PeterQiu0516 / LeetCode

My own solutions for LeetCode exercises.

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My own practice for LeetCode exercise.

Dynamic Programming

# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
64 Minimum Path Sum C++ Medium 2020/12/11 basic dp
72 Edit Distance C++ Hard 2020/09/22 dp string, similar to 376 HW2
123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III C++ Hard 2020/08/16 daily exercise, dynamic programming, also comes with a neat solution
486 Predict the Winner C++ Medium 2020/09/01 daily exercise, dynamic programming
546 Remove Boxes C++ Hard 2020/08/15 daily exercise, dynamic programming
647 Palindromic Substrings C++ Medium 2020/08/19 daily exercise, dynamic programming, & Manacher algorithm
877 Stone Game C++ Medium 2020/09/01 daily exercise, dynamic programming, similar to 486, also comes with a trivial sol.
983 Minimum Cost For Tickets C++ Medium 2020/08/25 daily exercise, dynamic programming, dfs

Divide and Conquer

# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays C++ Hard O(log(m+n))Binary Search, Tricky Boundaries & Type conversion
15 3Sum C++ Medium While this problem has some trivial solutions, it is a good practice on Nesting Unordered Map (O(1) Search), which examines trade-off of search complexity and construction complexity
50 Pow(x, n) C++ Medium Fast Power Algorithm O(logn), overflow
101 Symmetric Tree C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, Binary trees, recursion
148 Sort List Python Medium Merge Sort, Linked List
436 Find Right Interval C++ Medium 2020/08/27 daily exercise, binary search using map


# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number C++ Medium 2020/08/26 daily exercise, dfs
332 Reconstruct Itinerary C++ Medium 2020/08/27 daily exercise, dfs & hash map, backtrack
491 Increasing Subsequences C++ Medium 2020/08/25 daily exercise, subsequence, dfs
529 Minesweeper C++ Medium 2020/08/20 daily exercise, basic dfs (do not use reference to modifies click).
679 24 Game C++ Hard 2020/08/22 daily exercise, basic iteration & dfs
733 Flood Fill C++ Easy 2020/08/16 daily exercise, basic dfs.
841 Keys and Rooms C++ Medium 2020/08/31 daily exercise, basic dfs.
949 Largest Time for Given Digits C++ Easy 2020/09/01 daily exericse, permutation, bfs
952 Largest Component Size by Common Factor C++ Hard 2020/08/30 daily exercise, union find
967 Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences C++ Medium 2020/08/18 daily exercise, basic bfs.
983 Minimum Cost For Tickets C++ Medium 2020/08/25 daily exercise, dynamic programming, dfs


# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
435 Non-overlapping Intervals C++ Medium 2020/08/15 daily exercise, basic greedy algorithm.


# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
101 Symmetric Tree C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, Binary trees, recursion
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal C++ Medium 2020/12/01, tree construction, use index rather than construct new vector to save memory
148 Sort List Python Medium Merge Sort, Linked List
589 N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, n-ary tree, recursion vs. iteration


# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
101 Symmetric Tree C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, Binary trees, recursion
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal C++ Medium 2020/12/07, level order traversal (bfs)
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal C++ Medium 2020/12/01, tree construction, use index rather than construct new vector to save memory
109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree C++ Medium 2020/08/18 daily exercise, in-order traversal, median
110 Balanced Binary Tree C++ Easy 2020/08/17 daily exercise, bottom-up recursion, avoid calculating height multiple times
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree C++ Easy 2020/08/21 daily exercise, basic dfs (pay attention to leaf node)
404 Sum of Left Leaves C++ Easy 2020/08/24 daily exercise, left leaf node.
437 Path Sum III C++ Medium 2020/08/08 daily exercise, interesting recursion.
450 Delete Node in a BST C++ Medium 2020/08/31 daily exercise, delete note recursively
589 N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, n-ary tree, recursion vs. iteration
987 Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree C++ Medium 2020/08/07 daily exercise, comp + recursion.
1032 Stream of Characters C++ Hard 2020/08/23 daily exercise, union of chars, trie

Hash Map

# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
1 Two Sum C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, Unordered Map (O(1) search)
15 3Sum C++ Medium While this problem has some trivial solutions, it is a good practice on Nesting Unordered Map (O(1) Search), which examines trade-off of search complexity and construction complexity
20 Valid Parentheses C++ Easy 2020/08/14 daily exercise, stack & hash map (unordered_map)
211 Design Add and Search Words Data Structure C++ Medium 2020/08/05 daily exercise, use unordered_map to realize dictionary with fast search
332 Reconstruct Itinerary C++ Medium 2020/08/27 daily exercise, dfs & hash map, backtrack
409 Longest Palindrome C++ Easy 2020/08/14 daily exercise, hash map (unordered_map)
705 Design HashSet C++ Easy 2020/08/02 daily exercise, implement a hashset
771 Jewels and Stones C++ Easy Unordered Map, O(1) Search.
1032 Stream of Characters C++ Hard 2020/08/23 daily exercise, union of chars, trie

Stack & Queue

# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
20 Valid Parentheses C++ Easy 2020/08/14 daily exercise, stack & hash map (unordered_map)
933 Number of Recent Calls C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, basic usage of queue

Linked List & Array

# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Python Easy Linked List
88 Merge Sorted Array Python Easy Array
143 Reorder List C++ Medium Fast-slow pointer, reverse Linked List
148 Sort List Python Medium Merge Sort, Linked List
442 Find All Duplicates in an Array C++ Medium 2020/08/06 daily exercise, very interesting, no extra space and O(n) time.
491 Increasing Subsequences C++ Medium 2020/08/25 daily exercise, subsequence, dfs
905 Sort Array By Parity C++ Easy 2020/08/21 daily exercise, very interesting, no extra space and O(n) time.


# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
125 Valid Palindrome C++ Easy 2020/08/03 daily exercise, tricky boundaries (upper & lowercase, distance between '0' and 'P')
171 Excel Sheet Column Number C++ Easy 2020/08/09 daily exercise, reverse & base conversion
214 Shortest Palindrome C++ Hard 2020/08/29 daily exercise, Manacher algorithm (for palindromic) + KMP algorithm (for searching substring with next[] represents last searched pos)
415 Add Strings C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, Operation of big integers using string
459 Repeated Substring Pattern C++ Easy 2020/08/24 daily exercise, substring, KMP algorithm (for searching substring with next[] represents last searched pos)
520 Detect Capital C++ Easy 2020/08/01 daily exercise, basic string
557 Reverse Words in a String III C++ Easy 2020/08/30 daily exercise, basic string
567 Permutation in String C++ Medium 280 In-class Exercise, substring & sliding-window
647 Palindromic Substrings C++ Medium 2020/08/19 daily exercise, dynamic programming, & Manacher algorithm (for palindromic)
824 Goat Latin C++ Easy 2020/08/19 daily exercise, basic stringstream
949 Largest Time for Given Digits C++ Easy 2020/09/01 daily exericse, permutation, bfs
1032 Stream of Characters C++ Hard 2020/08/23 daily exercise, union of chars, trie

Basics & Math

# Problem Solution Difficulty Related Topics/Ideas
50 Pow(x, n) C++ Medium Fast Power Algorithm O(logn), overflow
119 Pascal’s Triangle II C++ Easy 2020/08/12 daily exercise, combination
120 Triangle C++ Medium Minimum path sum
168 Excel Sheet Column Title C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, funny but tricky number base conversion (not beginning from 0)
201 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range C++ Medium 2020/08/23 daily exercise, bitwise AND & Brian Kernighan.
204 Count Primes C++ Easy Sieve of Euler, O(n)
258 Add Digits C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, abc = a+b+c mod 9& Boundary conditions.
342 Power of Four C++ Easy 2020/08/04 daily exercise, log and power
412 Fizz Buzz C++ Easy 2020/08/26 daily exercise, mod
415 Add Strings C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise, Operation of big integers using string
470 Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() C++ Medium 2020/08/28 daily exercise, random, reject sampling
497 Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles C++ Medium 2020/08/22 daily exercise, random
551 Student Attendance Record I C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise
567 Permutation in String C++ Medium 280 In-class Exercise, substring & sliding-window
657 Robot Return to Origin C++ Easy 2020/08/28 daily exercise, simulation
969 Pancake Sorting C++ Medium 2020/08/29 daily exercise, interesting sorting
1103 Distribute Candies to People C++ Easy 2020/08/17 daily exercise, mod boundaries cases consideration
1200 Minimum Absolute Difference C++ Easy 280 In-class Exercise
剑指 Offer 20 剑指 Offer 20. 表示数值的字符串 C++ Medium 2020/09/02 daily exercise, FSM, simulation


My own solutions for LeetCode exercises.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%