Petergatsby / GleepostAPI


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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#Gleepost API / V1

Production URL: Development URL:


  • Only available over HTTPS

  • Parameters can be form-encoded in a POST body, or sent as a query string


The only thing that should be considered a breaking change to the API is the removal or modification of existing attributes in a previously available resource.

A resource is allowed to gain arbitrary new attributes; a client should continue to operate normally, ignoring any attributes it is not familiar with.

In addition, arbitrary new event types may be added to the websocket interface. The client should ignore any event types it is not familiar with.

##Available API endpoints:

###Public endpoints: These endpoints are accessible to the world.

/register [POST]

/login [POST]

/fblogin [POST]

/profile/request_reset [POST]

/profile/reset/[user-id]/[reset-token] [POST]

/profile/facebook [POST].

/verify/[token] [POST]

/resend_verification [POST]

/contact_form [POST]

/university/[id] [[GET]] (#get-universityid)

###Authenticated endpoints: These endpoints require authentication to access. You must send an <id, token> pair with a request, which you can generate with /login or /fblogin

This may be sent in a query string "?id=1234&token=foobar" (where "1234" and "foobar" are id and token respectively), as parameters in the request body, or in the header "X-GP-Auth" with the format "1234-foobar"

/posts [GET] [POST]

/posts/[post-id]/comments [GET] [POST]

/posts/[post-id] [GET] [PUT] [DELETE]

/posts/[post-id]/images [POST]

/posts/[post-id]/videos [POST]

/posts/[post-id]/likes [POST]

/posts/[post-id]/attendees [GET] [PUT]

(DEPRECATED) /posts/[post-id]/attending [POST] [DELETE]

/posts/[post-id]/votes [POST]

/networks [GET] [POST]

/networks/[network-id] [GET] [PUT]

/networks/[network-id]/posts [GET] [POST] [PUT]

/networks/[network-id]/users [GET] [POST]

/networks/[network-id]/admins [GET] [POST]

/networks/[network-id]/admins/[user-id] [DELETE]

/networks/[network-id]/requests [GET] [POST]

/networks/[network-id]/requests/[user-id] [DELETE]

/live [GET]

/live_summary [GET]

/conversations [GET] [POST]

/conversations/read_all [POST]

/conversations/mute_badges [POST]

/conversations/[conversation-id] [GET] [DELETE] [PUT]

/conversations/[coversation-id]/messages [GET] [POST] [[PUT]] (#put-conversationsconversation-idmessages)

/conversations/[conversation-id]/messages/search/[query] [GET]

/conversations/[conversation-id]/participants [POST]

/conversation/[conversation-id]/files [GET]

/user [POST]

/user/[user-id] [GET]

/user/[user-id]/posts [GET]

/user/[user-id]/networks [GET]

/user/[user-id]/attending [GET]

/ws [GET]

/contacts [GET] [POST]

/contacts/[contact-id] [PUT]

/devices [POST]

/devices/[device-id] [DELETE]

/upload [POST]

/flow_upload [POST] [GET]

/videos [POST]

/videos/[video-id] [GET]

/profile/profile_image [POST]

/profile/name [POST]

/profile/tagline [POST]

/profile/tutorial_state [POST]

/profile/change_pass [POST]

/profile/busy [POST] [GET]

/profile/facebook [POST]

/profile/attending [GET]

/profile/pending [GET]

/profile/networks [GET]

/profile/networks/mute_badges [POST]

/profile/networks/posts [GET]

/profile/networks/[network-id] [DELETE]

/notifications [GET] [PUT]

/search/users/[name] [GET]

/search/groups/[name] [GET]

/reports [POST]

/campuspal_greet [POST]

###Statistics endpoints

####Stat endpoints are currently in development. This means they may change in any way at any time for any reason.

/stats/users/[user-id]/posts/[stat-type]/[period]/[start]/[finish] [GET]

/stats/posts/[post-id]/[stat-type]/[period]/[start]/[finish] [GET]

/views/posts [POST]

###Gleepost Approve endpoints

/approve/access [GET]

/approve/level [GET] [POST]

/approve/pending [GET]

/approve/approved [POST] [GET]

/approve/rejected [POST] [GET]

##POST /register required parameters: first, last, pass, email

optional parameters: invite

Password must be at least 5 characters long.

If 'invite' is specified and valid, the user will be added to any groups (s)he has been invited to and will not require verification.

example responses: If invite is valid: (HTTP 201)

{"id":143423424, "status":"verified"}

If invite is invalid: (HTTP 201)

{"id":143423424, "status":"unverified"}

(HTTP 400)

{"error":"Invalid email"}

##POST /login required parameters: email, pass

Logging in with bad credentials gives HTTP 400. Logging in with good credentials but an unverified account gives HTTP 403.

example responses: (HTTP 200)

{"id":9, "value":"f0e4c2f76c58916ec258f246851bea091d14d4247a2fc3e18694461b1816e13b", "expiry":"2013-09-05T14:53:34.226231725Z"}

(HTTP 400)

{"error":"Bad email/password"}

(HTTP 403)

{"status":"unverified", "email":""}

##POST /fblogin required parameters: token optional parameters: email, invite

Please note: This is in a state of development. Expect it to change frequently.

If this facebook user has an associated, verified gleepost account, this will issue an access token in the same manner as /login.

Alternatively, if invite is supplied and valid the response will also be: (HTTP 200)

{"id":9, "value":"f0e4c2f76c58916ec258f246851bea091d14d4247a2fc3e18694461b1816e13b", "expiry":"2013-09-05T14:53:34.226231725Z"}

If this facebook user does not have a gleepost account associated, the facebook login will fail and prompt you with:

(HTTP 400)

{"error":"Email required"}

In which case you must resubmit the request including the email parameter.

If the email you have provided doesn't have an existing gleepost account registered, this will issue a verification email and respond with:

(HTTP 201)

{"status":"unverified", "email":""}

If the email you have provided is already registered, the response will be: (HTTP 200)

{"status":"registered", "email":""}

Whereupon the user should be prompted to provide their password to associate their account using /profile/facebook.

##GET /posts required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

optional parameters: start=[count] returns a list of 20 posts ordered by time, starting at count

before=[id] after=[id] returns a list of 20 posts ordered by time, starting before/after [id]

filter=[tag] Returns only posts belonging to this category tag.

This is effectively an alias for /networks/[university-id]/posts which returns the user's university network.

example responses: (HTTP 200)

		"by": {
		"text":"This is a cool post for cool people!",
		"categories":[{"id":1, "tag":"some_category", "name":"This is a category"}],
		"attribs": {
			"location-desc": "1 Jermyn Street",
			"location-gps": "51.509882,-0.133541",
			"location-name": "McKinsey & Co.",
			"title": "Dead Week Grams!"
		"likes":[{"by": {
			{"by": {
		"images": ["", ""],
		"by": {
		"text":"Sailor Moon FTW!",
		"images": [""],

##POST /posts required parameters: id, token, text optional parameters: url, tags, video, poll-expiry, poll-options

If set, url must be a url previously returned from /upload. If the image url is invalid, the post will be created without an image. If video contains a valid video ID, the post will be created with a video.

If set, tags must be a comma-delimited list of category "tags". Any of those tags which exist will be added to the post - any which do not exist are silently ignored.

eg: tags=for-sale,event,salsa

###In addition, any other parameters that are sent when creating the post will be available as the attribs object on a post.

Event posts are strongly encouraged to set event-time, which represents the time an event begins. This may be either RFC3339 or a unix timestamp. Event posts may also set a title, to be used as a heading.

event-time must be in the range Now() < event-time < Now() + 2 years.

event-times which are too soon will trigger an error:

{"error":"Events can not be created in the past"}

while event-time being too far in the future will return:

{"error":"Events must be within 2 years"}

Optionally, you can set location-name and/or location-gps to specify where an event will be occurring.

If the post is in the category poll, you MUST set poll-expiry and poll-options.

poll-expiry indicates when this poll will end, and is a RFC3339 formatted string, eg 2015-04-15T01:05:03Z OR a Unix timestamp.

poll-options is a form encoded list of the options available in this poll. You must specify at least 2 and at most 4 options, and the options must each be 3 <= n <= 50 characters long. eg: poll-options=hillary clinton&poll-options=alien kang&poll-options=alien kodos&poll-options=abstain

If this post requires review before it is published, the response will contain pending = true.

{"id":3, "pending":true}

Otherwise: (http 200)


If you have provided invalid input when creating a poll, you'll get one of the following errors:

You omitted poll-expiry (or it was invalid):

{"error":"Missing parameter: poll-expiry"}

poll-expiry was in the past

{"error":"Poll ending in the past"}

poll-expiry was in the future, but within 15 minutes:

{"error":"Poll ending too soon"}

poll-expiry too far in the future (more than a month + a day away):

{"error":"Poll ending too late"}

Less than two poll-options provided:

{"error":"Poll: too few options"}

more than four poll-options provided:

{"error":"Poll: too many options"}

The option at index N was too short (less than 3 characters):

{"error":"Option too short: 1"}

The option at index N was too long (More than 50 characters):

{"error":"Option too long: 1"}

##GET /posts/[post-id] required parameters: id, token

This returns the full representation of this post, or 403 if the user isn't allowed to view it (ie, it is in a network that you aren't).

example responses: (http 200)

	"by": {
	"text":"This is a cool post for cool people!",
	"categories":[{"id":1, "tag":"some_category", "name":"This is a category"}],
	"attribs": {
		"location-desc": "1 Jermyn Street",
		"location-gps": "51.509882,-0.133541",
		"location-name": "McKinsey & Co.",
		"title": "Dead Week Grams!"
	"comments": [{
		"by": {
		"text":"I concur."
		"by": {
		"text":"Have you ever / ever felt like this? / How strange things happen / like you're going round the twist?"
	"likes":[{"by": {
		{"by": {
	"images": ["", ""],

##PUT /posts/[post-id] optional parameters: text : replaces the body of the post

url : replaces the post image

video : replaces the post video

tags : replaces the post categories

reason : describe the changes you made

Any other parameters are used as attribs, just as in post creation. Providing an attrib you already gave will over-write it; there is currently no way to delete an existing attrib.

Any parameters of the post you do not provide will remain the same.

Returns the updated post in the same format as GET. On success, will be 200:

	"by": {
	"text":"This is a cool post for cool people!",
	"categories":[{"id":1, "tag":"some_category", "name":"This is a category"}],
	"attribs": {
		"location-desc": "1 Jermyn Street",
		"location-gps": "51.509882,-0.133541",
		"location-name": "McKinsey & Co.",
		"title": "Dead Week Grams!"
	"comments": [{
		"by": {
		"text":"I concur."
		"by": {
		"text":"Have you ever / ever felt like this? / How strange things happen / like you're going round the twist?"
	"likes":[{"by": {
		{"by": {
	"images": ["", ""],

##DELETE /posts/[post-id] required parameters:

id=[user-id] token=[token]

On success, returns 204; if you aren't the creator of the post, will return 403.

##GET /posts/[post-id]/comments

required parameters:

id=[user-id] token=[token]

optional parameters: start=[count]

If you are not allowed to view this post, it will return 403. example responses: (http 200)

		"by": {
		"text":"I concur."
		"by": {
		"text":"Have you ever / ever felt like this? / How strange things happen / like you're going round the twist?"

##POST /posts/[post-id]/comments required parameters: id, token, text

example responses: (http 200)


If you provide a zero-length text: (http 400)

{"error":"Comment too short"}

##POST /posts/[post-id]/images required parameters: id, token, url

This adds an image previously uploaded with /upload to this post.

example responses: (http 201)

["", ""]

##POST /posts/[post-id]/videos required parameters: id, token, video

This adds a video to this post and returns a list of all this post's videos (although this is limited to one) or 403 f you aren't the post's creator..

(HTTP 201)


##POST /posts/[post-id]/likes required parameters: id, token, liked

[liked] must be a boolean. If true, adds a like for this post for this user. If false, removes a like for this post for this user.

If this post is in another network, will respond with 403.

example responses: (http 200)

{"post":5, "liked":true}
{"post":5, "liked":false}

##GET /posts/[post-id]/attendees Returns the popularity, attendee-count and full list of attendees of an event.

    "popularity": 0,
    "attendee_count": 0,
    "attendees": [{

##PUT /posts/[post-id]/attendees Required parameters: attending = (true|false)

attending=true marks the current user as attending this event. attending=false cancels the attendance.

It returns the updated popularity, attendee_count and attendees list.

    "popularity": 0,
    "attendee_count": 0,
    "attendees": [{

##POST /posts/[post-id]/attending ##Deprecated. Please use /attendees instead. required parameters: id, token

Issuing a POST to this URI should mark you as attending this event, and acts idempotently. It will return a 204 if successful.

##DELETE /posts/[post-id]/attending ##Deprecated. Please use /attendees instead. required parameters: id, token

Issuing a DELETE to this URI should mark you as not attending this event. It should succeed even if you aren't already attending. It will return a 204 if successful.

##POST /posts/[post-id]/votes

Required parameters:

option = 0, 1, 2, 3

If successful, will respond with a 204.

If this post is not, in fact, a poll, you will get a 400:

{"error":"Not a poll"}

If the option you have specified is not valid, eg. option=3 when there are 3 poll options (index starts at 0):

{"error":"Invalid option"}

If you have already voted:

{"error":"You already voted"}

If the poll has ended already:

{"error":"Poll has already ended"}

##GET /live required parameters: id, token, after

Optional parameters: until, filter

after and until must be either an RFC3339 formatted time string, or a unix timestamp.

If filter is provided, it will only return posts in this category.

Live returns the 20 events whose event-time is soonest after after, which are happening before until.

example responses: (http 200)

	"text":"Event 1",
	"attribs": {
		"location-desc": "1 Jermyn Street",
		"location-gps": "51.509882,-0.133541",
		"location-name": "McKinsey & Co.",
		"title": "Dead Week Grams!"
	"text":"New event after bug!",
	"attribs": {
		"location-desc": "1 Jermyn Street",
		"location-gps": "51.509882,-0.133541",
		"location-name": "McKinsey & Co.",
		"title": "Dead Week Grams!"

##GET /live_summary

required parameters: id, token, after, until

after and until must be either an RFC3339 formatted time string, or a unix timestamp.

This endpoint summarizes the state of the Campus Live (ie, upcoming events) between the two times after and until.

Note that the contents of by-category are not expected to sum to total-posts; an event may be in several categories (eg. event and party) and therefore be counted in several categories.


##GET /networks/[network-id] required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

A group resource, or 403 if you aren't a member of the group. example responses (http 200):

	"name":"Super Cool Group", 
	"description":"Pretty cool, no?", 

##PUT /networks/[network-id] required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

url="URL returned from /upload"

If you created this group, you can change the group's image. If you didn't create the group -- or you didn't choose a valid image URL - it will return 403. Otherwise, returns the updated resource.

	"name":"Super Cool Group", 
	"description":"Pretty cool, no?", 
	"role": {

##GET /networks

Returns a list of 20 of the networks which are visible to you, ordered by popularity (number of members).

role indicates, when present, your membership status within the group.

pending_request will be true if you have an outstanding request to join this network.

optional parameters:

start: the pagination offset for the list

filter: limit the list to groups of this category


(http 200)

    "id": 2,
    "name": "funsies",
    "creator": {
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Beetle",
      "profile_image": ""
    "privacy": "private",
    "size": 12345,
    "role": {

##POST /networks required parameters:

name = "Name of the group"


desc = "Description of the group"

url = uploaded image URL, the group cover image

If url is not valid, it will respond with a 403.

privacy = "public", "private" or "secret"

if privacy is not provided, it will default to "private".

category = sports, social, academic, dorm, career, official, activist

university = boolean

If set to true, this will create a new University, configured to accept users registering with a domain in the list domains; you must be an administrator to do this.

If set to false (default), the network created is a user group, and you are made a member.

domains =,

A successful response is 201:

	"name":"Even Cooler Group", 
	"description":"Pretty cool, no?",

##GET /networks/[network-id]/posts required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

optional parameters: start=[count] returns a list of 20 posts ordered by time, starting at count

before=[id] after=[id] returns a list of 20 posts ordered by time, starting before/after [id]

filter=[tag] Returns only posts belonging to this category tag.

This returns all the posts in this network, or an error 403 if the user is not allowed to view the posts in this network.

example responses: (HTTP 200)

		"by": {
		"text":"This is a cool post for cool people!",
		"categories":[{"id":1, "tag":"some_category", "name":"This is a category"}],
		"attribs": {
			"location-desc": "1 Jermyn Street",
			"location-gps": "51.509882,-0.133541",
			"location-name": "McKinsey & Co.",
			"title": "Dead Week Grams!"
		"likes":[{"by": {
			{"by": {
		"images": ["", ""],
		"by": {
		"text":"Sailor Moon FTW!"
		"images": [""],

##POST /networks/[network-id]/posts Create a post in this network.

required parameters: id, token, text optional parameters: url, tags

If set, url must be a url previously returned from /upload. If the image url is invalid, the post will be created without an image.

If set, tags must be a comma-delimited list of category "tags". Any of those tags which exist will be added to the post - any which do not exist are silently ignored.

eg: tags=for-sale,event,salsa

###In addition, any other parameters that are sent when creating the post will be available as an "attribs" object within a post.

Event posts are strongly encouraged to set "event-time", which represents the time an event begins. This may be either RFC3339 or a unix timestamp. Event posts may also set an "title", to be used as a heading.

If you are not allowed, will respond with 403. If successful, will respond with HTTP 201


##PUT /networks/[network-id]/posts

Marks posts in this network as "seen" for this user, clearing the new-posts count up to seen.

required parameters: seen, the most recent post ID this user has seen.

On success responds with a 204.

##GET /networks/[network-id]/users required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

A collection of all the users and their role (permissions) in this network, or 403 if you aren't a member of the network (or if it is a university network) Example response:

[{"id":2395,"name":" Younes","profile_image":"","role":{"name":"administrator","level":8}},{"id":2491,"name":"Patrick","profile_image":"","role":{"name":"creator","level":9}},{"id":2563,"name":"Auth","profile_image":"","role":{"name":"member","level":1}}]

##POST /networks/[network-id/users required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

One or more of: users=[other-user-id],[other-user-id],[other-user-id]



Adds other users to this network, or records that they have been invited via facebook, or emails them an invite if they aren't on Gleepost. On success will return 204.

##GET /networks/[network-id]/admins A collection of all the administrators of this network, or 403 if you are not a member.

		"id": 2395,
		"name": "Younes",
		"profile_image": "",
		"role": {
			"name": "administrator",
			"level": 8

##POST /networks/[network-id]/admins Make group member(s) into admins. parameters:


where each user-id is already a member of this network.

Returns the updated admin list.

		"id": 2395,
		"name": "Younes",
		"profile_image": "",
		"role": {
			"name": "administrator",
			"level": 8

##DELETE /networks/[network-id]/admins/[user-id] Delete administrative permissions for this user. You must be an administrator or group creator to use. If you are allowed to downgrade this user, the result will be 204.

##GET /networks/[network-id]/requests List the outstanding requests to join this network.

		"requester": {
			"id": 2395,
			"name": "Younes",
			"profile_image": ""

##POST /networks/[network-id]/requests Request access to this group.

If the network you have requested does not exist (or you cannot see it) the result will be a 404:

{"error": "No such network"}

If the network is visible to you but you cannot request access to it (because it is public, a university, or you are already a member) the result will be 403:

{"error": "You're not allowed to do that!"}

On success, the response will be 201.

##DELETE /networks/[network-id]/requests/[user-id]

If you are an administrator of this group, you can reject a request to join the group. The request will no longer be visible in the /networks/:id/requests list.

Attempting to reject a user who has not made a request will result in a 404:

{"error":"No such request"}

Attempting to reject a request in a group which does not exist will result in a 404:

{"error":"No such network"}

Attempting to reject a request in a group in which you are not staff (admin/creator) or not a member of will result in a 403:

{"error":"You're not allowed to do that!"}

Attempting to reject a request which is already accepted / rejected will result in a 403:

{"error":"Request is already accepted"}
{"error":"Request is already rejected"}

On success, the response will be a 204.

##GET /university/[id] Public.

Returns a description of this university; used for rendering app descriptions, homepages etc

shortname is the name of the university as normally used in a sentence, eg "What's happening at stanford".

appname is the name of the gleepost app.

ios_url is the link to the ios app

android_url is the link to the android app

events is the number of upcoming events

groups is the number of public/private groups within this university

	"name":"Stanford University",
	"description":"This is not the real Stanford University.",
	"video": {

##POST /conversations/read_all required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

Marks all conversations as "seen". On success, will return a 204 (no content).

##POST /conversations/mute_badges required parameters: id = [user-id] token = [token]

mute_badges marks all unread messages before the current time to be ignored from any badge calculations.

##GET /conversations required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

optional parameters: start=[count]

returns a list of 20 of your conversations ordered by most recent message, starting at count

	"participants": [
	"mostRecentMessage": {"id":1234214, "by":{"id":9, "name":"Patrick"}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"},
	"expiry": { "time": "2013-11-13T22:11:32.956855553Z", "ended":false },
	"unread": 123
	"participants": [
		{"id":99999, "name":"Lukas", "profile_image":""},
		{"id":232515, "name":"Ling", "profile_image":""}
	"mostRecentMessage": {"id":123512624, "by":{"id":99999, "name":"Lukas", "profile_image":""}, "text":"idk lol", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"},
	"unread": 123

##POST /conversations required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

participants=[user_id],[user_id],[user_id],... (a comma-delimited list of up to 50 user_ids to start a conversation with.)

If started with exactly 1 other participant, it will only create a new conversation if you do not already have one with this participant. Otherwise, it will create a new conversation.

example responses: (HTTP 200)

	"participants": [
		{"id":9, "name":"Patrick", "profile_image":""},
		{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby", "profile_image":""}
	"messages": [
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby"}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"},
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby"}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"},
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby"}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"}

##GET /conversations/[conversation-id] required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

example responses: (HTTP 200)

	"participants": [
		{"id":9, "name":"Patrick", "profile_image":""},
		{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby", "profile_image":""}
	"read":[{"user":9,"last_read":1000, "at":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"}],
	"messages": [
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby"}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"},
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby"}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"},
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby"}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"}
	"unread": 123

##PUT /conversations/[conversation-id] requred parameters: muted = true|false

Set muted = true to suppress any push notifications from this conversation; muted = false to enable them again.

Responds with the full conversation like [GET /conversations/:id].

(HTTP 200)

	"participants": [
		{"id":9, "name":"Patrick", "profile_image":""},
		{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby", "profile_image":""}
	"read":[{"user":9,"last_read":1000, "at":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"}],
	"messages": [
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby"}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"},
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby"}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"},
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":23, "name":"PeterGatsby"}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"}
	"unread": 123,
	"muted": true

##DELETE /conversations/[conversation-id] required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

This removes a conversation from your inbox. You will no longer be able to send messages to it, no longer receive notifications, and can no longer view it.

If it is successful, it will respond with HTTP 204.

##GET /conversations/[conversation-id]/messages required parameters: id=[user-id], token=[token]

optional parameters: start=[offset], after=[message-id], before=[message-id], centre=[message-id], count=[num]

Returns a list of 20 messages ordered by time from most recent to least recent.

Given start, it returns messages from the [start]th most recent to [start + 20]th most recent.

Given after, it returns at most 20 of the messages received since [after]

Given before, it returns at most 20 of the messages received immediately before [before]

Given centre, it returns at most 20 of the messages surrounding [centre]

Given count, it returns count messages per page rather than the default 20.

example responses:

		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":99999, "name":"Lukas", "profile_image":""}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"},
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":99999, "name":"Lukas", "profile_image":""}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"},
		{"id":1234214, "by":{"id":99999, "name":"Lukas", "profile_image":""}, "text":"asl? ;)", "timestamp":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"}

##POST /conversations/[conversation-id]/messages required parameters: id, token, text

example responses:

	"text":"asl? ;)",

##PUT /conversations/[conversation-id]/messages required parameters: id, token, seen

Marks all messages in a conversation up to [seen] (that were not sent by the current user) seen.

example responses:

seen=51 (HTTP 200)

	"id": 5,
	"participants": [
			"id": 9,
			"name": "Patrick",
			"profile_image": ""
			"id": 1327,
			"name": "Meg",
			"profile_image": "",
	"expiry": { "time": "2013-11-13T22:11:32.956855553Z", "ended":false },
	"messages": [
			"id": 52,
			"by": {
				"id": 9,
				"name": "Patrick",
				"profile_image": "",
			"text": "sup",
			"timestamp": "2013-09-16T16:58:23Z"
			"id": 51,
			"by": {
				"id": 9,
				"name": "Patrick",
				"profile_image": "",
			"text": "sup",
			"timestamp": "2013-09-16T16:58:30Z"

##GET /conversations/[conversation-id]/messages/search/[query]

Returns a list of search results within this conversation for this query.

Each result in the list is a variable-sized list of messages, which corresponds to the matched message(s) and a few messages of context on either side. The matching messages will have matched = true.

		"messages": [
				"id": 52,
				"by": {
					"id": 9,
					"name": "Patrick",
					"profile_image": "",
				"text": "sup",
				"timestamp": "2013-09-16T16:58:23Z"
				"id": 51,
				"by": {
					"id": 9,
					"name": "Patrick",
					"profile_image": "",
				"text": "sup",
				"timestamp": "2013-09-16T16:58:30Z",
		"messages": [
				"id": 52,
				"by": {
					"id": 9,
					"name": "Patrick",
					"profile_image": "",
				"text": "sup",
				"timestamp": "2013-09-16T16:58:23Z",
				"id": 51,
				"by": {
					"id": 9,
					"name": "Patrick",
					"profile_image": "",
				"text": "sup",
				"timestamp": "2013-09-16T16:58:30Z"

##POST /conversations/[conversation-id]/participants

Required parameters: id, token (Auth)

users: a comma-delimited list of userIDs to add as participants to this conversation.

On success, returns the updated list of participants. Note: This may be different to the list you were expecting, if eg. one of the users could not be added to the conversation

		"name": "Patrick",
		"name": "Jeff",

In addition, this will trigger a "system" message in this conversation indicating that the user has joined the conversation:

		"name":"Patrick Molgaard",

##GET /conversations/[conversation-id]/files

optional arguments: count = (default 20) number of results to return per page start / before / after - pagination, as with /posts

A list of files shared in this conversation. (http 200)

    "url": "",
    "type": "pdf",
    "caption": "health-and-safety.pdf",
    "message": {
      "id": 1,
      "by": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Patrick",
        "profile_image": ""
      "text": "hey here's a file: <|pdf>",
      "timestamp": "2015-06-29T18:29:18Z"

##POST /user Use this to generate a new user in a particular network.

Required parameters: first, last, email, pass, verified, network-id

where verified is a boolean and network-id is the network that this user will be created in.

Success is a 204.

##GET /user/[user-id] required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

You are only allowed to view a user's profile if they share a network with you. Attempting to access a profile resource of a user you share no networks with will result in a 403 error.

A user (such as an official university account) may have the parameter official. This indicates that they are deemed official by the university.

If a user is not official, the parameter will be omitted.

The official parameter is visible anywhere you might see a User object.

If you are looking at your own user resource, some more fields will be available.

unread corresponds to the total number of unread and unmuted messages (ie, messages that have not been marked read and which arrived since the last time you muted the conversation badge)

notification_count is your total un-seen notifications

group_badge is the number of new group posts and messages since you last muted the groups badge.

fb_id is your associated facebook account, where available.

tutorial_state is the list of app tutorials the user has cleared.

example responses:

	"tagline":"I like computers",
	"network": { "id":1, "name":"University of Leeds" },
	"course":"Computer Science",
	"full_name":"Patrick Molgaard",
        "tutorial_state": [ "tutorial_1", "tutorial_2" ]

##GET /user/[user-id]/posts required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

optional parameters: start=[count] returns a list of 20 posts ordered by time, starting at count

before=[id] after=[id] returns a list of 20 posts ordered by time, starting before/after [id]

filter = "category" returns only posts matching that category example responses:

		"by": {
		"text":"This is a cool post for cool people!",
		"categories":[{"id":1, "tag":"some_category", "name":"This is a category"}],
		"attribs": {
			"location-desc": "1 Jermyn Street",
			"location-gps": "51.509882,-0.133541",
			"location-name": "McKinsey & Co.",
			"title": "Dead Week Grams!"
		"likes":[{"by": {
			{"by": {
		"images": ["", ""],
		"by": {
		"text":"Sailor Moon FTW!"
		"images": [""],

##GET /user/[user-id]/networks Lists this user's groups - if you're allowed to see them. Or 403 otherwise. Secret groups are hidden.

If there are more than 20 results, this resource will return the first 20.

Results can be paginated by supplying start = n to offset the results by n groups.

their_role indicates this user's membership status within the group; role, where available, is yours (the viewing user's.

If pending_request is present, this indicates you have an outstanding request to join this group.

Example response: (http 200)

		"name":"Even Cooler Group", 
		"description":"Pretty cool, no?", 
		"creator": {
		"their_role": {

##GET /user/[user-id]/attending Lists the events that this user is attending, most recently attended first. Only the events in groups / networks you can see.

Paginated in the same way as posts.

		"by": {
		"text":"This is a cool post for cool people!",
		"categories":[{"id":1, "tag":"some_category", "name":"This is a category"}],
		"attribs": {
			"location-desc": "1 Jermyn Street",
			"location-gps": "51.509882,-0.133541",
			"location-name": "McKinsey & Co.",
			"title": "Dead Week Grams!"
		"likes":[{"by": {
			{"by": {
		"images": ["", ""],
		"by": {
		"text":"Sailor Moon FTW!"
		"images": [""],

##POST /newconversation

DEPRECATED, use [/conversations]

##POST /newgroupconversation

DEPRECATED, use [/conversations]

##GET /ws Required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

See the websockets readme.

##POST /devices required parameters: type, device_id

optional parameters: application

Type should be "android" or "ios"

application defaluts to "gleepost"; gleepost approve users should specify "approve".

This registers the push notification id "device_id" for the current user

example responses: HTTP 201


##DELETE /devices/[device-id] required parameters: id, token

This will stop [device-id] receiving push notifications for this user.

If successfull, the response will be: HTTP 204 (no content)

##POST /upload required parameters: id, token

optional parameters: image or file.

/upload expects a single multipart/form-data encoded image or file and on success will return a url.

example responses: HTTP 201


##POST /flow_upload required parameters: id, token

/flow_upload implements flow.js style chunked upload. A completed upload responds in the same fashion as /upload:

HTTP 201


##GET /flow_upload required parameters: id, token

Returns the status of a flow.js upload chunk.

##POST /videos

required parameters: id, token, video

optional parameters: rotate

/video takes a single multipart/form-data encoded video and returns an id and a status ("uploaded"). You can then check its resource to discover when it is ready to be used. In addition, when the video has uploaded you will get a "video-ready" event if you have a websocket connection.

If rotate is true, the output webm will be rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

HTTP 201

{"status":"uploaded", "id":2780}

##GET /videos/[video-id] /videos returns the status of this video - it will contain status "ready", a webm and mp4 url, and at least one thumbnail, when it is done processing. At this point it can be posted. (HTTP 200)

	"status": "ready",
	"id": 2580,
	"mp4": "",
	"webm": "",
	"thumbnails": [

##POST /profile/profile_image required parameters: id, token, url

/profile_image expects the url of an image previously uploaded with /upload.

For now its response is the same as if you issued a GET /user/[id] but they will diverge in the future.

example responses: HTTP 200

	"tagline":"I like computers",
	"network": { "id":1, "name":"University of Leeds" },
	"course":"Computer Science"

##POST /profile/name required parameters: id, token, first, last

/name allows the user to set their name if it is not set already.

On success, it will return HTTP 204.

##POST /profile/tagline required parameters: id, token, tagline

/tagline allows the user to set their tagline.

On success, it will return HTTP 204.

##POST /profile/tutorial_state

Required parameters: id, token, tutorial_state

tutorial_state must be a comma-delimited list of the tutorials the user has cleared, eg:

tutorial_state = tutorial_1,tutorial_2

This state is then visible on your user resource as tutorial_state.

On success, it will return HTTP 204.

##POST /profile/change_pass required parameters: id, token, old, new

old is the user's old password; new is the password the user is changing to.

If it fails it will return 400, on success 204.

##POST /profile/busy required parameters: id, token, status

status can be true or false

/profile/busy sets user [id] status to [status]

example responses: HTTP 200

{ "busy":true }

##POST /profile/facebook required parameters: email, pass, fbtoken where fbtoken is a facebook session token

Alternatively, you may provide the normal gleepost authentication and fbtoken.

This associates the facebook account logged in with fbtoken with the user signed in with email, pass.

On success, will return 204.

##POST /profile/request_reset required parameters: email

This will issue a password recovery email, if that email is registered. A successful response is 204. Unsuccessful response is 400.

##POST /profile/reset/[user-id]/[reset-token] required parameters: user-id, reset-token, pass

user-id and reset-token are in the password reset link sent to the users' email address. pass is the new password.

A successful response (password changed) will be 204. An unsuccessful response (bad reset token, password too short) will be 400.

##GET /profile/busy required parameters: id, token

The current busy/free status for this user.

example responses: HTTP 200

{ "busy":true }

##GET /profile/attending required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

This will return an array containing the id of every event this user is attending. Example response: (http 200)


##GET /profile/pending

Displays all your current pending (not yet on the campus wall) posts. Not sure what this is? See /approve/pending and related handlers.

HTTP 200:

		"text":"This post should be pending",
				"reason":"That shit's offensive yo"

##GET /profile/networks

optional parameters:

start - the number of groups this page should be offset by.

order = by_last_activity (default), by_last_message

count = Maximum number of groups to return.

This returns a list of up to 20 (non-university) groups this user belongs to.

if order is by_last_activity: most recent post or message first.

If order is by_last_message: most recent message first.

Example response: (http 200)

		"name":"Even Cooler Group", 
		"description":"Pretty cool, no?", 
		"creator": {
		"role": {

##POST /profile/networks/mute_badges mute_badges clears the groups tab badge, marking all posts and messages from before now as removed from the badge calculation.

Successful response is a 204.

##GET /profile/networks/posts required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

This resource is a combined feed of posts in groups you are a member of. It functions identically to /posts but with one exception:

  • Posts also embed information about the group they were posted in.
				"name":"Super Cool Group",
				"description":"Pretty cool, no?",

##DELETE /profile/networks/[network-id] required parameters: id=[user-id] token=[token]

This revokes your membership of the group network-id, if you are a member. If you attempt this on an official network (a university) you will get an error 403. Otherwise, you will get 204 No Content.

##GET /notifications required parameters: id, token

optional parameters: include_seen = (true|false)

before=[id] after=[id] returns a list of 20 posts ordered by time, starting before/after [id]

Returns all unread notifications for user [id]

If include_seen is false, then only the notifications which have not been seen yet will be returned. This is the default behaviour if include_seen is unspecified.

If include_seen is true, the notifications that you have already marked as "seen" will also be visible; they will have the attribute seen = true.

Optionally, a notification may include done = true. This indicates that any action associated with this notification has already been taken.

example responses: HTTP 200

		"user": {
		"user": {
		"user": {
		"preview":"Great idea for an event, Peter!"
		"user": {
		"preview":"Great idea for an event, Peter!"
		"user": {
		"user": {
		"user": {

##PUT /notifications required parameters: id, token, seen

Marks all notifications for user [id] seen up to and including the notification with id [seen] Responds with an array containing any unseen notifications.

example responses: HTTP 200

		"by": {

##POST /verify/[token]

This will verify the account this verification-token is associated with, or create a verified account for a new facebook user.

If it fails it will return HTTP 400 and the error.

Example responses: HTTP 200


##POST /resend_verification

required parameters: email Resend a verification email.

If successful, will respond with HTTP 204.

##POST /contact_form

Required parameters: name, college, email, phoneNo

This records someone reaching out for contact via the form on

On success, 200.


##GET /search/users/[name] required parameters: id, token, name

Returns a list of all the users within your primary (ie university) network, who match a search for name.

You can supply partial names (with a minimum length of two characters for the first) and the second name is optional.

If there is a user called "Jonathan Smith", all the searches "Jon" "jonathan" "Jon S" "Jonathan Smi" will match him.

A user may optionally have a full_name.

Where available, fb_id is their facebook profile ID; institution_id is the unique ID granted to them by their university.

Example response: (HTTP 200)

    "id": 2909,
    "name": "Patrick",
    "profile_image": "",
    "tagline": "",
    "network": {
      "id": 2099,
      "name": "Stanford University",
      "description": "This is not the real Stanford University.",
      "their_role": {
        "name": "member",
        "level": 1
    "course": "",
    "full_name": "Patrick Molgaard",
    "type": "student"

##GET /search/groups/[name] required parameters: id, token, name

Searches your network for groups matching [name].

Where available, role indicates your membership status in this group.

If pending_request is present, this indicates you have an outstanding request to join this group.

Optionally, provide filter to limit searches to this category of groups.

Example response:

		"name":"Even Cooler Group", 
		"description":"Pretty cool, no?", 
		"creator": {
		"role": {

##POST /reports required parameters: post optional parameters: reason

Reports the given post ID to moderators, optionally with a reason. On success, will give an HTTP 204.

##GET /stats/users/[user-id]/posts/[stat-type]/[period]/[start]/[finish] required parameters: id, token

  • user-id is any user ID you want to see the stats for. At the moment there is no limitation on who can see whose stats.
  • stat-type is one of "posts", "likes", "views", "comments", "rsvps", "interactions"
  • The special stat type "overview" will give you a combined view containing all the above stat types for this interval.
  • period is either "hour", "day" or "week" and indicates how the counts are bucketed (the interval within which counts are summed)
  • start and finish are RFC3339 formatted strings which indicate the beginning and end of the period you are viewing stats for.

Example: GET


##POST /campuspal_greet

preset = n

Where n corresponds to the number of one in a preset list of messages.

The available messages are:

0: Welcome to CampusPal, <name>!

1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit

2: A Elbereth Gilthoniel

Triggers a message from campuspal-bot to you, one time.

On success, will be a 204.

##GET /stats/posts/[post-id]/[stat-type]/[period]/[start]/[finish] required parameters: id, token

  • stat-type is one of "likes", "comments", "views", "rsvps", "interactions"
  • The special stat type "overview" will give you a combined view containing all the above stat types for this interval.
  • period is either "hour", "day" or "week" and indicates how the counts are bucketed (the interval within which counts are summed)
  • start and finish are RFC3339 formatted strings which indicate the beginning and end of the period you are viewing stats for.

Example: GET


##POST /views/posts

Unlike every other API method, this expects a JSON-encoded post body. You should submit an array of post:time pairs, like so:

    {"post":123, "time":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"}, 
    {"post":456, "time":"2013-09-05T13:09:38Z"}

This should respond with a 204.

##GET /approve/access

Indicates whether you are allowed to access (a) Gleepost Approve in general (access) and (b) whether you are allowed to change the approval level (settings).


##GET /approve/level /approve/level represents the current approval level of the app. A response will look like one of:


##POST /approve/level

If you are an administrator, you may POST level = 0..3 to this endpoint to change the approval level. Responds with the updated approval level in the same format as GET /approve/level, or 403 if you are not allowed.

##GET /approve/pending

Returns all the posts that are currently pending review in your university network, or 403 if you aren't allowed to see them.

These follow exactly the same format as regular posts but they are enhanced with an additional review_history parameter, which records the events which have happened to this post in the review process.

Most of the time review_history will be empty, but if a post has been rejected and then resubmitted that will be shown here.

	"id": 1976,
	"by": {
		"id": 2783,
		"name": "Amy",
		"profile_image": ""
	"timestamp": "2014-11-06T21:29:02Z",
	"text": "This post should be pending",
	"images": null,
	"comment_count": 0,
	"like_count": 0,
	"review_history": [ ]

##POST /approve/approved

Marks this post as approved.

Parameters: post : id of post to approve reason : string description of why you approved the post. Optional.

On success, returns 204

##GET /approve/approved

optional parameters:

start before after

For pagination, see /posts

Displays the history of approved posts. Posts which were approved more recently are displayed at the top. The review_history property contains all the events which happened to this post while it was in revew.

HTTP 200:

		"text":"This post should be pending",

##POST /approve/rejected

Marks this post as rejected.

Parameters: post : id of post to reject reason : string description of why you rejected the post. Optional.

On success, returns 204.

##GET /approve/rejected

optional parameters:

start before after

For pagination, see /posts

Displays the history of rejected posts. Most recently rejected first.

The review_history property contains all the events which happened to this post while it was in revew.

HTTP 200:

		"text":"This post should be pending",
				"reason":"That shit's offensive yo"



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