PieterVanPoyer / mini-rx-store

Lightweight Redux Store based on RxJS

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New Discussion: Angular Signal Store RFC

MiniRx Store 5

MiniRx Store 5 has been released (2023-04-17)!

What's new?

  • Component Store:
    • Manage state independently of the global state object (which is used by Store and Feature Store)
    • Component Store and Feature Store share the same API (setState, select, effect...)
    • Component Store is perfect for managing smaller and local state (most times that is Component state)
    • You can use most of the MiniRx extensions: Logger Extension, Undo Extension and Immutable Extension
    • Extensions can be configured globally or individually for each Component Store instance
  • Tree-shakable: even more lightweight!
  • Lazy state initialisation with setInitialState
  • setState accepts also an Observable: use an Observable to update state
  • createFeatureSelector has been deprecated. Use now createFeatureStateSelector which is more in line with createComponentStateSelector

Read more in the CHANGELOG about the changes and the very few BREAKING CHANGES.

Angular Integration (mini-rx-store-ng)

  • ComponentStoreModule: Configure ComponentStore extensions globally with the forRoot static method
  • BREAKING CHANGE: StoreDevtoolsModule has been removed. You can use now the normal ReduxDevtoolsExtension from mini-rx-store with StoreModule.forRoot.

Read more in the CHANGELOG of the Angular Integration.


npm i mini-rx-store

Install the Angular Integration if you are using Angular:

npm i mini-rx-store-ng

The Angular Integration requires now Angular@12.

MiniRx Store

MiniRx Store provides Reactive State Management, powered by RxJS. It is a highly flexible solution and scales with your state management needs:

  • Manage global state at large scale with the Store (Redux) API
  • Manage global state with a minimum of boilerplate using Feature Stores
  • Manage local component state with Component Stores

MiniRx always tries to find the sweet spot between powerful, simple and lightweight.

πŸ€“ Learn more about MiniRx on the docs site

πŸš€ See MiniRx in action:

What's Included

  • RxJS powered global state management
  • State and actions are exposed as RxJS Observables
  • Store (Redux):
    • Actions
    • Reducers
    • Meta Reducers
    • Memoized Selectors
    • Effects
    • mapResponse operator: handle the side effect response in Effects
    • Support for ts-action: Create actions and reducers more efficiently
  • Feature Store: Manage feature state directly with a minimum of boilerplate:
    • setState() update the feature state
    • setInitialState() initialize state lazily
    • select() select state from the feature state object as RxJS Observable
    • effect() run side effects like API calls and update feature state
    • undo() easily undo setState actions (requires the UndoExtension)
    • destroy() remove the feature state from the global state object
    • tapResponse operator: handle the side effect response in Feature Store effect
  • Component Store: Manage state locally:
    • Component Store is perfect for local component state
    • Component Store has the same simple API as Feature Store (setState, select, ...)
    • Component Store state is independent of the global state object
    • Component Store is destroyable
  • Extensions:
    • Redux DevTools Extension: Inspect global state with the Redux DevTools
    • Immutable Extension: Enforce state immutability
    • Undo Extension: Undo dispatched actions
    • Logger Extension: console.log the current action and updated state
  • Framework-agnostic: MiniRx works with any frontend project built with JavaScript or TypeScript (Angular, Svelte, React, Vue, or anything else)
  • TypeScript support: The MiniRx API comes with TypeScript type definitions
  • Angular Integration: Use MiniRx Store the Angular way:
    • Configure the Store with StoreModule.forRoot()
    • Add feature state with StoreModule.forFeature()
    • Inject Store and Actions

Key Concepts

  • State and actions are exposed as RxJS Observables
  • Single source of truth: The Store holds a single object which represents the global application state
  • The global state has a flat hierarchy and is divided into "feature states" (also called "slices" in Redux world)
  • For each "feature state" we can decide to use the Store (Redux) API with actions and reducers or the simplified FeatureStore API
  • Store and FeatureStore are different APIs for one and the same Redux Store
  • Use ComponentStore to manage state which is independent of the global state object
  • State is read-only (immutable) and can only be changed by dispatching actions (Redux API) or by using setState (Feature Store / Component Store)


Install from the NPM repository using npm:

npm install mini-rx-store

Install the RxJS peer dependency:

npm install rxjs

Basic Tutorial

Let's dive into some code to see MiniRx in action. You can play with the tutorial code on StackBlitz.

Store (Redux)

MiniRx supports the classic Redux API with registering reducers and dispatching actions. Observable state can be selected with memoized selectors.

import {
} from 'mini-rx-store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

// 1.) State interface
interface CounterState {
  count: number;

// 2.) Initial state
const counterInitialState: CounterState = {
  count: 1

// 3.) Reducer
function counterReducer(
  state: CounterState = counterInitialState,
  action: Action
): CounterState {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'inc':
      return {
        count: state.count + 1
      return state;

// 4.) Get hold of the store instance and register root reducers
const store: Store = configureStore({
  reducers: {
    counter: counterReducer

// 5.) Create memoized selectors
const getCounterFeatureState = createFeatureStateSelector<CounterState>('counter');
const getCount = createSelector(
  state => state.count

// 6.) Select state as RxJS Observable
const count$: Observable<number> = store.select(getCount);
count$.subscribe(count => console.log('count:', count));
// OUTPUT: count: 1

// 7.) Dispatch an action
store.dispatch({ type: 'inc' });
// OUTPUT: count: 2

Read more in the MiniRx docs: Store (Redux)

Feature Store

With MiniRx Feature Stores we can manage feature state directly with a minimum of boilerplate.

import { FeatureStore } from 'mini-rx-store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

// State interface
interface CounterState {
  count: number;

// Initial state
const counterInitialState: CounterState = {
  count: 11

// Extend FeatureStore and pass the State interface
export class CounterFeatureStore extends FeatureStore<CounterState> {
  // Select state as RxJS Observable
  count$: Observable<number> = this.select(state => state.count);

  constructor() {
    // Call super with the feature key and the initial state
    super('counterFs', counterInitialState);

  // Update state with `setState`
  inc() {
    this.setState(state => ({ count: state.count + 1 }));

Use the "CounterFeatureStore" like this:

import { CounterFeatureStore } from "./counter-feature-store";

const counterFs = new CounterFeatureStore();
counterFs.count$.subscribe(count => console.log('count:', count));
// OUTPUT: count: 11

// OUTPUT: count: 12

ℹ️ The state of a Feature Store becomes part of the global state

Every new Feature Store will show up in the global state with the corresponding feature key (e.g. 'counterFs'):

store.select(state => state).subscribe(console.log);
// OUTPUT: {"counter":{"count":2},"counterFs":{"count":12}}

Read more in the MiniRx docs: Feature Store

Component Store

Manage state locally and independently of the global state object. Component Store has the identical API as Feature Store.

import { ComponentStore } from 'mini-rx-store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

// State interface
interface CounterState {
  count: number;

// Initial state
const counterInitialState: CounterState = {
  count: 111,

// Extend ComponentStore and pass the State interface
export class CounterComponentStore extends ComponentStore<CounterState> {
  // Select state as RxJS Observable
  count$: Observable<number> = this.select((state) => state.count);

  constructor() {
    // Call super with the initial state

  // Update state with `setState`
  inc() {
    this.setState((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 }));

Use the "CounterComponentStore" like this:

const counterCs = new CounterComponentStore();
counterCs.count$.subscribe(count => console.log('count:', count));
// OUTPUT: count: 111

// OUTPUT: count: 112

Read more in the MiniRx docs: Component Store

See the basic tutorial on StackBlitz: MiniRx Store - Basic Tutorial

Demos and examples:


These popular Angular demo applications show the power of MiniRx:

More about MiniRx:

Blog Posts:



These projects, articles and courses helped and inspired us to create MiniRx:



Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Pieter Van Poyer
Pieter Van Poyer

Florian Spier
Florian Spier

πŸ’» πŸ€”

Maximo Cudich-Sieburger
Maximo Cudich-Sieburger






This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Lightweight Redux Store based on RxJS



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