PlugaruT / land_registry_api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Backend Code Challenge

This project represents a web application written in Django. The application is able to seed it's database with CSV files from here.

Project Setup

Make sure you have Python 3.8+ installed on your machine. I recommend to also create a virtual environment in order to isolate project dependencies.

To install project dependencies just run

make install

After that, check if all the tests are green

make test

The project uses black for code formatting, and to format the code, just run

make lint

To start the development server on your machine, run

make run

As I mentioned, the project database needs to be seeded with data. For this, we have a download a CSV file from here. Any CSV file will do.

After that, just run

python seed_db --file_path=your_path_to_downloaded_file 

This command will read the file and will insert all it's contents into the database. All of this is done with the power of SQL 💪.


At the moment, there are only two endpoints available.

  • /api/v1/house-prices is the endpoint where data is grouped by month for each property type.

    For filtering of the data, there are a few query params available:

    • from_date, a string of the format YYYY-MM-DD representing from which date the data should be filtered.
    • to_date, a string of the format YYYY-MM-DD representing to which date the data should be filtered.
    • postcode, a string representing the postcode of the region where the land is located.
  • /api/v1/transactions is the endpoint where transactions are grouped by price range types.

    For filtering of the data, there are a few query params available:

    • from_date, a string of the format YYYY-MM-DD representing from which date the data should be filtered.
    • to_date, a string of the format YYYY-MM-DD representing to which date the data should be filtered.
    • postcode, a string representing the postcode of the region where the land is located.

DB Tweaks

The SQL queries that are aggregating the data are relatively simple, but because of tha amount of data to aggregate, they are slow. Because of this, I've added to registry_api_landtransaction two indexes, for postcode and price columns. After I've added these two indexes, I've seen a quite big jump in terms of speed, especially when filtering by postcode. There is one more issue, filtering by date range is quite slow in my opinion, and I wasn't able to find a decent solution 😞.


As you might have noticed, I haven't used Django ORM at all. Now, there are a few reasons why:

  • First, I could use the ORM when reading the file and storing data into DB, but, it would be very slow and doing the same action using SQL adds a big performance benefit.
  • When aggregating data, I decided to go with SQL because SQL is very good at aggregating big amount of data and the ORM would just be an intermediate layer I decided to skip.

I know this may be a controversy decision, when to use and when to now use the ORM, but, if the task would be to build a CRUD API, I would definitely choose to use the ORM, but in this particular case, I decided to go with SQL because it's just better for this kind of job.



Language:Python 98.5%Language:Makefile 1.5%