PimCoumans / WeTransfer-iOS-CI

Containing all the shared CI logic for WeTransfer repositories

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Containing all the shared CI logic for WeTransfer repositories

Why should I use it?

What's in it for me? Well, quite a lot! With low effort to add it to your project.

  • Integrate SwiftLint to lint source code and tests. We have a different config for tests to allow force unwrapping for example
  • Integrate Danger to automatically improve PR reviews

Danger features

Following is a list of features which are posted in a comment on PRs based on the submitted files.

  • Warn for big PRs, containing more than 500 lines of code
  • Warn for missing PR description
  • Warn for missing updated tests
  • Show code coverage of PR related files
  • Show any failed tests
  • Show all warnings and errors in the project

Custom linting

These warnings are posted inline inside the PR, helping you to solve them easily.

  • Check for final class usage
  • override methods without adding logic
  • Suggest weak over unowned
  • Suggest // MARK: usage for large files

This is an example comment. Note that WeTransferBot will be replaced by your own bot. More info can be found here: Getting started with Danger.

How to integrate?

1: Add submodule

Add this repository as a submodule with the correct path Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI:

[submodule "Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI"]
	path = Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI
	url = https://github.com/WeTransfer/WeTransfer-iOS-CI.git

2: Create a fastlane file

Create a fastlane file which executes testing with code coverage enabled. Import the Fastfile from this repo and trigger the validate_changes lane.

import "./../Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI/Fastlane/Fastfile"

desc "Clean the derived data, run tests validate the changes"
lane :test do |options|
  # clear_derived_data

  # Set timeout to prevent xcodebuild -list -project to take to much retries.

      scheme: options[:project_name],
      project: "#{options[:project_name]}.xcodeproj",
      device: "iPhone 7",
      clean: true,
      code_coverage: true,
      formatter: "xcpretty-json-formatter"
  rescue => ex
    UI.error("Tests failed: #{ex}")

  validate_changes(project_name: options[:project_name])

3: Integrate SwiftLint in your project

Add a run script and use the following script:

if [ -z "$CI" ]; then
    if which swiftlint >/dev/null; then
        swiftlint --config "${SRCROOT}/Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI/SwiftLint/.swiftlint-source.yml"
        swiftlint --config "${SRCROOT}/Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI/SwiftLint/.swiftlint-tests.yml"
        echo "warning: SwiftLint not installed, download from https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint"

4: Run fastlane

You can now run fastlane using your CI environment. This can be integrated easily using the script in this repo inside your CI script:

- "./Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI/Scripts/travis.sh PROJECT_NAME"

Note: replace PROJECT_NAME with your project name

An example of a travis.yml:

language: objective-c
osx_image: xcode9.2
gemfile: Gemfile
bundler_args: "--without documentation --path bundle" # Don't download documentation for gems.
  bundler: true
    - /tmp/SwiftLint # Cache SwiftLint (absolute url on purpose)
    - NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=true # Prevents long install time http://awesomism.co.uk/nokogiri-slow-install/

  - "./Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI/Scripts/travis.sh WeScan" # Run WeTransfer iOS CI Travis script


WeTransfer-iOS-CI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Containing all the shared CI logic for WeTransfer repositories


Language:Ruby 89.5%Language:Swift 9.2%Language:Shell 1.4%