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Web component framework based on xTag and lavenderJS for developing HTML5 applications

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LotusJS is a framework based on xTag and lavenderJS for developing HTML5 applications using web components.

A web component framework that separates presentation from code!

Why should I care

LotusJS allows you to put your design and programming teams on completely independent tracks. You can even have programming and design teams from different organizations working on the same component in parallel. At Silicon Publishing we have been using lotusJS to successfully offload component skins to our client's in house design teams. This has saved countless developer hours, and made it easier for our clients to get the exact look and feel they want.

Another reason to love lotusJS is that it delivers the good of HTML imports without the bad. Component skins are external HTML template files. This means designers are free to work with static HTML in their native tools without any dependency on the framework itself. However all javascript code are ES modules managed though npm. This avoids many of the problems related to tree shaking and other issues when component code is imported through HTML imports.

And finally you should care about LotusJS because it will make it easy for you to make your own web components and distribute them. In short if you build a killer component you can sell it, have designers all over the world create skins for it, and hopefully make you a bunch of money!

Is anybody using this

Yes! Silicon Publishing has been using the LotusJS component model for years in its HTML5 Silicon Designer product (similar to Canva). Companies like Printing.com, AmazingMail, Jackprints, and St. Jude have been using LotusJS with a worldwide user base and are realizing the benefits of a decoupled component skins. You should too!

npm Package Manager

The lotus module is distributed through npm and can be added to your project using npm install lotusjs-components. For more check us out on npm.

Typescript Source

The lotus core is built using Typescript which enables us to fully implement common OOP patterns and controls within our codebase. You can also use lotus as a typescript module if you are already working in Typescript as well.

Skinable Web Components

Lotus uses a web component map based on xTag to allow you to create custom tags that encapsulate abstract functionality such as data grids, lists, buttons, image galleries, video players, and more. Lotus ships with the following built in web components and skins:

  • Button
  • Input (supports all HTML input types such as text, radio, checkbox, etc)
  • Radio Group
  • Select List
  • Image Gallery
  • File Upload
  • Drag and Drop File Upload
  • Data Driven Form

You can use the built in Lotus components or create your own custom components. To create a custom component you extend Lotus.AbstractComponent or an existing subclass. Then override at a minimum the following methods: defineSkinParts, onSkinPartAdded and destroy.

To map a component to a custom tag you simply create a context and call the mapComponent method passing your custom tag name, the prototype for the component (optional), and the constructor function of your view component. For example:

var context = new Lotus.Context(Lavender.ModelLocator.getInstance().config);
context.componentMap.mapComponent('x-lotus-button', Lotus.LotusHTMLElement.prototype, Lotus.Button);

Once the component is mapped you can add the custom tag to HTML DOM:

<x-lotus-button data-template-url="templates/button.html" data-component-root='[data-skin-part="button"]' data-attribute-type="testButton"></x-lotus-button>

Notice the the data-template-url attribute. This is a special attribute defined by the framework which triggers the loading and parsing of the file contents. This can be a relative or absolute path (includes http links) to the html file containing the components <template> definition. In this example the contents of that file are as follows:

            background-color: chartreuse;
            border: solid 1px red;
    <button data-skin-part="button"><label>testButton external</label></button>

Notice the data-skin-part attribute. This is a special attribute used by the framework. It will pass any element containing this attribute to the web component's onSkinPartAdded function. In this example that function does the following:

Lotus.Button.prototype.onSkinPartAdded = function(part, skinPart){
    switch( part ){
        case 'button':
            //add button event listener or whatever else yo want to do when this skin part is added
            //you could hold until all skin parts are added and then call addEventListeners
            console.log('Lotus.Button.prototype.onSkinPartAdded: part: ' + part);
            console.log('Lotus.Button.prototype.onSkinPartAdded: skinPart: ' + skinPart);

All components using the Lotus framework implement their own onSkinPartAdded function and attach behaviors accordingly. This avoids using selectors and allows the component skin to be totally decoupled from the web component's code. It also allows skins to be developed by designers using a common "data contract" that are the skin parts of the component. Skins can be developed and offered separately from base components as well. This is a key point of separation between Lotus and other web component frameworks.

To define skin parts for a component you map a skin part name to an attribute of your component as follows:

Lotus.Button.prototype.defineSkinParts = function(){
    //set up skin parts
    this.skinParts.addItem(new Lotus.SkinPart('button', this, 'buttonSkinPart'));

In this example the button data-skin-part found in the component's <template> will be mapped to the buttonSkinPart attribute of the Button instance.

You can also pass attribute values to your components at runtime using the special data-attribute-xxx tage where data-attribute- is the required prefix and xxx is your component's attribute name. When the framework evaluates these attributes the prefix is removed and dashes will be replace with camel case to evaluate the attribute value. So data-attribute-my-data-attribute-value will become myAttributeValue and evaluated using hasOwnProperty on your component instance. For example:

<x-lotus-button2 data-attribute-type="testButton" data-template-url="templates/button2.html" data-component-root='[data-skin-part="button"]'></x-lotus-button2>

In this example data-attribute-type will be evaluated as myButtonInstance.type = navButton where myButtonInstance is an instance of Lotus.Button.

For a complete example that demonstrates the power and flexibility of the Lotus component map and skins see our examples.

Collection and Item views

Creating collection components is made easy with Lotus. You can extend the base Lotus.AbstractCollectionView and Lotus.AbstractRecordSetCollectionView (supports pagination) to create custom collection components that define item renderers in their skin file. For example:

            padding: 10px;

        button {
            border-radius: 4px;
            min-height: 28px;
            cursor: pointer;

        /* ***************************************************************************************************** */
        /* Default interaction css */
        /* ***************************************************************************************************** */
        .enabled {
            opacity: 1;
            pointer-events: auto;

        .disabled {
            opacity: 0.5;
            pointer-events: none;
<div data-source="sampleAPI" data-attribute-item-view="Lotus.ImageGalleryView">

    <!-- record set navigation -->
    <div data-skin-part="navButtonContainer" data-enabled-class="enabled" data-disabled-class="disabled">
        <button data-skin-part="firstBtn" data-enabled-class="enabled" data-disabled-class="disabled">
            <label style="pointer-events:none;"><img src="assets/i_first.png" border="0"/></label>

        <button data-skin-part="pervBtn" data-enabled-class="enabled" data-disabled-class="disabled">
            <label style="pointer-events:none;"><img src="assets/i_previous.png" border="0"/></label>

        <button data-skin-part="nextBtn" data-enabled-class="enabled" data-disabled-class="disabled">
            <label style="pointer-events:none;"><img src="assets/i_next.png" border="0"/></label>

        <button data-skin-part="lastBtn" data-enabled-class="enabled" data-disabled-class="disabled">
            <label style="pointer-events:none;"><img src="assets/i_last.png" border="0"/></label>

    <div data-skin-part="collectionContainer">

        <!-- Itemrenderer skin -->
        <div data-skin-part="itemTemplate" class="itemRenderer" data-attribute-thumb-width="96" data-attribute-thumb-height="96">
            <div class="thumbnailContainer someClass" data-skin-part="thumbnailContainer" selected-class="selectedThumbContainer">
                <img data-skin-part="thumbnail" selected-class="thumbSelected" draggable="true"/>
                <!-- example of a nested component that is a skin part-->
                <x-lotus-gallery-detail data-skin-part="itemDetail" data-template-url="templates/galleryItemDetail.html" data-component-root='div'></x-lotus-gallery-detail>



Notice the data-skin-part="collectionContainer attribute. This is a special attribute whose value must be set to collectionContainer. This attribute tells the web component where the items are to be inserted. The element which defines the data-skin-part="itemTemplate" attribute will be used to render each item in the collection.

The item view component used to render each item in the collection is defined in the data-attribute-item-view attribute. In this case that value is set to Lotus.ImageGalleryView. A new instance of Lotus.ImageGalleryView is constructed for each item in the collection and a clone of the itemTemplate element is passed to the component.

Nested components

You can also nest web components within component skins. For example:

<div data-skin-part="collectionContainer" id="collectionContainer">

        <!-- Item renderer skin -->
        <div data-skin-part="itemTemplate" class="itemRenderer" data-attribute-thumb-width="96" data-attribute-thumb-height="96">
            <div class="thumbnailContainer someClass" data-skin-part="thumbnailContainer" selected-class="selectedThumbContainer">
                <img data-skin-part="thumbnail" selected-class="thumbSelected" draggable="true"/>
                <!-- example of a nested component that is a skin part-->
                <x-lotus-gallery-detail data-skin-part="itemDetail" data-template-url="templates/galleryItemDetail.html" data-component-root='div'></x-lotus-gallery-detail>

    <!-- example of a nested component -->
    <x-lotus-page-number data-template-url="templates/pageNumberDisplay.html" data-source="sampleAPI" data-component-root='div'></x-lotus-page-number>

In this example the x-lotus-gallery-detail component is passed as a skin part, and the x-lotus-page-number component is nested stand alone. Once these tags are added to the DOM they will be mapped to a component instance just like any other.

To see examples of other collection components see our examples directory.

Data Binding

Lotus incorporates Lavender's data binding utilities to define bindable end points in your objects, and to set up data bindings. Before you can bind to a property of an object you have to make sure your object extends Lavender.Subject somehwere is its inheritance chain, and you must make sure to call the object's notify method when changes occur. For example:

 //start binding source set up. This is a crude example. Most application should use a MVW framework like lotusjs-mwv set create data models and apply bindings using mediators.
        //below we create a source for data binding. Components should always effect an application model instead of acting on the view directly
        //you can then use two way data bindings on the model to keep your components in sync with model. Changes in the model are then resolved by the component.
        var BindingSource = function(){
            var _selectedItem;
            var _collection = new Lavender.ArrayList();
                selectedItem: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _selectedItem;
                    set: function (val) {
                        _selectedItem = val;
                        this.notify(val, "selectedItem");
                collection: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _collection;
                    set: function (val) {
                        _collection = val;
                        this.notify(val, "collection");
            //set up pour collection
            this.collection.addItem({label: 'Sunset 1', value: 'assets/photos/Sunset_2007-1.jpg', src: 'assets/photos/Sunset_2007-1.jpg', selected:true});
            this.collection.addItem({label: 'Sunset 2', value: 'assets/photos/Sunset-socialphy.com_.jpg', src: 'assets/photos/Sunset-socialphy.com_.jpg'});
            this.collection.addItem({label: 'Sunset 3', value: 'assets/photos/sunset-birds1.jpg', src: 'assets/photos/sunset-birds1.jpg'});
            this.collection.addItem({label: 'Full Moon', value: 'assets/photos/FullMoon2010.jpg', src: 'assets/photos/FullMoon2010.jpg'});
            //set the selected item
            this.selectedItem = this.collection.getItemAt(0);

            BindingSource.prototype.setSelectedItemFromCollectionView = function(item){
                if(item && item.model != this.selectedItem ){
                    this.selectedItem = item.model;

In this example BindingSource defines the bindable end points selectedItem and collectioninside the call to addProperties. The addProperties method is defined in the Lavender's binding utilities and incorporated through BindingSource extension of Lavender.Subject. Notice the call to notify. Lavender's binding utilities are an implementation of the Observer pattern, and the call to notify handles notification for all registered observers.

IMPORTANT: Lotus.SkinPart and Lotus.AbstractComponent already extend Lavender.Subject.

Once you define a bindable end point you can bind to it.

bindingSource.binder.bind(bindingSource, 'selectedItem', component, 'model');

The binder property is inherited through Lavender.Subject and is an instance of the Lavender.Binder object. Whenever the bindingSource.selectedItem property changes component.model will be updated with the new value. In this example the component.model attribute is also a bindable end point declared in the same manner, but it does not have to be. It could also be a plain old JavaScript attribute. If you want to enable two way data binding, for example:

bindingSource.binder.bind(bindingSource, 'selectedItem', component, 'model');
bindingSource.binder.bind(component, 'model', bindingSource, 'selectedItem');

you have to make sure component.model is also a bindable end point.

You can also bind to methods, instance varibales and accessor methods of plain old Javascript objects. Just remeber if you want an object to be a bindable end point that can notify observers of changes you must extend Lavender.Subject and they must create bindable end points by declaring accessor methods that call this.notify(value, 'attribute') where value is the new value and attribute is the name of the attribute.

IMPORTANT: in order to prevent recursion the Lavender core automatically checks that incoming values of attribute bindings are different than the one currently applied.

if (this.instance[this.chainProp] != value) {
    this.instance[this.chainProp] = value;

However it does not do this if the property in the chain is a function. Be sure if you setup functions as binding callbacks they check that the incoming value is different than the current one. For example:

BindingSource.prototype.setSelectedItemFromCollectionView = function(item){
    if(item && item.model != this.selectedItem ){
        this.selectedItem = item.model;

This handles cases where attributes are set to a null value as part of a destroy process, and ensures the value is actually out of sync. This prevents recursion when two way bindings are applied.

For a complete example of two way data binding so our image component example.

Light Weight

Lotus is only 6497 bytes when gzipped, and Lavander is only 10363 bytes when gzipped. That's a lot of power in a small package.


For an example of how easy it is to start building custom components using LotusJS see our examples directory. There are numerous examples of the core components complete with documentation and code samples.

MVW Framework

The Lotus team has also created a complete MVW (Model View Whatever) framework that includes command mapping, view mediation, dependency injection, decorators, and more. If you want to build more than just reusable web components with Lotus check it out at LotusJS-MVW. Or use your favorite framework of choice and drop in custom elements powered by LotusJS!

Create custom components built on Lotus and offer them through the component exchange


Create custom skins and offer them through the component exchange



Web component framework based on xTag and lavenderJS for developing HTML5 applications


Language:JavaScript 38.8%Language:HTML 32.4%Language:TypeScript 17.2%Language:CSS 11.5%Language:Shell 0.1%