Pips801 / UploadX-1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What is UploadX?

To put it simply, UploadX is software built for ShareX to allow you to upload files and images to your own server and website.

If you're like me, you like legal security. When you upload an image to, say, Imgur, your image now belongs to Imgur. The server your image is on, is not yours. You may have some control over the image, such as deleting it, but overall, Imgur has full control of it. They can delete it, remove it, use access logs to track you down, etc. UploadX removes this problem, because it's your site. Your server. Your files. There is no un-known administrator, no company that has to respond to DCMA requests or a subpoena. You're the only one who has control. (for the most part, your server host can still shut you down if they want to)

How does it work?

If you're using this software, you're using ShareX.

It works by setting up ShareX to upload to a custom host (your server). Whenever you take a screenshot, upload a file, or record a video in ShareX, it will get sent to your own server, processed by UploadX, and then a small URL will be sent back to you. It's easy, it's quick, it's simple, and, it's yours.

How do I install it?

SSH into your box.

Create a directory in /var/www or where ever apache is configured.

Name the directory to where ever you want your images to go. eg. http://yoursite/uploads/

Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/PixelPips/UploadX-Updated/

Move the contents of UploadX-Updated/ into the folder you created. (eg. uploads/)

There should be four things. two folders called lib and res and two files called index.php and .htaccess.

UploadX should now be installed! continue to configuration.

How do I configure it?

Once UploadX is installed, go to the admin panel, located at http://yoursite/<whatever you called it>/admin/ (don't forget the end / !)

Put in the default password (password)

Go to the settings [please continue writing this]

How do I use it with ShareX?

[Insert link to setup wiki page here]




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