Philo / dotnet-clinician-sample

Lenus Health Platform sample application to demonstrate the use of agency to query health data from individuals

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A sample clinician app that demonstrates requesting agency for another users and displaying their data samples


  • .NET core 2.0 SDK
  • Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio Code
  • Access to an instance of the Lenus Health platform
  • Access to register a new client application for use with this sample

Creating a client application

Visit, register and/or login to your account and create a new client application. The client application will be required to use the following configuration:

  • RedirectUri: http://localhost:5000/signin-oidc
  • Grant Type: authorization code
  • Basic Scopes: openid, profile, email, agency_api
  • Correlation Scopes: read.blood_pressure
  • Body Quantity Scopes: read.height, read.body_mass
  • Fitness Quantity Scopes: read.step_count
  • Vitals Quantity Scopes: read.heart_rate, read.blood_pressure.blood_pressure_diastolic, read.blood_pressure.blood_pressure_systolic

Set a known <client-secret> value

Deploy to Azure

Deploying an instance directly to azure is the quickest way to see the sample in action, this will of course require that you have an active Azure subscription into which the resources can be created. Use the button below to start the deployment

Deploy to Azure

You will need to know:

  • The absolute url of a health platform identity instance
  • The absolute url of the data store api associated with the health platform identity instance
  • The client-id created above
  • The client-secret set for the client application
  • The redirect-uri, this will be in the form https://<site-name> See the value you use for the Site Name parameter during deployment

Running Locally

Updating the sample configuration files

Included in the sample is an appsettings.development.json file, within this file you will need to update the following configuration with values obtained with creating your client application:

  "OpenIdConnect" : 
     "Authority" :  "<uri-to-identity-service>",
     "ClientId" :  "<client-id>",
     "ClientSecret" : "<client-secret>"

The Authority uri will be that of the IdentityServer website, see the environments documentation.

Then update the following section of the same configuration file:

  "HealthDataClient" : 
    "BaseUri" :  "<uri-to-data-service>"

Where the BaseUri for the data service can also be obtained from the environments documentation.

Finally, update the Agency configuration as above:

  "Agency" : {
     "AgencyRequestUri" :  "<uri-to-identity-service>/agency" ,
     "AgencyApiBaseUri" :  "<uri-to-identity-service>/api/agency" 

Building and Running

Open the solution either in Visual Studio 2017 or using Visual Studio Code.


Lenus Health Platform sample application to demonstrate the use of agency to query health data from individuals


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