Piasy / GradleScripts

My common used gradle scripts.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My common used gradle scripts.


Gradle script used for upload artifact to bintray.com.


  • add this line into your module's build.gradle:
apply from: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Piasy/GradleScripts/master/PRJ_NAME/gradle/bintray.gradle"
  • add this block into your root project build.gradle, edit it in your need:
ext {
    userName = 'Piasy'
    developer = [
            id   : 'piasy',
            name : 'piasy',
            email: 'xz4215@gmail.com'
    license = [
            id  : 'MIT',
            name: 'The MIT License (MIT)',
            url : 'http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT'
    groupName = 'com.github.piasy'
    artifactName = 'dialogfragmentanywhere'
    artifactDescription = 'Anchor your dialog fragment to anywhere! '
    artifactLabels = ['DialogFragment', 'Position']
    releaseVersionCode = 1
    releaseVersionName = '1.0.0'

    androidCompileSdkVersion = 26
    androidBuildToolsVersion = '27.0.1'
    androidSupportSdkVersion = '27.0.1'
    minSdkVersion = 16
    targetSdkVersion = 26
  • create file gradle/bintray.properties, and add this block into it:
bintray.user=<your bintray username>
bintray.apikey=<your bintray api key>
  • run ./gradlew bintrayUpload, your artifact will be uploaded to bintray.


Build a library and example in the same module, publish to bintray.com.

  • add this line into your module's build.gradle:
apply from: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Piasy/GradleScripts/master/PRJ_NAME/gradle/simple_lib_android_bintray.gradle"
  • Add more ext attributes into root project build.gradle:
ext {
    ... // the same as you added when import bintray.gradle

    libDebugAppId = 'com.github.piasy.libxxx.example'
  • In your module's build.gradle, you only need specify dependency.
  • Download simple_lib_android_bintray_release.sh, and add execute permission for it, then run it for release.
  • If you want to run example, just hit the Run button of Android Studio.

piasy_android_simple_lib template project

  • Clone this project, or download piasy_android_simple_lib.sh and piasy_android_simple_lib.tar, put them in the same folder;
  • Run piasy_android_simple_lib.sh <project name> <dest path>, then a well configured template project will be there, shine!


My common used gradle scripts.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 51.5%Language:Shell 48.5%