Poeschl / molecule-test-images

Ansible Molecule Test Images

Repository from Github https://github.comPoeschl/molecule-test-imagesRepository from Github https://github.comPoeschl/molecule-test-images

Molecule Test Images

For automated molecule tests for ansible I use this images for an easy use in my ansible projects.

Molecule Images


The images are build automatically from the main branch.

Available OSes:

  • debian
  • ubuntu

Available facets

  • basic - just a basic os installation with minimalistic tools
  • with_docker - same as basic + docker and docker-compose install
  • with_podman - same as basic + podman and podman-compose install

All combinations can be retrieved with the following way in your molecule.yaml. The image has the pattern {{ os }}-{{ facet }} for its tags.

  - name: molecule-ubuntu
    image: ghcr.io/poeschl/molecule-test-image:${MOLECULE_OS:-ubuntu}-basic
    command: ${MOLECULE_DOCKER_COMMAND:-""}
    privileged: true
    pre_build_image: true

Rootless user

To test you roles and playbooks with an non-root user you can use the user rootless with uid 1000.

  name: ansible
    ansible_ssh_user: rootless


Ansible Molecule Test Images

License:Apache License 2.0