PhyllisH / Quiz3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Yue Hu (021034910091)

1. What's the definition of plagiarism and multiple submissions? (2pt)

  • Plagiarism: the act of quoting others' ideas, insights, achievements, or language without claiming the source.
  • Multiple submissions:Submitting the same paper or papers with minor differences to multiple journals at the same time, or re-submitting the paper to another journal within the agreed period of time.

2. Please learn about the Schön scandal and analyze the academic misconduct involved (in 50 words). (3pt)

Schön scandal shows that academic corruption is a worldwide phenomenon. Eliminating academic cheating cannot only rely on the self-discipline of the scientific community and scientists themselves, but also need to be guaranteed by strictly laws.
