Piasy / ExpenseApp

A simple budgeting/expense application, for testing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple budgeting/expense application, for testing


Although this expense app is not very complex, since there is a note of "use of standard Android design patterns", so I'll use a pattern. But I haven't worked closely on application development for over 3 years, so I'm not very familiar with the state-of-art architecture stuff, so I'll use the architecture I used 3 years ago, which is MVP, and combined with RxJava2 and Dagger2, but migrate to architecture components in Jetpack should not be a big issue. I choose one of my open source project 3 years ago, Piasy/YaMvp.

And I'll use a model layer architecture in this diagram:

since we don't store transactions on server, so there will only be local DB part. And here is the full keynote, in case of interest, although it's in Chinese.

I forced the application in portrait mode, and didn't create a different layout for tablet, for simplicity right now, but it's easy to support landscape, tablet with different layout files/code, and supporting dynamic orientation switch is also not a big issue too.

Features not implemented:

  • Different layout for tablet, it should be easy to support tablet with different layout files/code;
  • Chars tab, using MPAndroidChart should be easy in the future;
  • Create and edit transaction & category with UI, I would create two activities for them, one for transaction create & edit, another for category create & edit, we can pass model object between activity and fragment easily with the help of auto-value-parcel;
  • Per day or month view for transactions, currently all transactions are listed together, should be easy to add filter based on date;
  • Dynamic text color based on category color, there should be some open source projects to help with it;
  • Budgeting monthly, currently all transactions are summed together, should be easy to add filter based on date;


A simple budgeting/expense application, for testing

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%