Phil-Factor / PubsAndFlyway

This is all the code, both SQL and PowerShell to demonstrate how to use various aspects of Flyway. The articles are linked to in the ReadMe file. There are also explanations about each file

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Pubs & Flyway

This project is a collection of simple illustrations of building a database with Flyway. has been designed just to make it a bit easier for SQL Server people who would like to try out using Flyway. I decided that it would be useful to start simple just because there are so many options, flags and actions that are possible with this database build system. All the details of using these is in the accompanying articles. These grow in complexity until we reach the PubsFlywayTeamsMigration that allows undo, uses callbacks, static scripts and so on. I also show how to do simple builds with BCP of data, just for shell-shocked traditional developers who strain to see the many virtues of Flyway.

These various projects are

  • PubsAgnostic

  • PubsFlywayBaselinedMigration

  • PubsFlywayBuild

  • PubsFlywayHistorySchema

  • PubsFlywayLittleMigration

  • PubsFlywayMigration

  • PubsFlywaySecondMigration

  • PubsFlywayTeamsBuild

  • PubsFlywayTeamsMigration

  • PubsMariaDB

  • PubsPostgreSQL

  • PubsSQLite

The Flyway Articles

I've written several articles, with plenty in the pipeline, to explain the many features of Flyway, using sample code that you can play with to get familiar with the system. I'm one of those who learn best by doing stuff, and you could be similar.

How to auto-generate first-cut undo scripts for every Flyway migration

Use Flyway to run your database migrations, each time automatically creating a SQL Change Automation release object to provide object-level scripts and a build script for the new version, along with change reports and code analysis reports.

How to quickly and automatically bulk load test data once Flyway Teams completes a database migration. A baseline migration script creates the empty database version, which then triggers a PowerShell callback script that bulk loads in the right version of the data. It is a very fast way to provision multiple copies of a database

Before you apply development updates to a live production database, you need to test the changes thoroughly using realistic data. However, it is often not practical, or even permissible, to use the real data taken from the production version of the database, if it contains personal information. Pseudonymized data disguises parts of the information that can be easily used to identify individuals, but to be entirely safe you must either anonymize the production data completely or else generate your own ‘realistic but fake’ development data.

The 'ShouldExecute' script configuration option in Flyway Teams simplifies 'conditional execution' of SQL migration files. This makes it easier to support multiple application versions from the same Flyway project, to deal with different cultural or legislative requirements. It also helps developers handle environmental differences between development, test and staging, such as the need to support multiple versions or releases of the RDBMS.

How Dry Run scripts work, and how they can be used to deliver a single-script release artifact to Staging, verify placeholder substitutions in SQL migration scripts, and simply team code reviews.

Demonstrates a cross-database PowerShell callback script for reporting on and auditing Flyway migrations, telling you which scripts were used to create each version, when they were run, who ran them and more.

Flyway Teams baseline migration scripts are a simple and fast way to deploy new copies of a database, at a specific version, for testing work, or to create a new branch during development.

During the development cycle, the mechanics of reliable delivery must not be allowed to dominate the design work. With script callbacks in Flyway Teams, many of the development tasks required during a database migration can happen automatically, producing reports, build scripts, code reviews, or documentation.

[Secrets of Flyway Teams Undo](Secrets of Flyway Teams Undo)

Flyway Teams has an Undo facility that enables you to roll back one or more migrations. This article demonstrates how it works and explains how Undo migrations make testing migration scripts easier and branch-based development simpler.

How to use Flyway configuration files to minimize typing during ad-hoc development from PowerShell or DOS; you just type in the Flyway commands you need and hit "go" and the config files take care of all the tiresome connection, authentication and project details. [

This article explains the fastest ways to restore the previous version of the database, to recover from a failed Flyway migration that leaves the database in an indeterminate state, and then how to adapt your database development process to avoid these problems

This article will get you up and running quickly with Flyway migrations on MariaDB or MySQL databases, from PowerShell.

A set of PowerShell cmdlets that will 'diff' two versions of a database and provide a high-level overview of the major database changes made by successive Flyway migrations. You can 'diff' a SQL Server database to the same one on PostgreSQL and find out which objects are the same and which are different

How to create a single set of SQL migration scripts for Flyway that we can use across multiple database systems, or for all regional variants of a database

As well as the scripts I list below, each project has the support files such as powershell scripts, data and sample reports.

Get started with running Flyway migrations on SQLite databases, using PowerShell.

Use PowerShell to run some Flyway migration scripts that will build, fill and modify a PostgreSQL database.

When you are using Flyway, how can you test your database migration script first to make sure it works exactly as you intended before you let Flyway execute it?

How to exploit the branching and merging capabilities of Git for scaling up team-based development, when doing Flyway migrations.

How to create and maintain a 'data dictionary' for your databases, in JSON format, which you can then use to add and update the table descriptions, whenever you build a new version using Flyway

How to write idempotent DDL scripts that Flyway can run several times on a database, such as after a hotfix has already been applied directly to the production database, without causing errors

How to detect database drift prior to running a database migration, so that you can be certain that a database hasn't been subject to any 'uncontrolled' changes that could affect the migration or result in untested changes being deployed to production.

A set of PowerShell automation script tasks for running database build and migrations tasks. This article describes the SQL code analysis task, which will check the syntax of the SQL code in your databases and your migration scripts for 'code smells'

This article provides PowerShell automation scripts for running Flyway database migrations. These scripts use SQL Compare to automatically generate all the required database build artifacts in the version control system, for each Flyway deployment.

How to create a batch file that executes any number of database migration tasks across a range of servers and databases, using Flyway.

How to send Flyway logging and error output to JSON and consume it in PowerShell to produce ad-hoc database migrations reports, including any errors that occurred, the version of the database, runtimes for each migration script and more.

Phil Factor demonstrates why we occasionally need to 'baseline' a database, when automating database deployments with Flyway, and a simple way of reducing the number of migration files that are required for a build

Phil Factor provides SQL routines to extract data from and load data into a SQL Server database, using BCP, and then a PowerShell automation script that uses Flyway to automatically build a database, from scratch and then fill it with data, ready for testing.

How to customize a database deployment process using Flyway, demonstrating how to incorporate tasks such stamping a version number into the latest database build, or writing to the SQL Server log.

Phil Factor explains how to get started with Flyway, as simply as possible, using PowerShell. This article provides a practice set of database automation scripts that will build a SQL Server database, and then update it, running a series of migrations scripts that make some schema alterations, and load the database with test data.

This article describes the principles of using Flyway migrations to build a database from scripts, to a specified version, and to track, manage and apply all database changes

The Projects


This is a project of building the original pubs database for MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server or SQLite, using just one shared source. I get around the difficulties by using placeholders with different settings depending on the database the source is being used for. The common ODBC SQL92 really isn't sufficient even for a simple database such as Pubs, so a little help from placeholders is required.

Name Description Version
V1.1.1_lnitial_Build.sql This provides an initial build but without the data 1.1.1
VI .1.2_Pubs_0riginal_Data.sql This inserts the original initial data 1.1.2


For beginners with Flyway, we show a simple way of building the original Pubs Database with a build scripot. Then we alter it (actually a new file) and show how Flyway will obligingly build it. We show that, if we decide to revert to c 1.1.1, it gets rather awkward and we need to rename files...

Name Description Version
RV1.1.11BuildSchemaAndData.sql Build script to create the Pubs database with original data 1.1.1


First off we show a simple way of building the original Pubs Database with a build scripot. Then we alter it (actually a new file) and show how Flyway will obligingly build it. We show that, if we decide to revert to c 1.1.1, it gets rather awkward and we need to rename files...

Name Description Version
V1-1-1_Original_Altered_For_SQL_Server_2017.sql Build script to create the Pubs database with original data 1.1.1
V1-1-2_Introduced_Tags.sql Migration script to add tags instead of using a simple 'type' for a title, so that a publication can have more than one type 1.1.2


Basically, this just has four files designed to build the initial version of Pubs, slightly modified to allow it to run easily on recent versions of SQL Server. Then there is a very simple modification to allow it to use nvarchars etc, and finally a dataset to replace the original data with five thousand publications so as to provide slightly more realistic data.

Name Description Version
V1.1.1_lnitial_Build.sql This provides an initial build but without the data 1.1.1
VI .1.2_Pubs_0riginal_Data.sql This inserts the original initial data 1.1.2
V1.1,3_UseNVarcharetc.sql This alters the data to allow it to take a reasonable amount of data 1.1.3
V1.1.4_Add_New_Data.sql This inserts the data. You'll find a lot of humanities Essays here. 1.1.4


This illustrates how a baseline works and how provide a more robust way of building the database. Basically, this allows you to experiment in migrating from the old traditional version of Pubs, slightly modified to allow it to run easily on recent versions of SQL Server, and from it to create a version that allows you to catalog various types of edition, all with different prices and so on, and finally adds a dataset to replace the original data with five thousand publications so as to provide slightly more realistic data.

Name Description Version
V1.1.1_lnitial_Build.sql This provides an initial build but without the data 1.1.1
VI .1.2_Pubs_0riginal_Data.sql This inserts the original initial data 1.1.2
V1.1,3_UseNVarcharetc.sql This alters the data to allow it to take a reasonable amount of data 1.1.3
V1.1.4__BuildAddEditionsAndPublications.sql This is inserted into the sequence to create a baseline 1.1.4
V1.1.5__Pubs_Re-apply Original_Data.sql This is needed so that the the original data can be used 1.1.5
V1.1.6_Add_New_Data.sql This inserts the data. You'll find a lot of humanities Essays here 1.1.6
V1.1.7__Add_Tags.sql Adds the tags 1.1.7


this is a version of the PubsSecondMigration project with an embedded configuration file that ensures that all participating devs use the same name for the Flyway Schema history table.

Name Description Version
flyway.conf a sample config file that specifies where the flyway schema history file should be
afterMigrate__Add_Version_EP.sql This marks the actual database after a migration with the version number and a description of the database
afterMigrate__ApplyTableDescriptions.sql Ensures that all the tables and columns are properly documented in the database after a migration. This prevents the clutter of extended properties in the code.
V1.1.1__Initial_Build.sql This provides an initial build but without the data 1.1.1
V1.1.2__Pubs_Original_Data.sql This inserts the original initial data 1.1.2
V1.1.3__UseNVarcharetc.sql This alters the database to allow it to take a reasonable amount of data 1.1.3
V1.1.4__RenameConstraintsAdd tables.sql This tidies up the data structures 1.1.4
V1.1.5__Add_New_Data.sql This inserts the data. You'll find a lot of humanities Essays here 1.1.5
V1.1.6__Add_Tags.sql Add the tags to allow publications to have several tags 1.1.6
V1.1.7__Add_Indexes.sql Add any indexes that code review identifies as being missing 1.1.7
V1.1.8__AddEditionData.sql add tables and data to allow the storage of different types of publication such as ebooks and pdfs. 1.1.8
V1.1.9__AddconditionalVersion.sql demonstrates how to add code that may not be supported by the version of SQL Server 1.1.9
V1.1.10__AddAddressesPhonesEtc.sql Add the schema that is used for managing people and their complexitied 1.1.10
V1.1.11__AddProcedureWithTest.sql demonstrates how to add unit tests to ensure that the migration actually works 1.1.1 1


This is the standard SQL Server migration for the pubs database, designed to work with Flyway Community

Name Description Version
afterMigrate__Add_Version_EP.sql This marks the actual database after a migration with the version number and a description of the database
afterMigrate__ApplyTableDescriptions.sql Ensures that all the tables and columns are properly documented in the database after a migration. This prevents the clutter of extended properties in the code.
V1.1.1__Initial_Build.sql This provides an initial build but without the data 1.1.1
V1.1.2__Pubs_Original_Data.sql This inserts the original initial data 1.1.2
V1.1.3__UseNVarcharetc.sql This alters the database to allow it to take a reasonable amount of data 1.1.3
V1.1.4__RenameConstraintsAdd tables.sql This tidies up the data structures 1.1.4
V1.1.5__Add_New_Data.sql This inserts the data. You'll find a lot of humanities Essays here 1.1.5
V1.1.6__Add_Tags.sql Add the tags to allow publications to have several tags 1.1.6
V1.1.7__Add_Indexes.sql Add any indexes that code review identifies as being missing 1.1.7
V1.1.8__AddEditionData.sql add tables and data to allow the storage of different types of publication such as ebooks and pdfs. 1.1.8
V1.1.9__AddconditionalVersion.sql demonstrates how to add code that may not be supported by the version of SQL Server 1.1.9
V1.1.10__AddAddressesPhonesEtc.sql Add the schema that is used for managing people and their complexitied 1.1.10
V1.1.11__AddProcedureWithTest.sql demonstrates how to add unit tests to ensure that the migration actually works 1.1.1 1


This version of the database demonstrates how to do a build with BCP input of data for provisioning SQL Server databases

Name Description Version
S1.1.11__BuildSchema.sql Builds the entire schem up to version 11 but without the data S1.1.11
V1.1.12__ImportData.ps1 the script that BCPs in the data V1.1.12__ImportData.ps1


This is a version of the Pubs Flyway Second migration that is designed for demonstrating the features of Flyway Teams, including the UNDO and call-back PowerShell scripts

Name Description Version
afterMigrate__Add_Version_EP.sql This marks the actual database after a migration with the version number and a description of the database
afterMigrate__ApplyTableDescriptions.sql Ensures that all the tables and columns are properly documented in the database after a migration. This prevents the clutter of extended properties in the code.
afterVersioned__Narrative.ps1 add to the narrative of changes after a migration
DontDoafterMigrate__Build.ps1 performs a whole lot of tasks such as doing a code review and creating build scripts
DontDoafterVersioned__Report.ps1 maintains a report in SQLite of all the migration actions performed
DontDoS1.1.11__BuildSchemaAndData.sql a static script that will build any new database rather than run it through all the past migrations
U1.1.1__Initial_Build.sql Undo file that takes the version back to zero (empty database)
U1.1.2__Pubs_Original_Data.sql Undo file that takes the version back to 1.1.1
U1.1.3__UseNVarcharetc.sql Undo file that takes the version back to 1.1.2
U1.1.4__RenameConstraintsAdd tables.sql Undo file that takes the version back to 1.1.3
U1.1.5__Add_New_Data.sql Undo file that takes the version back to 1.1.4
U1.1.6__Add_Tags.sql Undo file that takes the version back to 1.1.5
U1.1.7__Add_Indexes.sql Undo file that takes the version back to 1.1.6
U1.1.8__AddEditions.sql Undo file that takes the version back to 1.1.7
U1.1.9__AddconditionalVersion.sql Undo file that takes the version back to 1.1.8
U1.1.10__AddAddressesPhonesEtc.sql Undo file that takes the version back to 1.1.9
U1.1.11__AddProcedureWithTest.sql Undo file that takes the version back to 1.1.10
afterMigrate__Add_Version_EP.sql This marks the actual database after a migration with the version number and a description of the database
afterMigrate__ApplyTableDescriptions.sql Ensures that all the tables and columns are properly documented in the database after a migration. This prevents the clutter of extended properties in the code.
V1.1.1__Initial_Build.sql This provides an initial build but without the data 1.1.1
V1.1.2__Pubs_Original_Data.sql This inserts the original initial data 1.1.2
V1.1.3__UseNVarcharetc.sql This alters the database to allow it to take a reasonable amount of data 1.1.3
V1.1.4__RenameConstraintsAdd tables.sql This tidies up the data structures 1.1.4
V1.1.5__Add_New_Data.sql This inserts the data. You'll find a lot of humanities Essays here 1.1.5
V1.1.6__Add_Tags.sql Add the tags to allow publications to have several tags 1.1.6
V1.1.7__Add_Indexes.sql Add any indexes that code review identifies as being missing 1.1.7
V1.1.8__AddEditionData.sql add tables and data to allow the storage of different types of publication such as ebooks and pdfs. 1.1.8
V1.1.9__AddconditionalVersion.sql demonstrates how to add code that may not be supported by the version of SQL Server 1.1.9
V1.1.10__AddAddressesPhonesEtc.sql Add the schema that is used for managing people and their complexitied 1.1.10
V1.1.11__AddProcedureWithTest.sql demonstrates how to add unit tests to ensure that the migration actually works 1.1.1 1


A version of the Pubs database as a set of migration files, designed for use with MariaDB and MySQL

Name Description Version
V1.1.1__Initial_Build.sql This provides an initial build but without the data 1.1.1
V1.1.2__Pubs_Original_Data.sql This inserts the original initial data 1.1.2
V1.1.3__UseNVarcharetc.sql This alters the database to allow it to take a reasonable amount of data 1.1.3
V1.1.4__RenameConstraintsAdd tables.sql This tidies up the data structures 1.1.4
V1.1.5__Add_New_Data.sql This inserts the data. You'll find a lot of humanities Essays here 1.1.5
V1.1.6__Add_Tags.sql Add the tags to allow publications to have several tags 1.1.6
V1.1.7__Add_Indexes.sql Add any indexes that code review identifies as being missing 1.1.7


A version of the Pubs database as a set of migration files, designed for use with PostgreSQL

Name Description Version
V1.1.1__Initial_Build.sql This provides an initial build but without the data 1.1.1
V1.1.2__Pubs_Original_Data.sql This inserts the original initial data 1.1.2
V1.1.3__UseNVarcharetc.sql This alters the database to allow it to take a reasonable amount of data 1.1.3
V1.1.4__RenameConstraintsAdd tables.sql This tidies up the data structures 1.1.4
V1.1.5__Add_New_Data.sql This inserts the data. You'll find a lot of humanities Essays here 1.1.5
V1.1.6__Add_Tags.sql Add the tags to allow publications to have several tags 1.1.6


A version of the Pubs database as a set of migration files, designed for use with SQLite

Name Description Version
V1.1.1__Initial_Build.sql This provides an initial build but without the data 1.1.1
V1.1.2__Pubs_Original_Data.sql This inserts the original initial data 1.1.2
V1.1.3__UseNVarcharetc.sql This alters the database to allow it to take a reasonable amount of data 1.1.3
V1.1.4__RenameConstraintsAdd tables.sql This tidies up the data structures 1.1.4
V1.1.5__Add_New_Data.sql This inserts the data. You'll find a lot of humanities Essays here 1.1.5
V1.1.6__Add_Tags.sql Add the tags to allow publications to have several tags 1.1.6


This is all the code, both SQL and PowerShell to demonstrate how to use various aspects of Flyway. The articles are linked to in the ReadMe file. There are also explanations about each file

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:TSQL 97.4%Language:PowerShell 2.6%Language:PLpgSQL 0.0%