Petercov / insource

Source Engine Modification

Repository from Github https://github.comPetercov/insourceRepository from Github https://github.comPetercov/insource


InSource is a modification of the engine Valve Source Engine 1 (Swarm Branch), which acts as the basis for first-person shooter games, contains a large number of corrections and new functions that can be easily deactivated or modified from the code or commands.

Most notable features.

Some of these features may be incomplete or have problems in the current version.

  • Bots: An A.I. for the creation of Bots. (Players controlled by the computer).

If you are only interested in the Bots system and want to incorporate them in your own engine modification or in Source SDK 2013 look at this repository.

  • Director: An A.I. for creating NPCs/Bots on the map depending on multiple variables such as players status. (Inspired by the Director of the saga Left 4 Dead)
  • Channel Sound System: A system that makes it possible to play sounds easily and completely in code (C++ and Squirrel), it is possible to create groups of sounds that can be reproduced by a level of desire (A function called GetSoundDesire). The sound of a channel that has the most desire will be the one that reproduces above the others.
  • Node Generation: NPCs Artificial Intelligence continues to use the old navigation system (info_node), to compensate a little the work of putting these nodes on the map was developed a system that automatically places them with reference to the Navigation Mesh, includes the creation of hint nodes and nodes to create stairs.
  • Support for AlienFX: The Game can dynamically modify the lights on a player's computer with AlienFX. (From client and server)

Alpha Version!

The current version of InSource is in early development and may contain bugs, memory leaks and incomplete features. It is not recommended to start a project with the current version.

Game Files

For the tests shown in the videos the mod files "Apocalypse-22" are used.

You can find the mod files here.


  • CEF: You need to download a copy of the source code of CEF and extract it in /public/cef/. Compile CEF and copy the resulting files "libcef.lib" and "libcef_dll_wrapper.lib" to /lib/common/. Now copy the remaining files from the compilation (.dll and .bin files) as well as the files from the /Resources/ folder into the /bin/ folder of your game files.
  • SQLITE (Optional): If you want to update the SQLite version of the project you need to download the file "sqlite3.lib" and place it in the /lib/common/ folder as well as the "sqlite3.dll" file and place it in the /bin/ folder of your game.

More information

To get more information about the project, tips, help or want to help me you can contact me by email or Steam.


It is the mod for which this version of the engine is being made. You can get more information about the game here


Source Engine Modification



Language:C++ 92.5%Language:C 7.0%Language:Perl 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Batchfile 0.0%Language:Objective-C 0.0%Language:Squirrel 0.0%Language:Perl 6 0.0%