- SourceForge - Code, releases, support and bug reports
- CTAN - Latest version release
- pgf-users - A friendly and relatively active mailing list.
- PGF Manual - About 1200 pages, 300 of which contains the core concepts
- PGFPlots Manual - About 560 pages
- VisualTikZ - Visual help for TikZ based on images with minimum text
- LaTeX/PGF/TikZ - A short tutorial from wikibooks
- MinimalTikZ - A very minimal introduction to TikZ
- TeXample - Gallery of wonderful examples made by TikZ
- walmes/Tikz - Collection of TikZ art from Prof. Walmes M. Zeviani, contains about 200 TikZ figures, most of which were done to teach statistics
- MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples - Contains about 350 TikZ examples from Martin Thoma
- Nice Scientific Pictures - Contains some really nice TikZ examples, together with pictures drawn by other TeX friends
- Love heart with LaTeX - Contains lovely code to make a heart by LaTeX/TikZ
- PetarV-/TikZ - A collection of publication-ready PGF/TikZ figures by Petar Veličković
- tikzedt - A combined WYSIWYG/text editor designed for editing Tikz code
- ktikz - Provides a nice user interface for making pictures using TikZ
- gratex - Visual graph creator for LaTeX (PGF & TikZ)
- matlab2tikz - Converts MATLAB®/Octave figures to TikZ/pgfplots figures
- matplotlib2tikz - Convert matplotlib figure and spits out a TikZ/PGFplots figure
From CTAN:
- aobs-tikz - TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer
- battleship - A style file for typesetting Battleship logic puzzles
- binarytree - Drawing binary trees using TikZ
- blochsphere - Draw pseudo-3D diagrams of Bloch spheres
- bloques - Generate control diagrams
- blox - Draw block diagrams, using TikZ
- bodegraph - Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ
- braids - Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ
- celtic - A TikZ library for drawing celtic knots
- circuitikz - Draw electrical networks with TikZ
- fast-diagram - Easy generation of FAST diagrams
- flowchart - Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ
- forest - Drawing (linguistic) trees
- grafcet - Draw Grafcet/SFC with TikZ
- harveyballs - Create Harvey Balls using TikZ
- hf-tikz - A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts
- hobby - An implementation of Hobby’s algorithm for PGF/TikZ
- karnaugh-map - LATEX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
- karnaughmap - Typeset Karnaugh maps
- logicpuzzle - Typeset (grid-based) logic puzzles
- makeshape - Declare new PGF shapes
- neuralnetwork - Graph-drawing for neural networks
- pgf-blur - PGF/TikZ package for “blurred” shadows
- pgf-pie - Draw pie charts, using PGF
- pgf-soroban - Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF
- pgf-spectra - Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ
- pgf-umlcd - Some LATEX macros for UML Class Diagrams
- pgf-umlsd - Draw UML Sequence Diagrams
- pgfgantt - Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
- pgfplots - Loads, rounds, formats and postprocesses numerical tables
- prooftrees - Forest-based proof trees (symbolic logic)
- pxpgfmark - e-pTEX driver for PGF inter-picture connections
- reotex - Draw Reo Channels and Circuits
- rulercompass - A TikZ library for straight-edge and compass diagrams
- sa-tikz - TikZ library to draw switching architectures
- schemabloc - Draw block diagrams, using TikZ
- scsnowman - Snowman variants using TikZ
- setdeck - Typeset cards for Set
- smartdiagram - Generate diagrams from lists
- spath3 - Manipulate “soft paths” in PGF
- stanli - TikZ Library for Structural Analysis
- ticollege - Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific calculator
- tikz-3dplot - Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ
- tikz-bayesnet - Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed factor graphs
- tikz-cd - Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
- tikz-dependency - A library for drawing dependency graphs
- tikz-dimline - Technical dimension lines using PGF/TikZ
- tikz-feynman - Feynman diagrams with TikZ
- tikz-inet - Draw interaction nets with TikZ
- tikz-opm - Typeset OPM diagrams
- tikz-optics - A library for drawing optical setups with TikZ
- tikz-page - Small macro to help building nice and complex layout materials
- tikz-palattice - Draw particle accelerator lattices with TikZ
- tikz-qtree - Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ
- tikz-timing - Easy generation of timing diagrams as TikZ pictures
- tikzinclude - Import TikZ images from colletions
- tikzmark - Use TikZ’s method of remembering a position on a page
- tikzorbital - Atomic and molecular orbitals using TikZ
- tikzpagenodes - A single TikZ node for the whole page
- tikzpeople - Draw people-shaped nodes in TikZ
- tikzpfeile - Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ
- tikzposter - Create scientific posters using TikZ
- tikzscale - Resize pictures while respecting text size
- tikzsymbols - Some symbols created using TikZ
- timing-diagrams - Draw timing diagrams
- tipfr - Produces calculator’s keys with the help of TikZ
- tkz-berge - Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory
- tkz-orm - Create Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams
- xebaposter - Create beautiful scientific Persian/Latin posters using TikZ