Pierluigi10 / User-sign-up-end-login-using-bcrypt-backend

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Create user sign-up and login

Use bcrypt to allow users to sign up and log in via an API.

Understand the functionality of bcrypt

  • use these notes to understand how you can use bcrypt to:
    • take a password and create a hash of it to save in the database
    • take a password and compare it to a hash in the database to see if the password is correct

Create an API that allows users to sign up and log in

  • use Node/Express/Mongoose to create an API with two endpoints:
    • POST /signup
      • receive login, password1 and password2 as payload (body)
        • look for login in database, if login found, then return a 409 (Conflict)
        • if password1 and password2 do not match, return a 403 (Forbidden: "the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it")
      • use bcrypt to create a hash of the password
      • save login and hash as a document in a collection users in an app called testapp003
    • POST /login
      • receive login and password as payload (body)
      • retreive (find) the document for that login from the database
      • use bcrypt to check if the password produces the same hash as in the database
      • if no, then return a 401 (Unauthorized)
      • if yes, then return a 200 (OK)
  • for code guidance in creating an API which accesses a MongoDB with Mongoose, see these instructions: Setup M(V)C API for MongoDB collection with subdocument structure

🥇 BONUS: Build a frontend which uses the above API

  • use create-react-app
  • make two forms
    • Signup form
      • fields: Login, Password, Confirm Password
      • validation:
        • Login: required, 5 or more characters
        • Password1: required, 8 or more characters, contains both numbers and letters
        • Password2: required, 8 or more characters, contains both numbers and letters, matches Password1
      • if response 403, then inform user that it was unsuccessful and try again
        • (frontend validation should theoretically prevent this)
      • if response 200, then inform user that they successfully created a user
    • Login form
      • fields: Login, Password
      • validation
        • Login: required
        • Password: required
      • if 401, then inform user that their login or password was incorrect
      • if 200, then inform user that they successfully logged in

💪 CHALLENGE: Create ability for admin user to delete users

  • use your frontend to create a user with the login admin
  • on the backend API, create an endpoint DELETE /deleteuser
    • payload (body): adminLogin, adminPassword, userLoginToDelete
    • if admin login/password are not correct, then respond with 401 (Unauthorized)
    • if user login to delete does not exist, then respond with 404 (Not Found)
    • if user was found and deleted, then respond with 200 (OK)
  • on the frontend, create a new form:
    • fields: Admin Login, Admin Password, User Login to Delete
    • inform the user appropriately based on the server response



Language:JavaScript 100.0%