can provide a PR if ok for the maintainers.

PCL_INSTANTIATE(GreedyProjectionTriangulation, (pcl::PointNormal)(pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal)(pcl::PointXYZINormal))

Hi, I have no objections. Are you using PointXYZLNormal in your code?

Are you using PointXYZLNormal in your code?

Exaclty, I'm using "L" field to encode terrain segmentation/classification in an autonomous navigation scenario.