PerlinWarp / YearOfAI

One of my new years resolutions for 2019 is to learn more AI, so this repo will store some of the work I do so I can look back on it at the end of the year.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo will store some of the AI work I do as progress to my new years resolution of working on more AI. Alot of the AI work I do in my research cannot be shared and that is how I spend alot of the free time I have dedicated to AI, so this will be a small subset of all the AI I do in 2019.

I am starting off with the #100DaysOfMLCode challenge.

I am also very fond of Kaggle, here is mine.

Day 1 - 1st of January

Tried to classify CIFAR 10 using a 4 layer model in Keras. Link to Notebook

Day 2 - 2nd of January

Added a 6 layer model, trained it and compared accuracy between the 2 models.

Day 3 - 3rd of January

Tried to figure out why my model sucks so badly.

Day 4 - 4rd of January

Made a new model and got 84.98% accuracy.

Day 5 - 5th of January

Started to work on the CIFAR100 Dataset.

Day 6 - 6th of Janurary

Made a model for CIFAR 100 using the 100 labels, achieving validation accuracy of 57.73% but accuracy of 0.7249.

Day 7 - 7th of Janurary

Playing with hyper-params and making a program for facial detection.

Day 8 - 8th of Janurary

Creating bounding boxes for faces from CIFAR-100 Dataset. Link to Notebook

Day 9 - 9th of Janurary

Used leaky relu and managed to get 60% accuracy. Link to Notebook

Day 10 - 10th of January

Looked into training my own haar cascade classifier.

Day 11 - 11th of January

Looking into different arcitectures and training different models for CIFAR100

Day 12 - 12th of January

Learning about RNNs.

Day 13 - 13th of January

Kaggle Timeseries prediction with Siraj Raval.

Day 14 - 14th of January

Stock price prediction.

Day 15 - 15th of January

Read up on ARIMA, Moving averages, Single Exponential smoothing, Holt's linear and Holts Winter methods.

Day 16 - 16th of January

Read Man vs Big Data

Day 17 - 17th of January

Started Quantopian Lectures

Day 18 - 18th of January

Quantopian Tutorial 1

Day 19 - 19th of January

More quantopian tutorials and also setting up Zipline.

Day 20 - 20th of January

Zipline tutorials and making a Neural Net to predict crypto.

Day 21 - 21th of January

Data preperation for the neural net.

Day 22 - 22th of January

Understanding input sizes for an LSTM.

Day 23 - 23th of January

Made an LSTM but only got 47% accuracy.

Day 24 - 24th of January

Setting up a Deep learning server, a MongoDB server and trying to create a Deep Learning pipeline.

Day 25 - 25th of January

Making a backtester.

Day 26 - 26th of January

Working on super secret trading algorithms for herobots.

Day 27 - 27th of January

Working on the super secret trading algorithms for herobots.

Day 28 - 28th of January

Learned about the importance of not using shuffle to create test/train splits. Scaling and normalising data. Then implemented a preprocessing algorithm in python.

Day 29 - 29th of January

Learned Tensorboard and started to remake a model using different data.

Day 30 - 30th of January

Looked into different moving averages for modelling. Also looked into GANs.

Day 31 - 31th of January

Data Lit

Day 32 - 1st of February

Working on data preprocessing and gathering BTC price data. Checking for missing data.

Day 33 - 2nd of February

Looked info reinforcement learning.

Day 34 - 3rd of February

Data cleaning using Pandas.

Day 35 - 4rd of February

Data Lit 2- Intro to Statistics

Day 36 - 5th of February

More data cleaning.

Day 37 - 6th of February

Checking for time continutity in 2 time series datasets of over 750,000 points each.

Day 38 - 7th of February

Fitting hyper parameters for BTC prediction model.

Day 39 - 8th of February

Connected to a new MongoDB server, lined up different time series in pandas while checking for missing results. Started to make a pipeline to pull data minutely and run a LTSM on it.

Day 40 - 9th of February

Started to set up a machine learning pipeline that will pull data, run a model and submit the predictions to a database.

Day 41 - 10th of February

Continued working on a pipeline.

Day 42 - 11th of February

Continued working on a pipeline, gathered and cleaned more data sources.

Day 43 - 12th of February

Started making a model with more data sources.

Day 44 - 13th of February

Deployed a test version of the algorithm to the server, set up authentification and cronjobs.

Day 45 - 14th of February

Backtesting and changing the algorithms.

Day 46 - 15th of February

Making a new LSTM model using more data. Looked into different ways to automate hyperparameter picking.

Day 47 - 16th of February

Looked at the effect of equalising the amount of data I have in each catagory on classification validation accuracy, changed hyperparameters.

Day 48 - 17th of February

When pulling the data from apis to run the model on, most of the values are NaNs, today was spent figuirng out why. I also remade data preprocessing algorithms.

Day 49 - 18th of February

Deplotying and testing a new LSTM on the BTC data.

Day 50 - 19th of February

Making a new model for ETH data, trying new arcitectures and seeing the effect of removing sparse data sources to give more data overall.

Day 51 - 20th of February

Testing out more new models.

Day 52 - 21th of February

Looked into decision trees and the mathematics behind neural networks.

Day 53 - 22th of February

Migrating to a MongoDB database to fix the problem of getting NaN values so we can make a Decision Tree.

Day 54 - 23th of February

Wrote a script to use a backup model for when I am creating a new model so the GPU is busy and cannot commit.

Day 55 - 24th of February

Started to make a decision tree.

Day 56 - 25th of February

Made backups of all of my Python Notebooks from my summer work. Allowing me to search through and reuse my models but also migrate to a new server. Started Practical Deeplearning for coders.

Day 57 - 26th of February

Learned about k fold validation and Reinforcement learning.

Day 58 - 27th of February

Calculated decision trees manually calculating entropy and gain.

Day 59 - 28th of Febuary

Looked into the mathematics behind Reinforcement learning.

Day 60 - 1st of March

Started making an accuracy checker for different machine learning models.

Day 61 - 2nd of March

Continued making the accuracy checker and found bugs in the API we are using.

Day 62 - 3rd of March

Finished work on the accuracy checker.

Day 63 - 4rd of March

Looked into using a SAT solver to create a suduko AI.

Day 64 - 5th of March

Made a 3 step system for testing ML models and backing up cronjobs.

Day 65 - 6th of March

Compared our different models using the accuracy checker.

Day 66 - 7th of March

Adding Sentry tracking to testing submissions.

Day 67 - 11th of March

Adding Sentry tracking to BTC submissions and backup submissions incase of errors.

Day 68 - 25th of March

After taking some time off for personal reasons, today I got back into things. Added some more models and checked my progress for herobots planning what I need to do next.

Day 69 - 26th of March

Switched to a new model for ETH prediction. Created a ETH spot check using Logistic Regression, Random Forests, KNN, Naive Bayes and XGBoost. Looked at the feature importances for XGBoost.

Day 70 - 27th of March

Moved the new model for ETH prediction to testing. Added documentation. Set up logging into the database submissions if prediction fails.

Day 71 - 28th of March

Retested old LSTM models and algorithmically created new features, creating a pipeline to test XGBoost models.

Day 72 - 29th of March

Made various Logistic Regression models but most of my day was spent making my own backtester. Then creating a fuly automated pipeline that creates models for me, backtests them and then saves the results. I am very happy.

Day 73 - 30th of March

Watched Statistics lectures. Made more XGBoost models, created and backtested many more models and added more features to my model creator.

Day 74 - 31th of March

Watched lectures on Autocorrelation, learned about how variance estimates are different for autocorrelated data. Tested data for auto correletion. Reran my auto model generator and backtester on ETH. Derived Perceptrons from scratch.

Day 75 - 1st of April

Manually made a new model that predicts with 100%. ... And solved P = NP, well P != NP. Presented a demo of Sigmoids and Universal Apprximation Theory.

Day 76 - 2st of April

Made an AR model and more logistic regression models with added features.

Day 77 - 3rd of April

PyTorch 60 Minute blitz

Day 78 - 4th of April


Day 79 - 5th of April


Day 80 - 6th of April

Showing how a linear line is equlivant to a perceptron without an activation function.

Day 81 - 7th of April

Using my Perceptron Demo to solve XOR.

Day 82 - 8th of April

Fast AI - Meet up 7

Also watched:

Day 85 - 11th of April

Although creating Conway's Game of Life, which practically started the field of Cellular Autonama, would have been enough for one life to be will lived. It was just one small detour on your journey of mathematical genius. Seeing this as a child lead me to where I am now and gave me a passion for alife. R.I.P John Conway.

On this day I made an implimentation of Conways Game of life and started CodeLife, a project in alife.

Day 86 - 12th of April

Created the player and perceptron agents for codelife.

Day 87 - 13th of April

RL Codelife

Day 94 - 20th of April

Making a new agent type on codelife. The agent gets stuck spinning in circles... Spinning RL Agent

Day 97 - 23rd of April:

Adding Q Learning to codelife:

My best performing RL agents before this point, only cared about immediate reward. Given that an agent could:

  • see a half dead grass patch and move onto it immeditely
  • see a half dead grass patch, rotate left and right, see a fully live grass patch and move onto it.

I thought that being able make decisions based on long term reward would help a new type of agent beat the 5329 frame high score. Excited at this prospect, I decided to code a new agent which uses a Q Table to make decisions.

Q Learning Equation

This new type of agent now has some parameters, which I decided to optimise using a genetic algorithm. I track the max, min and average scores of each generation and plot them when I exit the simulation, however the results were not what I was looking for: Q Table GA

Day 99 - 25th of April

Used the Python NEAT Libary to make a new codelife agent. NEAT AGENT

Day 100 - 26th of April :D

Started making a particle system to create a dynamic enviroment for codelife. pyParticles


One of my new years resolutions for 2019 is to learn more AI, so this repo will store some of the work I do so I can look back on it at the end of the year.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%Language:Python 0.0%