PiersonBro / swiftz

Functional programming in Swift

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Swiftz is a Swift library for functional programming.

It defines purely functional data structures and functions.


Data abstractions:

let xs: [Int8] = [1, 2, 0, 3, 4]

// we can use the Min semigroup to find the minimal element in xs
sconcat(Min(), 2, xs) // 0

// we can use the Sum monoid to find the sum of xs
mconcat(Sum<Int8, NInt8>(i: { return nint8 }), xs) // 10

Either and Result:

// Result represents something that could work or be an NSError.
// Say we have 2 functions, the first fetches from a web services,
// the second decodes the string into a User.
// Both *could* fail with an NSError, so we use a Result<A>.
func getWeb() -> Result<String> {
  var e: NSError?
  let str = doStuff("foo", e)
  return Result(e, str)

func decodeWeb(str: String) -> Result<User> {
  var e: NSError?
  let user = decode(str, e)
  return Result(e, user)

// We can compose these two functions with the `>>-` function.

let getUser: Result<User> = getWeb() >>- decodeWeb

switch (getUser) {
case let .Error(e): 
	println("NSError: \(e)")
case let .Value(user): 

// If we use getUser and getWeb fails, the NSError will be from doStuff.
// If decodeWeb fails, then it will be an NSError from decode.
// If both steps work, then it will be a User!


let js: NSData = ("[1,\"foo\"]").dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding,
                  allowLossyConversion: false)
let lhs: JSValue = JSValue.decode(js)
let rhs: JSValue = .JSArray([.JSNumber(1), .JSString("foo")])
XCTAssert(lhs == rhs)
XCTAssert(rhs.encode() == js)

// The User class blob/fc9fead44/swiftzTests/swiftzTests.swift#L14-L48
// implements JSONDecode, so we can decode JSON into it and get a `User?`
let userjs: NSData = ("{\"name\": \"max\", \"age\": 10, \"tweets\":
                       [\"hello\"], \"attrs\": {\"one\": \"1\"}}")
  .dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)
let user: User? = JSValue.decode(userjs) >>- User.fromJSON
XCTAssert(user! == User("max", 10, ["hello"], ["one": "1"]))


// we can delay computations with futures
let x: Future<Int> = Future(exec: gcdExecutionContext, {
	return 4
x.result() == x.result() // true, returns in 1 second

// Channels
let chan: Chan<Int> = Chan()
chan.write(2) // this could happen asynchronously
let x1 = chan.read()
let x2 = chan.read()
println((x1, x2)) // 1, 2

// we can map and flatMap over futures
x.map({ $0.description }).result() // "4", returns instantly
x.flatMap({ (x: Int) -> Future<Int> in
	return Future(exec: gcdExecutionContext, { sleep(1); return x + 1 })
}).result() // sleeps another second, then returns 5

Swiftz Core

Swiftz Core only contains interfaces to concepts and implementations for data abstractions from the standard library.


Operator Name Type
pure pure pure<A>(a: A) -> F<A>
<^> fmap <^><A, B>(f: A -> B, a: F<A>) -> F<B>
<^^> imap <^^><I, J, A>(f: I -> J, f: F<I, A>) -> F<J, A>
<!> contramap <^><I, J, A>(f: J -> I, f: F<I, A>) -> F<J, A>
<*> apply <*><A, B>(f: F<A -> B>, a: F<A>) -> F<B>
>>- bind >>-<A, B>(a: F<A>, f: A -> F<B>) -> F<B>
->> extend ->><A, B>(a: F<A>, f: F<A> -> B) -> F<B>

Types with instances of these operators:

  • Optional
  • Array (non-determinism, cross product)
  • Either (right bias)
  • Result
  • ImArray
  • Set (except <*>)

Note: these functions are not in any protocol. They are in global scope.

Adding Swiftz to a Project

  1. Build the .framework
  2. Copy it to your project
  3. Add a build phase to copy frameworks, and add that swiftz to the list
  4. Add --deep to "Other Code Signing Flags"
  5. Check Versions/A/Frameworks/ doesn't contain the Swift runtime (it will be duplicated with the App's copy of the runtime, causing a 4mb increase in file size)



  • Future<A>, MVar<A> and Chan<A> concurrency abstractions
  • JSON types and encode / decode protocols
  • Lenses
  • Semigroup<A> and Monoid<A> with some instances
  • Num protocol
  • Either<L, R> and Result<V>
  • maybe for Optional<A>,
  • Dictionary and Array extensions
  • Immutable Set<A: Hashable> and ImArray<A>


Functional programming in Swift

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Swift 99.1%Language:C++ 0.9%