PlasmaPower / intersections

Analyzes intersections between genes and sequences

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This program finds the overlap of sequences and genes using format 6 blastn output (

qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
Query_1	accn|JISN01000002	100.000	28	0	0	29	56	37930	37957	1.32e-08	52.8

and gff3 output (from prokka)

##gff-version 3
##sequence-region accn_JISN01000001 1 334949
accn_JISN01000001	Prodigal:2.6	CDS	240	2849	.	+	0	ID=NKHGEDLF_00001;Name=clpB;gene=clpB;inference=ab initio prediction:Prodigal:2.6,similar to AA sequence:UniProtKB:Q7A6G6;locus_tag=NKHGEDLF_00001;product=Chaperone protein ClpB

Lines 9 and 10 of the blastn output are compared to lines 4 and 5 of the gff3 file (section type 2) for overlap. Any number of bla files can be intersected with an equal number of MATCHING gff files.


Folder of .bla files and .gff files MATCHED by NAME (I.E. genome1.bla genome1.gff genome2.bla genome2.gff). Bla files are files created in blastn format 6 by the blasting of one or more sequences against the respective genome. Gff3 files are created (for example) by prokka v1.12 ( for a respective genome.


First download rust (instructions from

curl -sSf | sh

Then download the crate for intersections

cargo +nightly install sequence-intersections

Intersections can then be found in ~/.cargo/bin/ If a previous version of intersections already exists in the directory use

cargo +nightly install -f sequence-intersections

Output and Options

Column Description
name Name of gene according to gff file. Regions between two genes are denoted Between(GeneNameBefore, GeneNameAfter). Hypothetical proteins are denoted HypotheticalAfter(GeneName) or HypotheticalBefore(GeneName)
product Product of gene according to gff file. Same style as name.
total_overlap Amount of sequence which intersected at this gene. If a sequence of 31 in the blast in put file completely overlapped with this gene (IE blast was in ID_1 and spanned 1000-1031 and the gene was in ID_1 and spanned 1000-1500) then the total_overlap for this gene would add +31.
genome_count The number of genomes which had at least one sequence overlap this gene with at least 1 total_overlap.
start_avg The average start for this gene according to the gff file.
start_stdev The standard deviation of the start of this gene.
end_avg The average end for this gene according to the gff file.
end_stdev The standard deviation of the end of this gene.
length_avg The average span of each gene (# of nucleotides long). Is not related to start or end location but only length of the gene.


Example blast and gff intersections at:


Run with this command preceding to get warnings


Built with



  • Lee Bousfield - Free-lance code wizard - PlasmaPower
  • Daniel Harris - Researcher, Snitkin Lab, University of Michigan - dUmich


Analyzes intersections between genes and sequences

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%