Must have gulp modules
- gulp-uglify - minify JavaScript with UglifyJS2
- gulp-react - precompile React JSX templates into JavaScript
- gulp-eslint - pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX
- gulp-concat - concatenates files
- gulp-sourcemaps - source map support for gulp
- gulp-modernizr - wrapper for custom Modernizr builds
- gulp-babel - compiler for writing next generation JavaScript
- gulp-jscs - code style linter and formatter for your style guide
- gulp-ng-annotate - AngularJS dependency injection annotations
- gulp-useref - parse build blocks in HTML files to replace references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets
- gulp-uncss - remove unused CSS selectors
- gulp-htmlmin - minify HTML
- gulp-handlebars - HTML template engine
- gulp-swig - Swig template compiler
- gulp-autoprefixer - automatically adding vendor prefixes to CSS properties
- gulp-clean-css - minify CSS, using clean-css
- gulp-sass - SASS compiler
- gulp-stylus - compile Stylus files
- gulp-csso - CSS minifier with structural optimisations (CSSO)
- gulp-cssnano - minify CSS with cssnano
- gulp-google-webfonts - download Google webfonts and generate a stylesheet for them
- gulp-iconfont - create icon fonts from several SVG icons
- gulp-imagemin - minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images
- sprity - image sprite generator
- gulp-browser-sync - keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites
- gulp-ignore - include or exclude gulp files from the stream based on a condition
- gulp-cache - temp file based caching proxy task
- gulp-changed - only pass through changed files
- gulp-notify - send messages to Mac Notification Center, Linux notifications or Windows (using native toaster) or Growl as fallback
- gulp-shell - handy command line interface