Peridigital / react-assessment

All three react-assessments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

React Assessments

In the following assessments, we will break down the process of building a to-do list. The to-do list will be capable of creating tasks, deleting tasks, updating tasks, and completing tasks.

A task should be an object with the following properties: id, title, description, and completed.

For assessment 1 and 2 you will be responsible for all functionality besides updating. Also you will only need to worry about id, title and completed. For assessment 3 you will be responsible for all functionality and all properties of a task ( id, title, description, completed ).

In all three assessments you will not be graded on CSS. We only ask that you make the display of information clear so that it can be graded properly. The screenshots above are only to help with visualization.

Assessment 3 will use an API to manage tasks. Here is the documentation for that API:

## API Documentation
  • GET -
    • Returns an array of all tasks.
  • POST -
    • Creates a new task.
    • Requires a title property on the request body that equals a string.
    • Returns an array of all tasks.
  • PATCH -
    • Updates a task.
    • Requires an id parameter of the task you want to patch.
    • Requires a request body with a property or properties you want to update.
      • Valid properties: title - string, description - string, completed - boolean
    • Returns an array of all tasks.
  • DELETE -
    • Deletes a task.
    • Requires an id parameter of the task you want to delete.
    • Returns an array of all tasks.
  • PUT -
    • Marks a task as completed.
    • Requires an id parameter of the task you want to complete.
    • Returns an array of all tasks.

Assessment 1


In this assessment, you will create the to-do list using create-react-app and you will create all the logic needed to create, complete, and delete tasks. All the functionality should be available to the user on the same view.


  • A user must be able to create a task.
    • A user must not be able to create a task with no title.
  • A user must be able to delete a task.
  • A user must be able to complete a task.
    • A user must be able to see a visual representation of a completed task.
    • The complete button should be disabled if the task is completed.
  • A user must be able to see a list of all their tasks.
  • The add-task input field must clear after adding a task.
  • After adding a new task, the task must be added to the list of visible tasks.

Technical Requirements

  • Create a react app from scratch using create-react-app.
  • Components.
  • State.
  • Props.
  • Map.
  • Classes ( at least 1 )
  • In-line styles ( at least 1 )
  • Conditional Classes

Assessment 2


In this assessment, we will use the repository you made in assessment one and modify the logic.


  • No new functionality is added in this assessment. It should function the same as assessment 1.

Technical Requirements

  • Keep track of tasks using redux.
  • Create, Complete, and Delete tasks using action creators with redux.

Assessment 3


In this assessment, we will use the repository you made in assessment two and modify the logic.

You will find the API documation in the first section of this document.


  • A user should be able to click on a task to be taken to a detailed view of that task:
    • A user should be able to modify the title of a task.
    • A user should be able to add/modify the description of a task.
    • A user should be able to save changes to a title/description:
      • This should navigate the user to the main list of tasks after saving changes.
    • A user should be able to cancel text changes:
      • This should set the input fields' values back to their original value.
    • A user should be able to delete a task:
      • This should navigate the user back to the main list of tasks after deleting a task.
    • A user should be able to complete a task:
      • This should navigate a user back to the main list of tasks after completeing a task.
  • A user should be able to click on a link to be taken back to the main list of tasks from the detailed view.

Technical Requirements

  • Use the API to manage tasks.
  • Use redux-promise-middleware, Redux, and axios to create, fetch, update, complete, and delete tasks.
  • Use react-router-dom to create a new route to a detailed view of a task:
    • This route should use route parameters to know which task it is working with.
    • This route should be able to handle refreshing ( data should not be lost on refresh ).


All three react-assessments